2016 IMO Problems/Problem 1

Revision as of 10:04, 27 May 2024 by Darkege05 some math (talk | contribs) (Solution 2)


Triangle $BCF$ has a right angle at $B$. Let $A$ be the point on line $CF$ such that $FA=FB$ and $F$ lies between $A$ and $C$. Point $D$ is chosen so that $DA=DC$ and $AC$ is the bisector of $\angle{DAB}$. Point $E$ is chosen so that $EA=ED$ and $AD$ is the bisector of $\angle{EAC}$. Let $M$ be the midpoint of $CF$. Let $X$ be the point such that $AMXE$ is a parallelogram. Prove that $BD,FX$ and $ME$ are concurrent.




The Problem shows that \(\angle DAC = \angle DCA = \angle CAD\), it follows that \(AB \parallel CD\). Extend \(DC\) to intersect \(AB\) at \(G\), we get \(\angle GFA = \angle GFB = \angle CFD\). Making triangles \(\triangle CDF\) and \(\triangle AGF\) similar. Also, \(\angle FDC = \angle FGA = 90^\circ\) and \(\angle FBC = 90^\circ\), which points \(D\), \(C\), \(B\), and \(F\) are concyclic.

And \(\angle BFC = \angle FBA + \angle FAB = \angle FAE = \angle AFE\). Triangle \(\triangle AFE\) is congruent to \(\triangle FBM\), and \(AE = EF = FM = MB\). Let \(MX = EA = MF\), then points \(B\), \(C\), \(D\), \(F\), and \(X\) are concyclic.

Finally \(AD = DB\) and \(\angle DAF = \angle DBF = \angle FXD\). \(\angle MFX = \angle FXD = \angle FXM\) and \(FE \parallel MD\) with \(EF = FM = MD = DE\), making \(EFMD\) a rhombus. And \(\angle FBD = \angle MBD = \angle MXF = \angle DXF\) and triangle \(\triangle BEM\) is congruent to \(\triangle XEM\), while \(\triangle MFX\) is congruent to \(\triangle MBD\) which is congruent to \(\triangle FEM\), so \(EM = FX = BD\).


Solution 2

Let $\angle FBA = \angle FAB = \angle FAD = \angle FCD = \angle DAE = \angle ADE = \alpha$. And WLOG, $MF = 1$. Hence, $CF = 2$,

$\implies$ $BF = CF.cos(2\alpha) = 2.cos(2\alpha) = FA$,

$\implies$ $DA = \frac{AC}{2cos(\alpha)} = \frac{CF+FA}{2cos(\alpha)} = \frac{2+2cos(2\alpha)}{2cos(\alpha)} = \frac{1+cos(2\alpha)}{cos(\alpha)}$ and

$\implies$ $DE = AE = \frac{DA}{2cos(\alpha)} = \frac{1+cos(2\alpha)}{2.(cos(\alpha))^2} = 1$.

So $MX = DE = 1$ which means $B$, $C$, $X$ and $F$ are concyclic. We know that $DE || MC$ and $DE = 1 = MC$, so we conclude $MCDE$ is parallelogram. So $\angle AME = \alpha$. That means $MDEA$ is isosceles trapezoid. Hence, $MD = EA = 1$. By basic angle chasing,

$\angle MBF = \angle MFB = 2\alpha$ and $\angle MXD = \angle MDX = 2\alpha$ and we have seen that $MB = MF = MD = MX$, so $BFDX$ is isosceles trapezoid. And we know that $ME$ bisects $\angle FMD$, so $ME$ is the symmetrical axis of $BFDX$.

$B$ and $X$, $D$ and $E$ are symmetrical respect to $ME$. Hence, the symmetry of $BD$ with respect to $ME$ is $FX$. And we are done $\blacksquare$.


See Also

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