
How Long Do MIPS Helmets Last? Understanding Helmet Durability 

If you love technology, then you will be interested to learn that helmet manufacturers are incorporating technology and innovation into their products. The Multi-Directional Impact Protection System (MIPS) protects you from rotational forces during accidents. What is more, these helmets have longer lifespans than some people think. 

Lifespan of MIPS Helmets

When people want the best rated modular motorcycle helmet – helmetgurus, one of the factors they consider is durability. This concern is understandable because all helmets, including those with MIPS technology, have a finite lifespan.


Most experts agree you can safely use a MIPS helmet for three to five years. The figure is not a constant since helmet durability depends on multiple factors. For example, some helmet materials (like carbon fiber) last longer than others. Thus, your MIPS helmet material determines how long you can safely use it.

In addition, how and where you use your MIPS helmet determines the wear and tear it experiences. For example, your helmet will likely experience accelerated wear and tear if you store it with harsh chemicals like fuel and grease. Keeping the helmet in storage alongside hard or sharp tools can also scratch and dent it.

How to Prolong Your MIPS Helmet Lifespan

Don't resign yourself to a short lifespan for your MIPS helmet. Take care of the helmet so you can use it as long as possible. After all, the information at Helmet Gurus clearly shows that high-quality helmets don't come cheap. 


A typical helmet attracts considerable dirt and debris while in use. For example, flying insects can crash into your helmet as you enjoy your motorcycle ride. A football player's helmet will gather considerable sweat, dead skin, and hair while playing. The dirt and debris will attract moisture, degrade the helmet, and shorten its lifespan. Regularly cleaning the helmet is a good way to prevent such damage and prolong its lifespan.

Helmet manufacturers provide directions for use and care. For example, they instruct helmet users on cleaning and storing helmets. Follow the helmet's directions for use and care closely. Otherwise, the helmet will suffer various damages, like damage to the lining, protecting you from directional forces.

When to Replace Your MIPS Helmet

You will eventually have to replace your helmet even if you give it the best care. Remember, the primary use of a helmet is to protect you from head injuries. As the helmet ages, it accumulates wear and tear, degrading its protection. Replace your degraded MIPS helmet before you get into an accident, and it fails to protect you.

Replace the helmet once it shows signs of physical damage. Don't rely on your helmet with a cracked visor and dented shell to protect you in an accident. Such a helmet can easily crumble upon impact.

You should also replace the helmet if its parts are worn out. Say the straps, visor, lining, padding, and other parts appear worn out. Most likely, such a helmet has hidden damage that compromises its structural integrity. 


Lastly, replace the MIPS helmet once it protects you in an accident. A blow to the head damages the helmet since it absorbs the forces that would otherwise cause you head injury.

In conclusion, we can say that MIPS helmets offer superior protection, but they don't last forever. Check out the best modular motorcycle helmet on if your current one is due for a replacement.