1968 AHSME Problems/Problem 6

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Let side $AD$ of convex quadrilateral $ABCD$ be extended through $D$, and let side $BC$ be extended through $C$, to meet in point $E.$ Let $S$ be the degree-sum of angles $CDE$ and $DCE$, and let $S'$ represent the degree-sum of angles $BAD$ and $ABC.$ If $r=S/S'$, then:

$\text{(A) } r=1 \text{ sometimes, } r>1 \text{ sometimes}\quad\\ \text{(B) }  r=1 \text{ sometimes, } r<1 \text{ sometimes}\quad\\ \text{(C) } 0<r<1\quad \text{(D) } r>1\quad \text{(E) } r=1$


Because $ABCD$ is a convex quadrilateral, the sum of its interior angles is $360^{\circ}$. Thus, $S'=\measuredangle BAD + \measuredangle ABC=360^{\circ}-(\measuredangle BCD+\measuredangle ADC)$. Furthermore, because $\angle BCD$ and $\angle ADC$ are supplementary to $\angle DCE$ and $\angle CDE$, respectively, the four angles sum to $2*180^{\circ}=360^{\circ}$, so $\measuredangle BCD+\measuredangle ADC=360^{\circ}-(\measuredangle DCE+\measuredangle CDE)=360^{\circ}-S$. Plussing this expression for $\measuredangle BCD+\measuredangle ADC$ into the first equation, we see that $S'=360^{\circ}-(360^{\circ}-S)=S$, so $r=\frac{S}{S'}=1$, which is answer choice $\fbox{E}$.

See also

1968 AHSC (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 5
Followed by
Problem 7
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