Congratulations Team USA, all of whom are AoPS WOOT alumni, for their 1st Place win at the 65th International Mathematical Olympiad! Discover WOOT.

Greed Control Brief Documentation

The game of Greed Control is based on a simple forum game. Every day, pick an integer number between the numbers shown on the game page. For example, a number between 1 and 50.

At the end of the day, which is defined as midnight eastern time, 9 pm pacific, a calculation is performed to determine how many points you earn. The number of points is defined by (number picked) / (number of people choosing the number).

For example, if 4 people choose the number 20, each will receive 20 / 4 = 5 points. If only 1 person chooses the number 9, that person will receive 9 / 1 = 9 points. Notice how even though the person who chose 9 picked a number less than 20, that person still gains more points as the number 9 was picked less.

The current game is set to end when someone reaches 400 points.