1990 AIME Problems/Problem 1

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The increasing sequence $2,3,5,6,7,10,11,\ldots$ consists of all positive integers that are neither the square nor the cube of a positive integer. Find the 500th term of this sequence.


This problem needs a solution. If you have a solution for it, please help us out by adding it. Because there aren't that many perfect squares or cubes, let's look for the smallest perfect square greater than $500$. This happens to be $23^2=529$. Notice that there are $23$ squares and $8$ cubes less than or equal to $529$, but $1$ and $2^6$ are both squares and cubes. Thus, there are $529-23-8+2=500$ numbers in our sequence less than $529$. Magically, we want the $500th$ term, so our answer is the smallest non-square and non-cube less than $529$, which is $528$. (courtesy of 4everwise)

See also