AoPS Wiki:Problem of the Day

Revision as of 19:06, 26 June 2011 by Hli (talk | contribs)

Problem of the Day

The AoPS Problem of the Day is a new feature here on the AoPS wiki. Each day there is going to be a new math problem on the front on the wiki. Difficulty will mostly range from basic MATHCOUNTS level to AIME level, although there will be some problems that fall outside of this range. Problems are submitted by fellow AoPS members, and the user responsible is given credit. All problems will have solutions made by other members of the active AoPS community that tailor to people of all ages.

To submit a problem to be considered for use, PM btilm305.

If you notice a problem with an upcoming main-page featured article, please leave a message on User_talk:btilm305 or PM btilm305.

An archive of previous Problems of the Day can be found at Category:Problem of the Day.

If you would like to help out by writing a solution for a Problem of the Day, a list of Problems can be found at Category:Problems of the Day with no solution. Please make sure that you remove This Problem of the Day needs a solution. If you have a solution for it, please help us out by adding it. after you write the solution. Solutions should be written on the discussion pages of each problem.