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(Ongoing Tournaments)
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==Ongoing Tournaments==
* '''<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=552232 MSTang's Weekly Math Tournament </url>''' Tournament Mod: MSTang (with numerous other staff)
<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=531069 Mathcounts Simulation </url> Tournament Mod: mathman523
* '''<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=540295 mathman98's Summer Tournament (cohosted by hero12) </url>''' Tournament Mod: mathman98 and hero12
<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=530714 AMC simulation [AMC 10 test started] </url> Tournament Mod: IceBeam
<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=529084 Mock National Mathcounts Competition </url> Tournament Mod: forthegreatergood
* '''<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=529084 Mock MATHCOUNTS Nationals Competition [Submit by March 2014] </url>''' Tournament Mod: forthegreatergood
<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=529885 AZ's NEW Math tournament </url> Tournament Mod : Urinvalid
<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=524555 Math Tournament AIME to USAMO level, proof based </url> Tournament Mod: mathman98
* '''<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=547723 kdokmeci's Fall and Winter Tourney (KTourney) </url>''' Tournament Tournament Mod: kdokmeci (thanks to minimario, sunny2000, bcp123, va2010 as problem writers)
<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=512518 NITZUGA MATHCOUNTs competition </url> Tournament Mod: Nitzuga
==Ongoing Marathons==
* '''<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=550040 28 days later </url>''' Tournament Mod: va2010 and awesome
==Ongoing Relays==
<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=531333 2013 Welcome-May ARML Relay</url> Mod: ahaanomegas
* '''<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=553923 My First Tournament </url>''' Tourmanent Mod: abishek99
''Last updated on September 14, 2013''

Revision as of 19:42, 14 September 2013

  • <url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=552232 MSTang's Weekly Math Tournament </url> Tournament Mod: MSTang (with numerous other staff)

  • <url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=540295 mathman98's Summer Tournament (cohosted by hero12) </url> Tournament Mod: mathman98 and hero12

  • <url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=529084 Mock MATHCOUNTS Nationals Competition [Submit by March 2014] </url> Tournament Mod: forthegreatergood

  • <url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=547723 kdokmeci's Fall and Winter Tourney (KTourney) </url> Tournament Tournament Mod: kdokmeci (thanks to minimario, sunny2000, bcp123, va2010 as problem writers)

  • <url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=550040 28 days later </url> Tournament Mod: va2010 and awesome

  • <url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=553923 My First Tournament </url> Tourmanent Mod: abishek99

Last updated on September 14, 2013