Some Basic Properties of the Ex-Point and Humpty Point

by AlastorMoody, Jan 15, 2019, 5:35 PM

I don't really want to copy-paste other people's work, so whatever I'll share here, is my own effort. For some cool properties, make sure to check out this, this and this

The following Definition will be carried thoughout the blog!
$ \text{(i) }$ $X_A \rightarrow \text{ as the A-Ex-Point}$ (Find out more about Ex-Points in math_pi_rate's blog, linked above)
$ \text{(ii) }$ $A_{HM} \rightarrow \text{ as A-Humpty Point }$
$ \text{(iii) }$ $ H_A,H_B,H_C \rightarrow \text{ as the feet of altitudes from } A,B,C$


$\longrightarrow A_{HM}$ is defined as the foot of the perpendicular from $H$ to the $A$-median
$\longrightarrow X_A$ is defined as $H_BH_C \cap BC$

Lemma 1: (Well Known) $A_{HM}$ lies on $\odot (BHC)$

Proof: Let $M_A$ be the mid-point of $BC$, then, $HA_{HM} \perp AM_A \implies HH_AM_AA_{HM}$ is a cyclic quadrilateral,
Perform inversion $\Phi$ around $A$ with radius $\sqrt{AH \cdot AH_A}$, Then, $\Phi : H \longleftrightarrow H_A ; B \longleftrightarrow H_C ; A_{HM} \longleftrightarrow M_A ; C \longleftrightarrow H_C \implies H_CH_AM_AH_B$ is a cyclic quadrilateral (Nine-Point Circle WRT $\Delta ABC )$, Hence, $BHA_{HM}C$ is also cyclic, indeed $\implies A_{HM} \in \odot (BHC) $ $\qquad          \blacksquare $

Lemma 2: (Well Known) $A_{HM}$ is the Intersection(Second) of $\omega_B$ and $\omega_C$ (Define $\omega_B $ and $\omega_C$ as the circles passing thorugh $A$ and tangent to $BC$ at $B$ and $C$ )

Proof: Let $\omega_B \cap \omega_C=X'$ and Let $(O_1) \equiv \omega_B$ & $(O_2) \equiv \omega_C $, therefore, $O_1B \perp BC$ & $O_2C \perp BC$ $\implies $ $ \angle BX'C=\angle B+\angle C=\angle BHC \implies $ $ \angle BX'C=\angle BHC $ $ \implies $ $X' \in \odot (BHC) -(\bigstar)$,

SubLemma: Let $\omega_1 \cap \omega_2 =X_1, X_2 $ and let $l_1$ be the tangent to both the circles at $Y_1,Y_2$, respectively, then $X_1X_2 $ bisects $Y_1Y_2$

Proof: It's known that, $X_1X_2$ is the radical axis of $\omega_1, \omega_2$, and let $X_1X_2 \cap $ $Y_1Y_2=K$ $\implies \text{Pow} _{\omega_1} (K)= \text{Pow} _{\omega_2} (K) =KY_1 ^2 =KX_2 \cdot KX_1 =KY_2 ^2 \implies K$ is the mid-point of $Y_1Y_2$ $\qquad \blacksquare$

Back to the Proof (Lemma2) The above sublemma applied to $\omega_B$ & $\omega_C$ $\implies $ $X' $ lies on the $A-$ median and from $(\bigstar)$, we have that, $\boxed{X'=A_{HM}}$ $\qquad \blacksquare$


Main (Basic) Properties

Property 1: $\sqrt{bc}$ inversion ($\Phi$) and $K_A$ is intersection of tangents at $B$ and $C$ to $\odot (ABC)$,then, $\Phi : K_A \longleftrightarrow A_{HM} $

Proof: It's known that $\Phi $ swaps $B$ & $C$, if $l_1$ & $l_2$ are the tangents to $B$ & $C$, then $\Phi : l_1 \longrightarrow l_1^* \equiv \omega_C $ and $\Phi: l_2 $ $\longrightarrow l_2^* \equiv \omega_B$, and so by (Lemma 2) we're done! $\qquad \blacksquare$

Note: Generalization: $\Phi : \odot (BHC) \longleftrightarrow \odot (BOC)$
Proof: It directly comes from (Property 1)

Property 2: (math_pi_rate) $X_A-H-A_{HM}$

Proof: Since, $H$ is the orthocenter of $\Delta ABC$, applying Brocard's Theorem on $BH_CH_BC$, we get that $M_A$ is the orthocenter of $\Delta AHX_A \implies $ $HX_A \perp AM_A $ $\implies X_A-H-A_{HM}$ $\qquad \blacksquare$

Note: Generalization: Points $A,A_{HM}, H_A, X_A$ are con-cyclic

Property 3: Let $M$ be the mid-point of $H_BH_C$, then, Points $A,M,H,X_A$ are concyclic

Proof: Apply Brocard's Theorem, on $BH_CH_BC$, we get that $M_A$ is the orthocenter of $\Delta AHX_A$, and note that $\angle HM_AX_A=\angle HMH_C=\angle H_AAX_A \implies $ Points $A,M,H,X_A$ are concyclic $\qquad \blacksquare $

Property 4: $X_A, X_B, X_C$ lie on the same line

Proof: Pretty trivial to see that $AH_A, BH_B, CH_C$ are concurrent at $H$, hence, $\Delta ABC$ and $\Delta H_AH_BH_C$ are perspective triangles from $H$, hence, by Desargues' Theorem on $\Delta ABC$ and $H_AH_BH_C$, $X_A, X_B, X_C$ lie on the same line $\qquad \blacksquare$

For the Application: check out the above mentioned links, given very nicely over there
This post has been edited 40 times. Last edited by AlastorMoody, Mar 28, 2019, 5:32 PM


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Wow nicee!!

by L567, Aug 5, 2021, 7:49 AM

I'll talk about all possible non-sense :D


  • what a goat, u used to be friends with my brother :)

    by bookstuffthanks, Jul 31, 2024, 12:05 PM

  • hello fellow moody!!

    by crazyeyemoody907, Oct 31, 2023, 1:55 AM

  • @below I wish I started earlier / didn't have to do JEE and leave oly way before I could study conics and projective stuff which I really wanted to study :( . Huh, life really sucks when u are forced due to peer pressure to read sh_t u dont want to read

    by kamatadu, Jan 3, 2023, 1:25 PM

  • Lots of good stuffs here.

    by amar_04, Dec 30, 2022, 2:31 PM

  • But even if he went to jee he could continue with this.

    Doing JEE(and completely leaving oly) seems like a insult to the oly math he knows

    by HoRI_DA_GRe8, Feb 11, 2022, 2:11 PM

  • Ohhh did he go for JEE? Good for him, bad for us :sadge:. Hmmm so that is the reason why he is inactive
    Btw @below finally everyone falls to the monopoly of JEE :) Coz IIT's are the best in India.

    by BVKRB-, Feb 1, 2022, 12:57 PM

  • Kukuku first shout of 2022,why did this guy left this and went for trashy JEE

    by Commander_Anta78, Jan 27, 2022, 3:42 PM

  • When are you going to br alive again ,we miss you

    by HoRI_DA_GRe8, Aug 11, 2021, 5:10 PM

  • kukuku first shout o 2021

    by leafwhisker, Mar 6, 2021, 5:10 AM

  • wow I completely forgot this blog

    by Math-wiz, Dec 25, 2020, 6:49 PM

  • buuuuuujmmmmpppp

    by DuoDuoling0, Dec 22, 2020, 10:54 PM

  • This site would work faster if not all diagrams were displayed on the initial page. Anyway I like your problem selection taste.

    by WolfusA, Sep 24, 2020, 7:58 PM

  • nice blog :)

    by Orestis_Lignos, Sep 15, 2020, 9:09 AM

  • Hello everyone, nice blog :)

    by Functional_equation, Sep 12, 2020, 6:22 PM

  • pro blogo

    by Aritra12, Sep 8, 2020, 11:17 AM

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