1992 AIME Problems/Problem 4

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In Pascal's Triangle, each entry is the sum of the two entries above it. In which row of Pascal's Triangle do three consecutive entries occur that are in the ratio $3: 4: 5$?


In Pascal's Triangle, we know that the binomial coefficients of the $n$th row are $n\choose 0$, $n\choose1$, ..., $n\choose n$. Let our row be the $n$th row such that the three consecutive entries are $n \choose r$, $n \choose r+1$ and $n \choose r+2$.

After expanding and dividing one entry by another (to clean up the factorials), we see that $\displaystyle \frac 34=\frac{r+1}{n-r}$ and $\displaystyle \frac45=\frac{r+2}{n-r-1}$. Solving, $\displaystyle n = 62$.

See also