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The <math>\LaTeX</math> typesetting system (pronounced "Lay-Tek" by most, or "Lah-Tek" by some) is widely used to produce well-formatted [[math|mathematical]] and scientific writing. With <math>\LaTeX</math>, it is very easy to produce expressions like
\sqrt{\frac {a^2+b^2+c^2}3} \geq \frac {a+b+c}3 \geq \sqrt[3]{abc} \geq \frac 3 { \frac 1a + \frac 1b + \frac 1c } .
</cmath> Nearly every serious student of math and science will use <math>\LaTeX</math> frequently. Through these web pages, you will learn much of what you'll need to express math and science like a pro.
'''LaTeX''' is a typesetting [[programming language|language]] used primarily to type [[math|mathematical]] [[expression]]s in an elegant fashion. For example, without LaTeX, <math>\frac{35}{137}</math> would have to be written as 35/137.
* [http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/LaTeX:LaTeX_on_AoPS Click here] to start learning how to use <math>\LaTeX</math> on AoPS
'''Asymptote''' is a powerful vector graphics language designed for creating mathematical diagrams and figures.  It can output images in either eps or pdf format and is compatible with the standard mathematics typesetting language, [[LaTeX]].  It is also a complete programming language and has cleaner syntax than its predecessor, [http://netlib.bell-labs.com/who/hobby/MetaPost.html MetaPost], which was a language used only for two-dimensional graphics.
==Useful Codes==
Here is an example of an image that can be produced using Asymptote:
'''\boxed{Answer}'''  produces a box around your Answer.  
'''\frac{a}{b}''' produces a [[fraction]] with [[numerator]] <math>a</math> and [[denominator]] <math>b</math>. <math>\frac{a}{b}</math>
In a sense, Asymptote is the ruler and compass of typesetting.
'''^\circ''' produces the degrees symbol.  <math>a^{\circ}</math>
'''\text{Your Text Here}''' produces text within LaTeX. <math>\mbox{Your Text Here}</math>.  
You can use Asymptote on the AoPSWiki right now, by enclosing the Asymptote code within <tt><nowiki><asy>...</asy></nowiki></tt> tags. For example, the following code
label("Produced with Asymptote "+version.VERSION,point(S),2S);
created the picture
label("Produced with Asymptote "+version.VERSION,point(S),2S);
And on the AoPS forums you can use <tt><nowiki>[asy]..[/asy]</nowiki></tt>
'''\mbox{Your Text Here}''' Produces text within LaTeX <math>\mbox{Your Text Here}</math>
Another example:
'''\sqrt{x}''' produces the square root of <math>x</math>. <math>\sqrt{x}</math>
pair A,B,C,X,Y,Z;
A = (0,0);
B = (1,0);
C = (0.3,0.8);
X = (B+C)/2;
Y = (A+C)/2;
Z = (A+B)/2;
draw(A--X, red);
'''\sqrt[n]{x}''' produces the <math>n</math>th root of <math>x</math>.  <math>\sqrt[n]{x}</math>
pair A,B,C,X,Y,Z;
'''a\equiv b \pmod{c}''' produces <math>a</math> is equivalent to <math>b</math> mod <math>c</math>.  <math>a\equiv b \pmod{c}</math> See [[Mods |Modular Arithmetic]]
A = (0,0);
B = (1,0);
'''\binom{9}{3}''' produces 9 choose 3.
C = (0.3,0.8);
'''{n}\choose{r}''' produces n choose r. <math>{n}\choose{r}</math>
X = (B+C)/2;
Y = (A+C)/2;
'''x^{y}''' produces x to the power of y.  <math>x^y</math>
Z = (A+B)/2;
draw(A--X, red);
'''x_{y}''' produces x with y in subscript.  <math>x_y</math>
'''\rightarrow''' produces an arrow to the right.  <math>\rightarrow</math>
'''\leftarrow''' produces an arrow to the left. <math>\leftarrow</math>
'''\uparrow''' produces an arrow pointing upwards. <math>\uparrow</math>
'''\downarrow''' produces an arrow pointing downwards. <math>\downarrow</math>
'''\updownarrow''' produces an arrow pointing up and down. <math>\updownarrow</math>
'''\ge''' produces a greater than or equal to sign. <math>\ge</math>
'''\le''' produces a less than or equal to sign. <math>\le</math>
'''\not>''' produces a not greater than sign. <math>\not></math>
'''\not<''' produces a not less than sign. <math>\not<</math>
'''\not\ge''' produces a not greater than or equal to sign. <math>\not\ge</math>
'''\not\le''' produces a not less than or equal to sign. <math>\not\le</math>
'''\neq''' produces a not equal to sign. <math>\neq</math>
'''\infty''' produces an infinity sign. <math>\infty</math>
'''\perp''' produces a perpendicular sign. <math>\perp</math>
'''\angle''' produces an angle sign. <math>\angle</math>
'''\triangle''' produces a triangle. <math>\triangle</math>
'''\ldots''' produces three dots at the bottom of a line (ellipsis). <math>\ldots</math>
'''\cdots''' produces three dots in the middle of a line (as in a series sum or product). <math>\cdots</math>
'''\times''' produces an <math>\times</math> as used in multiplication
'''\otimes''' produces a <math>\otimes</math>
Also note that you do not have to use braces, "{" and "}", when you only want one character in the operation.
* x^y is the same as x^{y}.  <math>x^y</math>
* x_y is the same as x_{y}.  <math>x_y</math>
* BUT x^10 is ''not'' the same as x^{10}.  <math>x^10</math> instead of <math>x^{10}</math>.
=== Font families ===
* Roman (default): \textrm{...}
* Sans-serif: \textsf{...}
* Monospace (typewriter): \texttt{...}
=== Font sizes ===
To activate a font size, write '{\tiny{This text is tiny}}', for example.
* \tiny (5 pt.)
* \scriptsize (7 pt.)
* \footnotesize (8 pt.)
* \small (9 pt.)
* \normalsize (10 pt.)
* \large (12 pt.)
* \Large (14 pt.)
* \LARGE (18 pt.)
* \huge (20 pt.)
* \Huge (24 pt.)
=== Font styles ===
* Bold \textbf{...}
* Italics \textit{...}
* Slanted \textsl{...}
* Small capitals \textsc{...}
* Sans-serif \textsf{...}
* Monospace \texttt{...}
* Emphasis \emph{...}
== See also ==
* [[Asymptote: About | Asymptote]] (graphics language for LaTeX)
== External links ==
* [http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/AoPS_L_About.php AoPS LaTeX Guide]
*[http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/AoPS_L_HelpIndex.php AoPS LaTeX Help Index]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX Wikipedia Article]
*[http://sciencesoft.at/index.jsp?link=latex&lang=en&wiki=1 This] is a useful site that will change LaTeX input into a PNG image.

Revision as of 21:42, 21 July 2019

About - Getting Started - Diagrams - Symbols - Downloads - Basics - Math - Examples - Pictures - Layout - Commands - Packages - Help

The $\LaTeX$ typesetting system (pronounced "Lay-Tek" by most, or "Lah-Tek" by some) is widely used to produce well-formatted mathematical and scientific writing. With $\LaTeX$, it is very easy to produce expressions like \[\sqrt{\frac {a^2+b^2+c^2}3} \geq \frac {a+b+c}3 \geq \sqrt[3]{abc} \geq \frac 3 { \frac 1a + \frac 1b + \frac 1c } .\] Nearly every serious student of math and science will use $\LaTeX$ frequently. Through these web pages, you will learn much of what you'll need to express math and science like a pro.

Asymptote (Vector Graphics Language)
Getting Started - Basics - Drawing - Labeling - Filling - Useful functions - Examples - Macros and Packages

Help - Reference - Advanced Asymptote - 3D Graphics - CSE5 Package - How to

Main article: Asymptote

Asymptote is a powerful vector graphics language designed for creating mathematical diagrams and figures. It can output images in either eps or pdf format and is compatible with the standard mathematics typesetting language, LaTeX. It is also a complete programming language and has cleaner syntax than its predecessor, MetaPost, which was a language used only for two-dimensional graphics.

Here is an example of an image that can be produced using Asymptote:


In a sense, Asymptote is the ruler and compass of typesetting.

You can use Asymptote on the AoPSWiki right now, by enclosing the Asymptote code within <asy>...</asy> tags. For example, the following code

label("Produced with Asymptote "+version.VERSION,point(S),2S);

created the picture

[asy] draw((0,0)--(3,7),red); dot((0,0)); dot((3,7)); label("Produced with Asymptote "+version.VERSION,point(S),2S); [/asy]

And on the AoPS forums you can use [asy]..[/asy]

Another example:

pair A,B,C,X,Y,Z; 
A = (0,0);
B = (1,0);
C = (0.3,0.8);
X = (B+C)/2;
Y = (A+C)/2;
Z = (A+B)/2;
draw(A--X, red);

[asy] pair A,B,C,X,Y,Z; A = (0,0); B = (1,0); C = (0.3,0.8); draw(A--B--C--A); X = (B+C)/2; Y = (A+C)/2; Z = (A+B)/2; draw(A--X, red); draw(B--Y,red); draw(C--Z,red);[/asy]