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<math>\textbf{(A) }S<\sqrt2 \qquad \textbf{(B) }S=\sqrt2 \qquad \textbf{(C) }\sqrt2<S<2\qquad \textbf{(D) }2\le S<6 \qquad \textbf{(E) }S\ge 6</math>
<math>\textbf{(A) }S<\sqrt2 \qquad \textbf{(B) }S=\sqrt2 \qquad \textbf{(C) }\sqrt2<S<2\qquad \textbf{(D) }2\le S<6 \qquad \textbf{(E) }S\ge 6</math>
== Solution 1 ==
Note that
x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}} &= {\sqrt{2}}^{2^x} \\
2^{\sqrt{2}} \log_2 x &= 2^{x} \log_2 \sqrt{2}.
(At this point we see by inspection that <math>x=\sqrt{2}</math> is a solution.)
Video Solution by hippopotamus1:
We simplify the RHS, then take the base-<math>2</math> logarithm for both sides:
2^{\sqrt{2}} \log_2 x &= 2^{x-1} \\
\log_2{\left(2^{\sqrt{2}} \log_2 x\right)} &= x-1 \\
\sqrt{2} + \log_2 \log_2 x &= x-1 \\
\log_2 \log_2 x &= x - 1 - \sqrt{2}.
The RHS is a line; the LHS is a concave curve that looks like a logarithm and has <math>x</math> intercept at <math>(2,0).</math>
There are at most two solutions, one of which is <math>\sqrt{2}.</math> But note that at <math>x=2,</math> we have <math>\log_2 \log_2 {2} = 0 > 2 - 1 - \sqrt{2},</math> meaning that the log log curve is above the line, so it must intersect the line again at a point <math>x > 2.</math> Now we check <math>x=4</math> and see that <math>\log_2 \log_2 {4} = 1 < 4 - 1 - \sqrt{2},</math> which means at <math>x=4</math> the line is already above the log log curve. Thus, the second solution lies in the interval <math>(2,4).</math>
The answer is <math>\boxed{\textbf{(D) }2\le S<6}.</math>
==Solution 2==
We rewrite the right side without using square roots, then take the base-<math>2</math> logarithm for both sides:
x^{2^{\sqrt2}}&=\left(2^\frac12\right)^{2^x} \\
x^{2^{\sqrt2}}&=2^{\frac12\cdot2^x} \\
x^{2^{\sqrt2}}&=2^{2^{x-1}} \\
\log_2{\left(x^{2^{\sqrt2}}\right)}&=\log_2{\left(2^{2^{x-1}}\right)} \\
2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{x}&=2^{x-1}. \hspace{20mm} (*)
By observations, <math>x=\sqrt2</math> is one solution. Graphing <math>f(x)=2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{x}</math> and <math>g(x)=2^{x-1},</math> we conclude that <math>(*)</math> has two solutions, with the smaller solution <math>x=\sqrt2.</math> We construct the following table of values:  
& & & \\ [-2ex]
\boldsymbol{x} & \boldsymbol{f(x)=2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{x}} & \boldsymbol{g(x)=2^{x-1}} & \textbf{Comparison} \\ [1ex]
& & & \\ [-1ex]
1 & 0 & 1 & \\ [1ex]
\sqrt2 & 2^{\sqrt2-1} & 2^{\sqrt2-1} & f\left(\sqrt2\right)=g\left(\sqrt2\right) \\ [1ex]
2 & 2^{\sqrt2} & 2 & f(2)>g(2) \\ [1ex]
3 & 2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{3} & 2^2 & \\ [1ex]
4 & 2^{\sqrt2+1} & 2^3 & f(4)<g(4) \\ [1ex]
Let <math>x=t</math> be the larger solution. Since exponential functions outgrow logarithmic functions, we have <math>f(x)<g(x)</math> for all <math>x>t.</math> By the <b>Intermediate Value Theorem</b>, we get <math>t\in(2,4),</math> from which <cmath>S=\sqrt2+t\in\left(\sqrt2+2,\sqrt2+4\right).</cmath>
Finally, approximating with <math>\sqrt2\approx1.414</math> results in <math>\boxed{\textbf{(D) }2\le S<6}.</math>
The graphs of <math>y=f(x)</math> and <math>y=g(x)</math> are shown below:
/* Made by MRENTHUSIASM */
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 5;
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 5;
//Draws the horizontal gridlines
void horizontalLines()
  for (int i = yMin+1; i < yMax; ++i)
    draw((xMin,i)--(xMax,i), mediumgray+linewidth(0.4));
//Draws the vertical gridlines
void verticalLines()
  for (int i = xMin+1; i < xMax; ++i)
    draw((i,yMin)--(i,yMax), mediumgray+linewidth(0.4));
//Draws the horizontal ticks
void horizontalTicks()
  for (int i = yMin+1; i < yMax; ++i)
    draw((-1/8,i)--(1/8,i), black+linewidth(1));
//Draws the vertical ticks
void verticalTicks()
  for (int i = xMin+1; i < xMax; ++i)
    draw((i,-1/8)--(i,1/8), black+linewidth(1));
real f(real x) {return 2^sqrt(2)*log(x)/log(2);};
real g(real x) {return 2^(x-1);};
pair A, B;
A = intersectionpoint(graph(f,1,2),graph(g,1,2));
B = intersectionpoint(graph(f,2,4),graph(g,2,4));
== Solution (Rough Approximation) ==
== Solution 3 ==
Note that this solution is not recommended unless you're running out of time.
Note that this solution is not recommended unless you're running out of time.
Upon pure observation, it is obvious that one solution to this equality is <math>x=\sqrt{2}</math>. From this, we can deduce that this equality has two solutions, since <math>\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}</math> grows faster than <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}</math> (for greater values of <math>x</math>) and <math>\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}</math> is greater than <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}</math> for <math>x<\sqrt{2}</math> and less than <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}</math> for <math>\sqrt{2}<x<n</math>, where <math>n</math> is the second solution. Thus, the answer cannot be <math>\text{A}</math> or <math>\text{B}</math>. We then start plugging in numbers to roughly approximate the answer. When <math>x=2</math>, <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}>\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}</math>, thus the answer cannot be <math>\text{C}</math>. Then, when <math>x=4</math>, <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}=4^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}<64<\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}=256</math>. Therefore, <math>S<4+\sqrt{2}<6</math>, so the answer is <math>\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 2 \le S < 6}</math>. ~Baolan
Upon pure observation, it is obvious that one solution to this equality is <math>x=\sqrt{2}</math>. From this, we can deduce that this equality has two solutions, since <math>\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}</math> grows faster than <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}</math> (for greater values of <math>x</math>) and <math>\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}</math> is greater than <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}</math> for <math>x<\sqrt{2}</math> and less than <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}</math> for <math>\sqrt{2}<x<n</math>, where <math>n</math> is the second solution. Thus, the answer cannot be <math>\text{A}</math> or <math>\text{B}</math>. We then start plugging in numbers to roughly approximate the answer. When <math>x=2</math>, <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}>\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}</math>, thus the answer cannot be <math>\text{C}</math>. Then, when <math>x=4</math>, <math>x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}=4^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}<64<\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}=256</math>. Therefore, <math>S<4+\sqrt{2}<6</math>, so the answer is <math>\boxed{\textbf{(D) }2\le S<6}</math>.
== Video Solution by OmegaLearn (Logarithmic Tricks) ==
== Video Solution by OmegaLearn (Logarithmic Tricks) ==
Line 18: Line 142:
~ pi_is_3.14
~ pi_is_3.14
==Video Solution by hippopotamus1==
==Video Solution by The Power of Logic==
==See Also==
==See Also==
{{AMC12 box|year=2021|ab=B|num-b=20|num-a=22}}
{{AMC12 box|year=2021|ab=B|num-b=20|num-a=22}}
{{MAA Notice}}
{{MAA Notice}}

Revision as of 04:57, 21 July 2022


Let $S$ be the sum of all positive real numbers $x$ for which\[x^{2^{\sqrt2}}=\sqrt2^{2^x}.\]Which of the following statements is true?

$\textbf{(A) }S<\sqrt2 \qquad \textbf{(B) }S=\sqrt2 \qquad \textbf{(C) }\sqrt2<S<2\qquad \textbf{(D) }2\le S<6 \qquad \textbf{(E) }S\ge 6$

Solution 1

Note that \begin{align*} x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}} &= {\sqrt{2}}^{2^x} \\ 2^{\sqrt{2}} \log_2 x &= 2^{x} \log_2 \sqrt{2}. \end{align*} (At this point we see by inspection that $x=\sqrt{2}$ is a solution.)

We simplify the RHS, then take the base-$2$ logarithm for both sides: \begin{align*} 2^{\sqrt{2}} \log_2 x &= 2^{x-1} \\ \log_2{\left(2^{\sqrt{2}} \log_2 x\right)} &= x-1 \\ \sqrt{2} + \log_2 \log_2 x &= x-1 \\ \log_2 \log_2 x &= x - 1 - \sqrt{2}. \end{align*} The RHS is a line; the LHS is a concave curve that looks like a logarithm and has $x$ intercept at $(2,0).$

There are at most two solutions, one of which is $\sqrt{2}.$ But note that at $x=2,$ we have $\log_2 \log_2 {2} = 0 > 2 - 1 - \sqrt{2},$ meaning that the log log curve is above the line, so it must intersect the line again at a point $x > 2.$ Now we check $x=4$ and see that $\log_2 \log_2 {4} = 1 < 4 - 1 - \sqrt{2},$ which means at $x=4$ the line is already above the log log curve. Thus, the second solution lies in the interval $(2,4).$ The answer is $\boxed{\textbf{(D) }2\le S<6}.$


Solution 2

We rewrite the right side without using square roots, then take the base-$2$ logarithm for both sides: \begin{align*} x^{2^{\sqrt2}}&=\left(2^\frac12\right)^{2^x} \\ x^{2^{\sqrt2}}&=2^{\frac12\cdot2^x} \\ x^{2^{\sqrt2}}&=2^{2^{x-1}} \\ \log_2{\left(x^{2^{\sqrt2}}\right)}&=\log_2{\left(2^{2^{x-1}}\right)} \\ 2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{x}&=2^{x-1}. \hspace{20mm} (*) \end{align*} By observations, $x=\sqrt2$ is one solution. Graphing $f(x)=2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{x}$ and $g(x)=2^{x-1},$ we conclude that $(*)$ has two solutions, with the smaller solution $x=\sqrt2.$ We construct the following table of values: \[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} & & & \\ [-2ex] \boldsymbol{x} & \boldsymbol{f(x)=2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{x}} & \boldsymbol{g(x)=2^{x-1}} & \textbf{Comparison} \\ [1ex] \hline & & & \\ [-1ex] 1 & 0 & 1 & \\ [1ex] \sqrt2 & 2^{\sqrt2-1} & 2^{\sqrt2-1} & f\left(\sqrt2\right)=g\left(\sqrt2\right) \\ [1ex] 2 & 2^{\sqrt2} & 2 & f(2)>g(2) \\ [1ex] 3 & 2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{3} & 2^2 & \\ [1ex] 4 & 2^{\sqrt2+1} & 2^3 & f(4)<g(4) \\ [1ex] \end{array}\] Let $x=t$ be the larger solution. Since exponential functions outgrow logarithmic functions, we have $f(x)<g(x)$ for all $x>t.$ By the Intermediate Value Theorem, we get $t\in(2,4),$ from which \[S=\sqrt2+t\in\left(\sqrt2+2,\sqrt2+4\right).\] Finally, approximating with $\sqrt2\approx1.414$ results in $\boxed{\textbf{(D) }2\le S<6}.$

The graphs of $y=f(x)$ and $y=g(x)$ are shown below: [asy] /* Made by MRENTHUSIASM */ size(1200,200);   int xMin = 0; int xMax = 5; int yMin = 0; int yMax = 5;  //Draws the horizontal gridlines void horizontalLines() {   for (int i = yMin+1; i < yMax; ++i)   {     draw((xMin,i)--(xMax,i), mediumgray+linewidth(0.4));   } }  //Draws the vertical gridlines void verticalLines() {   for (int i = xMin+1; i < xMax; ++i)   {     draw((i,yMin)--(i,yMax), mediumgray+linewidth(0.4));   } }  //Draws the horizontal ticks void horizontalTicks() {   for (int i = yMin+1; i < yMax; ++i)   {     draw((-1/8,i)--(1/8,i), black+linewidth(1));   } }  //Draws the vertical ticks void verticalTicks() {   for (int i = xMin+1; i < xMax; ++i)   {     draw((i,-1/8)--(i,1/8), black+linewidth(1));   } }  horizontalLines(); verticalLines(); horizontalTicks(); verticalTicks(); draw((xMin,0)--(xMax,0),black+linewidth(1.5),EndArrow(5)); draw((0,yMin)--(0,yMax),black+linewidth(1.5),EndArrow(5)); label("$x$",(xMax,0),(2,0)); label("$y$",(0,yMax),(0,2));  real f(real x) {return 2^sqrt(2)*log(x)/log(2);}; real g(real x) {return 2^(x-1);};  draw(graph(f,1,3.65),red,"$y=2^{\sqrt2}\log_2{x}$"); draw(graph(g,0,3.32),blue,"$y=2^{x-1}$");  pair A, B; A = intersectionpoint(graph(f,1,2),graph(g,1,2)); B = intersectionpoint(graph(f,2,4),graph(g,2,4)); dot(A,linewidth(4.5)); dot(B,linewidth(4.5));  label("$0$",(0,0),2.5*SW); label("$\sqrt2$",(A.x,0),2.25*S); label("$t$",(B.x,0),3*S); label("$4$",(4,0),3*S); label("$4$",(0,4),3*W);  draw(A--(A.x,0),dashed); draw(B--(B.x,0),dashed);  add(legend(),point(E),40E,UnFill); [/asy] ~MRENTHUSIASM

Solution 3

Note that this solution is not recommended unless you're running out of time.

Upon pure observation, it is obvious that one solution to this equality is $x=\sqrt{2}$. From this, we can deduce that this equality has two solutions, since $\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}$ grows faster than $x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}$ (for greater values of $x$) and $\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}$ is greater than $x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}$ for $x<\sqrt{2}$ and less than $x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}$ for $\sqrt{2}<x<n$, where $n$ is the second solution. Thus, the answer cannot be $\text{A}$ or $\text{B}$. We then start plugging in numbers to roughly approximate the answer. When $x=2$, $x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}>\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}$, thus the answer cannot be $\text{C}$. Then, when $x=4$, $x^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}=4^{2^{\sqrt{2}}}<64<\sqrt{2}^{2^{x}}=256$. Therefore, $S<4+\sqrt{2}<6$, so the answer is $\boxed{\textbf{(D) }2\le S<6}$.


Video Solution by OmegaLearn (Logarithmic Tricks)


~ pi_is_3.14

Video Solution by hippopotamus1


Video Solution by The Power of Logic


See Also

2021 AMC 12B (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 20
Followed by
Problem 22
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All AMC 12 Problems and Solutions

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