2017 USAJMO Problems/Problem 3

Revision as of 22:59, 5 May 2017 by Sujaykazi (talk | contribs) (Solution 2)


($*$) Let $ABC$ be an equilateral triangle and let $P$ be a point on its circumcircle. Let lines $PA$ and $BC$ intersect at $D$; let lines $PB$ and $CA$ intersect at $E$; and let lines $PC$ and $AB$ intersect at $F$. Prove that the area of triangle $DEF$ is twice that of triangle $ABC$.

[asy]     size(3inch);     pair A = (0, 3sqrt(3)), B = (-3,0), C = (3,0), P = (0, -sqrt(3)), D = (0, 0), E1 = (6, -3sqrt(3)), F = (-6, -3sqrt(3)), O = (0, sqrt(3));     draw(Circle(O, 2sqrt(3)), black);     draw(A--B--C--cycle);     draw(B--E1--C);     draw(C--F--B);     draw(A--P);     draw(D--E1--F--cycle, dashed);     label("A", A, N);     label("B", B, W);     label("C", C, E);     label("P", P, S);     label("D", D, NW);     label("E", E1, SE);     label("F", F, SW); [/asy]

Solution 1

WLOG, let $AB = 1$. Let $[ABD] = X, [ACD] = Y$, and $\angle BAD = \theta$. After some angle chasing, we find that $\angle BCF \cong \angle BEC \cong \theta$ and $\angle FBC \cong \angle BCE \cong 120^{\circ}$. Therefore, $\triangle FBC$ ~ $\triangle BCE$.

Lemma 1: If $BF = k$, then $CE = \frac 1k$. This lemma results directly from the fact that $\triangle FBC$ ~ $\triangle BCE$; $\frac{BF}{BC} = \frac{BF}{1} = \frac{BC}{CE} = \frac{1}{CE}$, or $CE = \frac{1}{BF}$.

Lemma 2: $[AEF] = (k+\frac 1k + 2)(X+Y)$. We see that $[AEF] = (X+Y) \frac{[AEF]}{[ABC]} = (k+1)(1+\frac 1k)(X+Y) = (k + \frac 1k + 2)(X+Y)$, as desired.

Lemma 3: $\frac{X}{Y} = k$. We see that \[\frac XY = \frac{\frac 12 (AB)(AD) \sin(\theta)}{\frac 12 (AC)(AD) \sin (60^{\circ} - \theta)} = \frac{\sin(\theta)}{\sin (60^{\circ} - \theta)}.\] However, after some angle chasing and by the Law of Sines in $\triangle BCF$, we have $\frac{k}{\sin(\theta)} = \frac{1}{\sin(60^{\circ} - \theta)}$, or $k = \frac{\sin(\theta)}{\sin (60^{\circ} - \theta)}$, which implies the result.

By the area lemma, we have $[BDF] = kX$ and $[CDF] = \frac{Y}{k}$.

We see that $[DEF] = [AEF] - [ABC] - [BDF] - [DCE] = Xk + Yk + \frac Xk + \frac Yk + 2X + 2Y - X - Y - Xk - \frac Yk = X + Y + \frac Xk + yk$. Thus, it suffices to show that $X + Y + \frac Xk + Yk = 2X + 2Y$, or $\frac Xk + Yk = X + Y$. Rearranging, we find this to be equivalent to $\frac XY = k$, which is Lemma 3, so the result has been proven.

Solution 2

\[A = (1, 0, 0)\] \[B = (0, 1, 0)\] \[C = (0, 0, 1)\]

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See also

2017 USAJMO (ProblemsResources)
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Problem 2
Followed by
Problem 4
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