Mathcounts Week/Countdown Round

Revision as of 17:36, 11 January 2021 by Physicsisfun123 (talk | contribs) (The page had my old username. I switch it to my new one)


"The World’s Largest Countdown Round" is the final activity in Mathcounts Week, there were about 1330 participants, according to one of the 20 moderators. The activity began at 3:14 PM or pi time on the west coast and ended 106 minutes later at 5:00 PT.

How it worked

The moderator would ask a pre-arranged state level countdown question. The first 30 answers (mainly, see the footnote) will be posted and the people that posted them would get one point.

  • The moderator would try to post the first 30 answers, but this was not always possible considering they were receiving hundreds of instantaneous replies. As such, the score contained a lot of randomness.
  • Moderators cannot participate. Levans did try to, and posted an answer to one of the problems, but was instantly disqualified.

Disqualification of DeleteSticky

DeleteSticky was doing really well in the first few problems. However, later in the game, the moderator said that it has been discovered that DeleteSticky was Professor Grok in Beast Academy. That is definitely just a joke, no one really knows the real reason DeleteSticky was disqualified, although it is likely DeleteSticky is a bot or a glitch in the system.

  • When asked, brentnicklas (the scorekeeper) whispered to one of the users that 'DeleteSticky was a ghost in the system' and that it was totally his fault.


There were a lot of controversy surrounding the match, people complained that moderators weren't picking their answers. People complained that their answers were not being picked even when they answered before the clock was put up. However, it has been pointed out that more than 30 people answers before the clock, a feat that would be usually considered impressive for some people.

"There were 1300 people participating, at least 50 of them could answer before the clock. Personally, I answered before the clock came up around 9 times, the moderator only picked my answer 3 times. Answering before the clock is not enough to guarantee a point. The moderators could see who sent in the answer first, I would say that luck plays a incredibly small role in this." - Mathandski, a frequent FTW player.

In addition, some other users talked about how, if you look up the highest scoring users in FTW, most of them have played lots of matches, proving that the competition is not completely random.


The result was first posted by one of the moderators.A few minutes later, though, it was reposted in the middle school math forum. link

The winners tied with 7 points were the users audio-off, CountdownKing, and SHARKYBOY.

7 audio-off

7 CountdownKing


6 BlizzardWizard

6 bobthegod78

6 jeff10

6 LivelyQuotient

5 agirl292

5 audio-on

5 AwesomeYRY

5 BakedPotato66

5 bissue

5 bobtheblob

5 bogstop320

5 brian22

5 CEO1111

5 Chocolatte

5 hdf43

5 Jay17

5 Jomo

5 jyang66

5 kootrapali

5 mathleticguyyy

5 mathman2048

5 Maths4J

5 molocyxu

5 pi_is_3.14

5 PiGuy3141592

5 qrohn

5 sarasota25

5 srim1027

5 TheMagician

5 UrInvalid

4 adsupermath

4 atmchallenge

4 dolphin7

4 DottedCaculator

4 duansaops

4 Eng123

4 Eth007

4 genius_007

4 Gogobao

4 karthic7073

4 Mathandski

4 mathlover66

4 mfro24

4 Monkey287

4 MonsieurSloth

4 MukherJai

4 nihao4112

4 quickmath23

4 samsonrao

4 sarahAops2020

4 skyguy88

4 SkywalkerAUV

4 someonenumber011

4 thanosaops

4 TheBeast5520

4 v4913

4 Varungotem

4 WalkerTesla

4 yayatheduck


3 Anniboy

3 Aopsmath99


3 awang11

3 awesome_weisur

3 awesomemathlete

3 Bananappp

3 bkoni

3 BobDBuilder321

3 Chesssaga


3 cj13609517288

3 DSA_Catachu

3 eibc

3 Ferrbear_24

3 Floating-Clouds

3 Flying_Bird

3 HappySpring

3 Heavytoothpaste

3 hi_im_bob


3 icepenguin

3 jason543

3 Jerry_Guo

3 john0512

3 kattyames

3 kevinmathz

3 Krypton36

3 lukboss

3 m_goli

3 mathcounts.shen

3 mathisfun17

3 MathIsGold

3 mathlete93

3 Mathletesv

3 millburn2006

3 mmjguitar

3 nathanqiu

3 ndude2

3 Ninja11

3 NinjaMango

3 Opas

3 Possible

3 Puddles_Penguin

3 punkinpiday

3 PureSwag

3 pvmathnerd

3 quagmireradical

3 Raiders26

3 RaymondZhu

3 RedFireTruck

3 robot317

3 RockmanEX3

3 Sedro

3 Shmileyface

3 Shubhashubha

3 snowman99

3 Speedstorm


3 StellarG

3 Supernova45

3 tenebrine

3 Thomasyao

3 ThyIntellect

3 TwinPrime

3 unikitty

3 usernameyourself

3 weirdo12445

3 yukrant1

3 zhuqingzhang

2 aaravdodhia

2 Aaryabhatta1

2 ABC5

2 AdventuringHobbit

2 agentmath

2 aidni47

2 aie8920

2 AlexWangMath

2 Anchart

2 anirudhc

2 anushas

2 AOPSuser216

2 applepear

2 araddhya

2 arnav21

2 Arnavratna

2 Awesome_360

2 awesomeandy

2 awesomeguy856

2 awesomemaths

2 awu2014

2 bascar

2 bigmath

2 blawho12

2 blue_arrow

2 bob321326

2 bobjoebilly

2 Bobthemath

2 bookworm_2019

2 BorealBear

2 Brendanb4321

2 bronzetruck2016

2 Bryguy

2 bunny2007

2 C-123Math

2 chrischor

2 crs76

2 Deegs

2 Dianefu_math

2 DissmoBob

2 douglasubella

2 drakewilson

2 Dumdum990

2 DZL1

2 Eclipse471

2 edgymemelord

2 EFrame2

2 Eyed

2 fasterthanlight

2 fatguy123

2 FearlessTaurus


2 FireCurve24

2 floptron1

2 gilmorbh472

2 GrantStar

2 green_alligator_15125

2 Hog-Rider4

2 hpenguin

2 I-_-I

2 iamhungry

2 iiRishabii

2 ilovemath04

2 Imayormaynotknowcalculus

2 juliankuang

2 KingJerryX

2 kred9

2 leilei80

2 lethan3

2 lightening

2 LlamaWarrior

2 mahaler

2 Math4Life2020

2 MathBluebird

2 mathcounts7373

2 mathfun42

2 mathicorn

2 MathIsFun_

2 MathJams

2 mathlete60

2 MathWizard09

2 menlo


2 ml1234

2 mohanty

2 MR_67

2 mr245

2 MY-2

2 n3v3rmor3

2 number1math

2 olive0827

2 Pandafan

2 pandapo

2 pexter2020

2 pikachu5829

2 Pokegirl112

2 Pomme_de_terre

2 qiuqiu

2 readyplayer39

2 rg_ryse

2 Richardq

2 RJ5303707

2 rqhu

2 Seahawk

2 sequoia

2 shalissa

2 SharpApricot123

2 sixoneeight

2 Spellordie

2 ST2009

2 Summer279

2 SuperJJ

2 superminecraft1649

2 thochen

2 tigerzhang

2 TMSmathcounts737

2 tree3

2 VedantAwesome

2 Vidur

2 ViratKohli2018

2 vsamc

2 vsurya

2 walrus987

2 Wifi

2 wwt8167

2 yankeesrule

2 yesufsa

2 zhao_andrew

1 a1b2

1 abrahms

1 adidas2194

1 Akash_Giannis

1 akmathisfun2020

1 akpi

1 Alculator11

1 AlexWin0806

1 Allen31415

1 AlphaBetaGammaOmega

1 altaccount_1

1 AMCNerd158

1 AmpharosX

1 amuthupss

1 Andre1425

1 Aniruddh

1 anishcool11

1 aops-as

1 aopsal

1 AopsFriendlyBear

1 AppleJuicyPie

1 AR1.2

1 arnav360

1 artofproblemsolving16

1 asbodke

1 asterix_1

1 avabc

1 awesomebooks

1 AwesomeBrainiac

1 Awesomeguy7

1 AwesomeLife_Math

1 awesomeming327.

1 awesomeonfire

1 azduncan

1 Babydragon

1 Benlovemath2008

1 bentleyl

1 ber2021ssfw

1 betoccer

1 bfan0805

1 bibear

1 billg

1 Bimikel

1 BlazeGeo13

1 Block_Guardian

1 BlueSensei

1 bobthefam

1 BohilS

1 Bole

1 bot101

1 Butterfly0707

1 cai40

1 capitanhanbo

1 casp

1 Catmate

1 cherryolive

1 ChessSavage

1 Chocol8

1 ChocolateAndNuggets

1 CK2178

1 cocohearts

1 CoderShan

1 CoolCarsOnTheRun

1 Coolpeep

1 CosmoMonkhouse

1 CrazyVideoGamez

1 CT17

1 cwhi1593

1 cxj7501

1 DaBobWhoLikeMath1234

1 daboss14753

1 danprathab

1 dhaops

1 Dhillonr25

1 Doink

1 dolphin77790

1 Dwu123

1 dylancheng

1 eez

1 ElNoraa

1 erics118

1 Ericsz

1 EulerRocks2.718

1 FaerieDragon88

1 Fasweder

1 fath2012

1 Ferocious_Bunny

1 firestone-ct

1 FlakeLCR

1 FlamingMartians

1 flissyquokka17

1 floatmeeting

1 friendlyguy

1 fub08

1 G.G.Otto

1 G8L18M

1 Gertibird

1 GideonBlackblade

1 GM2B

1 gomalili

1 goodskate

1 Graden

1 greenmathcounts

1 greenturtle3141

1 happybookworm

1 HappyDolphin

1 harmonyguan

1 hipeeps1104

1 Hithere22702

1 HongA

1 hujenny2008

1 hykim

1 idk111

1 Ilikeminecraft

1 IMadeYouReadThis

1 Issac_Newton

1 JamesxGamesYT

1 jechi7

1 jeffy123

1 jonahc426

1 jtfunmath

1 juaopno

1 Juno

1 jupiter314

1 JurrasicPi

1 JXiang

1 kelvin2019

1 KevinYang07

1 kingdragonshadow


1 KLhk


1 Knightofaops

1 Knightsky

1 koya12

1 krishgarg

1 ksun48

1 lalander

1 Lcz

1 Leonhard-Euler

1 Liakas_42

1 LightLAB24

1 lihao_david

1 lilcritters

1 lilyba

1 LLL3

1 logz

1 lrjr24

1 Lux1

1 mallbad

1 Mandakini

1 MarcusTulliusCicero

1 MasterInTheMaking

1 math12345678

1 Math5K

1 mathalien

1 matharcher

1 mathcountvn

1 Mathemagician10

1 Mathematicalbrain

1 MathHayden

1 mathisawesome2169

1 mathiscool12

1 mathKidMom

1 mathkids8889

1 Mathlete_M

1 mathlete5451006

1 mathperson18

1 Mathphy2005

1 mathpro456

1 MathSnail


1 MathWizard38025

1 MathyAOP

1 MatrixMan

1 mattxie

1 mcdsouza2025

1 mcjian

1 middletonkids

1 MinecraftNoob

1 mirzakhani12

1 Mistyketchum28

1 montana_mathlete

1 MrEgggga


1 Myxtixal

1 naby

1 nagrawa6

1 NASCAR4896

1 NDMath

1 nikbot05

1 Nobody289

1 npflueger

1 NT23

1 numbercrunch

1 Omi11

1 onedance


1 peace09

1 PGOStick1

1 plang2008

1 pomme_de_terre_

1 PotatoMathster

1 prajna1225

1 Prustagi

1 pyz18

1 Quaoar

1 rabbit317

1 rahuliyer

1 rainbow10

1 reetithacker

1 rf28

1 Richy719

1 rjiangbz

1 rjtmagic

1 rlee137

1 Robot7620_2

1 Physicsisfun123

1 rockyrockrock

1 Rooster168

1 RP3.1415

1 ryanfu2008

1 ryiesummershine

1 sayeedt

1 sch02

1 scinderella220

1 sensen

1 Sheldon__Cooper

1 Shubh77

1 SK_AOPS_694205

1 skumar06

1 snow52

1 soccer5

1 solver1104

1 spearhead

1 SpeedyVeil

1 sri1priya

1 ss28112

1 stanleyh0608

1 stevenmeow

1 super.shamik

1 superagh

1 sz2016

1 T-T_Dan175_T-T

1 tabby27

1 tanishkamma

1 Terribleteeth

1 Testking

1 TheEpicCarrot7

1 TheNumber2

1 TianBa

1 tigershark22

1 Toinfinity

1 trooper_12

1 turtles0120

1 umaramanan

1 umokay

1 Unicornzrock

1 user3

1 vaishu317

1 VCookie28

1 vidha_ganji

1 vincentwant

1 willabc

1 william1

1 Williamzxie

1 wimathstudent

1 Windigo

1 wolfpack

1 WS2007

1 wyncat

1 XiaoPanda1

1 xitiz07

1 xyz2abc

1 yalex999

1 yizhou76

1 yoda123

1 youcandomathnow

1 Zbolt

1 zchenlic

1 zero1

1 zilu0320

1 ZippityA

1 zoafusoak

1 zongbo

1 Zorger74