Search results

  • ...verrightarrow{w}</math> and <math>\| \overrightarrow{v} \|</math> is the [[norm]] of <math>\overrightarrow{v}</math>, <cmath>\|\overrightarrow{v}\| \|\over
    13 KB (2,048 words) - 14:28, 22 February 2024
  • ===Norm=== The '''norm''' of a partition <math>\mathcal{P}</math> is defined as <math>\|\mathcal{P
    1 KB (178 words) - 19:34, 6 March 2022
  •''' is a more accurate way to 'measure' a partition that its [[Partition|norm]].
    788 bytes (140 words) - 07:53, 16 February 2008
  • ...'measure' a partition more accurately than its [[Partition of an interval|norm]]
    2 KB (401 words) - 08:46, 31 January 2018
  • ...That's good. (<math>\Vert f'(g(x_o)) \Vert_2</math> is the <math>2</math>-norm of the matrix <math>f'(g(x_0))</math>.) ...orm of the input of <math>E_f</math>, we will also have to multiply by the norm of the input of <math>E_f</math>.
    12 KB (2,377 words) - 10:48, 22 July 2009
  • * [[Norm]]
    2 KB (368 words) - 09:37, 5 January 2009
  • ...vectors {<math>{f_n : n=0,\ldots, N-1}</math>} is orthogonal, and that the norm of <math>f_n</math> is <math>\sqrt{N}</math>. We can normalize <math>f_n</
    4 KB (724 words) - 18:15, 9 September 2006
  • ...a function <math>N:R\setminus\{0\}\to \mathbb Z_{\ge0}</math> called a '''Norm''' such that for all nonzero <math>a,b\in R</math> there are <math>q,r\in R * The ring of [[integers]] <math>\mathbb Z</math> with norm given by <math>N(a) = |a|</math>.
    2 KB (357 words) - 14:28, 22 August 2009
  • then <math>(a+bi)</math> and <math>(a-bi)</math> both have a prime norm; hence they are both Gaussian primes. Hence any such representation is uni
    4 KB (612 words) - 11:10, 30 May 2019
  • ...<math>Y: = y_1 + y_2 i + y_3 j + y_4 k</math>. Recall that the quaternion norm of a number <math>a + bi + cj + dk</math>, written as <math>|a + bi + cj + ...entity simply reads <math>|XY|^2 = |X|^2 |Y|^2</math>; i.e. the quaternion norm is multiplicative.
    1 KB (179 words) - 22:24, 5 November 2019
  • ...t need <math>2a</math> to be integral, because <math>a^2+b^2</math> IS the norm of the root! (Note that it is not necessary to multiply by the real root. T ...-19, ...., 0, 0.5, ..., 19.5</math> or <math>79</math> solutions. When the norm is <math>13</math>, the <math>a</math> term has <math>51</math> possibiliti
    8 KB (1,405 words) - 01:47, 26 November 2024
  • ...ebraic manipulation and optimization that the maximum value under the unit norm constraint is:
    2 KB (299 words) - 16:50, 6 December 2024
  • ...\sqrt{-n})(x-y\sqrt{-n})</math> is the product of two elements - and the [[norm]] of one. The case of <math>n=1</math>, in particular, leads to [[factoriza ==The norm map==
    10 KB (1,646 words) - 14:04, 28 May 2020
  • ...c\pi 2</math> with the vector of norm <math>\ge 1</math>, so their sum has norm <math>\ge 1</math>, and we're done.
    1 KB (227 words) - 14:45, 29 January 2021
  • suffices to find an element of <math>\mathbb Z[\omega]</math> with the norm <math>73^2</math>.
    16 KB (2,730 words) - 01:56, 4 January 2023
  • ...rer of any spectacular hardship. For five hundred years, this has been the norm. Genocide and slaughter are but light condiments of a meal.[/i]
    36 KB (5,897 words) - 18:28, 3 September 2024
  • ...eir [[dot product]] is zero. The "normal" part refers to the fact that the norm (magnitude) <math>||v_k||</math> of every vector in the set is one, since <
    3 KB (518 words) - 21:17, 26 June 2023