2022 AIME I Problems/Problem 8

Revision as of 20:03, 17 February 2022 by Bluesoul (talk | contribs)

.==solution 1==

Let bottom left point as the origin, the radius of each circle is $36/3=12$, note that three centers for circles are $(9\sqrt{3},3),(12\sqrt{3},12),(6\sqrt{3},12)$

It is not hard to find that one intersection point lies on $\frac{\sqrt{3}x}{3}$, plug it into equation $(x-9\sqrt{3})^2+(\frac{\sqrt{3}x}{3}-3)^2=12^2$, getting that $x=\frac{15\sqrt{3}+3\sqrt{39}}{2}$, the length is $2*(\frac{15\sqrt{3}+3\sqrt{39}-18\sqrt{3}}{2}=3\sqrt{39}-3\sqrt{3}$, leads to the answer $378$
