In convex quadrilateral . Let be a point on side , and be a point on the extension of such that . Let be the circumcenter of , and be a point on the side extension of satisfying . Line BP intersects AC at point Q. Prove that
An immortal flea jumps on whole points of the number line, beginning with . The length of the first jump is , the second , the third , and so on. The length of jump is equal to . The flea decides whether to jump left or right on its own. Is it possible that sooner or later the flee will have been on every natural point, perhaps having visited some of the points more than once?
There are lamps arranged in a circle in that order. At any given time, each lamp is either on or off. Every second, each lamp undergoes a change according to the following rule:
(a) For each lamp , if have the same state in the previous second, then is off right now. (Indices taken mod .)
(b) Otherwise, is on right now.
Initially, all the lamps are off, except for which is on. Prove that for infinitely many integers all the lamps will be off eventually, after a finite amount of time.
For given positive integers and , let us consider the equation[list=a]
[*]For and , find the least positive integer satisfying this equation.
[*]Prove that for any positive integers and , there exist infinitely many positive integers satisfying this equation.
[/list] (Here, denotes the greatest common divisor of positive integers and .)
Two positive integers and are prime-related if or for some prime . Find all positive integers , such that has at least three divisors, and all the divisors can be arranged without repetition in a circle so that any two adjacent divisors are prime-related.