Coordinate geometry
(Redirected from Cartesian coordinates)
Coordinate geometry, also known as analytic geometry, is an approach to geometry based on the notion of a coordinate system. The idea of coordinate geometry is often credited to Rene Descartes, and the most commonly used coordinate system is often refered to as a Cartesian coordinate system, as a result. Coordinate bashing is applying coordinates to geometry problems. There are two parts of the Cartesian plane: the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate.
Recommended books
- S.L.Loney elements of coordinate geometry vol 1 and 2.
- Advanced Problems in Coordinate Geometry For JEE Main & Advanced.(This book is used in India by JEE aspirants but contains really good coord bashing)
- Evan Chen Euclidean Geometry
- Analytical Geometry in 2D and 3D by P.R.VITTAL(Pearson publications)