1994 AIME Problems/Problem 3

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The function $f_{}^{}$ has the property that, for each real number $x,\,$

$f(x)+f(x-1) = x^2\,$


If $f(19)=94,\,$ what is the remainder when $f(94)\,$ is divided by 1000?



$f(94) = (94^2-93^2) + (92^2-91^2) +\ldots+ (22^2-21^2)+ 20^2-f(19) = 94+93+\ldots+21+400-94$

$f(94) = 4561$

So, the remainder is 561.

See also

1994 AIME (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 2
Followed by
Problem 4
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