User talk:Piphi/Chess/Game 16
Game #16 Discussion
Game #16 has started, it can be found here. It is aops-g5-gethsemanea2 v Angrybird029. aops-g5-gethsemanea2 controls the white pieces.
Discuss the game here.
-- 21:37, 28 June 2020 (EDT)
Thank you piphi for this game! Also, your turn Angrybird029! --aops-g5-gethsemanea2 1:25, 7 July 2020 (EDT)
Your turn aops-g5-gethsemanea2. Good luck! - Angrybird029 2:24 PM July 7th, 2020 Central Time
Your turn Angrybird029! And good luck to you too! --aops-g5-gethsemanea2 2:55, 7 July 2020 (EDT)
Check! Your turn aops-g5-gethsemanea2. - Angrybird029 5:53 PM July 12th, 2020 Central Time
How did you...? I'm still thinking of my move. --aops-g5-gethsemanea2 8:31, 14 July 2020 (EDT)
Your turn! --aops-g5-gethsemanea2 8:34, 14 July 2020 (EDT)
Checkmate. Good game aops-g5-gethsemanea2! - Angrybird029 9:01 AM July 14th 2020 Central Time
Good game :) --aops-g5-gethsemanea2 23:53, 14 July 2020 (EDT)