Revision as of 01:54, 8 April 2021 by Aops-g5-gethsemanea2 (talk | contribs)
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About Me
PalaashGang is 11 years old.
PalaashGang is attempting the AMC 8 2020
PalaashGang is good at Skating
PalaashGang is a National Indian Skater who took part in the SGFI National Championships 2019
PalaashGang loves to read and play Für Elise on the piano.
PalaashGang knows HTML, CSS, JS, Java and Scratch
παλάς is PalaashGang's AoPS Wiki Signature
A User Count of 300
Perfect score on AMC 8 2020
Get 5 or more on AIME Mocks
Represent India in Skating
Play "Flight of the Bumblebee" on the Piano
Be on the Alcumus Hall of Fame