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'''Ceva's Theorem''' is an algebraic statement regarding the lengths of [[Cevian|cevians]] in a [[triangle]].
#REDIRECT[[Ceva's theorem]]
== Statement ==
''(awaiting image)''<br>
A necessary and sufficient condition for AD, BE, CF, where D, E, and F are points of the respective side lines BC, CA, AB of a triangle ABC, to be concurrent is that
<br><center><math>BD * CE * AF = +DC * EA * FB</math></center><br>
where all segments in the formula are directed segments.
== Proof ==
Let <math>{X,Y,Z}</math> be points on <math>{BC}, {CA}, {AB}</math> respectively such that <math>AX,BY,CZ</math> are concurrent, and let <math>{P}</math> be the point where <math>AX</math>, <math>BY</math> and <math>CZ</math> meet. Draw a parallel to <math>AB</math> through the point <math>{C}</math>. Extend <math>AX</math> until it intersects the parallel at a point <math>\displaystyle{A'}</math>. Construct <math>\displaystyle{B'}</math> in a similar way extending <math>BY</math>.
The triangles <math>{\triangle{ABX}}</math> and <math>{\triangle{A'CX}}</math> are similar, and so are <math>\triangle{ABY}</math> and <math>\triangle{CB'Y}</math>. Then the following equalities hold:
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath'</math>
and thus
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath' (1)</math>
Notice that if directed segments are being used then <math>AB</math> and <math>BA</math> have opposite signs, and therefore when cancelled change the sign of the expression. That's why we changed <math>CA'</math> to <math>A'C</math>.
Now we turn to consider the following similarities: <math>\triangle{AZP}\sim\triangle{A'CP}</math> and <math>\triangle BZP\sim\triangle B'CP</math>. From them we get the equalities
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath'</math>
which lead to
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath'</math>
Multiplying the last expression with (1) gives
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath'</math>
and we conclude the proof.
To prove the converse, suppose that <math>X,Y,Z</math> are points on <math>{BC, CA, AB}</math> respectively and satisfying
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath'</math>
Let <math>Q</math> be the intersection point of <math>AX</math> with <math>BY</math>, and let <math>Z'</math> be the intersection of <math>CQ</math> with <math>AB</math>. Since then <math>AX,BY,CZ'</math> are concurrent, we have
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath'</math>
and thus
<math>Unknown environment 'displaymath'</math>
which implies <math>Z=Z'</math>, and therefore <math>AX,BY,CZ</math> are concurrent.
== Example ==
Suppose AB, AC, and BC have lengths 13, 14, and 15.  If <math>\frac{AF}{FB} = \frac{2}{5}</math> and <math>\frac{CE}{EA} = \frac{5}{8}</math>.  Find BD and DC.<br>
If <math>BD = x</math> and <math>DC = y</math>, then <math>10x = 40y</math>, and <math>{x + y = 15}</math>.  From this, we find <math>x = 12</math> and <math>y = 3</math>.
== See also ==
* [[Menelaus' Theorem]]
* [[Stewart's Theorem]]

Latest revision as of 16:06, 9 May 2021

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