k AoPS Academy: Exporting rich format results in broken BBCode.
NMar 19, 2025
by jlacosta
When exporting a rich format document in the writing tab into the message board, bold formatting specifically is broken and results in broken BBCode.
Page URL: virtual.aopsacademy.org/class/<any writing class works here>/writing
1. enter "Lorem ipsum".
2. apply bold to "Lorem"
3. apply italic to "ip".
4. click the Post Draft on Message Board
5. read the contents of the message board post.
When I format "Loremipsum" (in the writing tab of course), but when I export to post it, I get
[code]Lorem[/b] ipsum[/code].
Notice that the first bolding does not start, only ends.
Not sure if this belongs in site support but how do you report tags for topics? I recently noticed in one of the topics I made on site support had really weird tags.
Bug: In the state round, I answered 10 questions correctly without the rating changing at all (rating 43 currently) in the other rounds, it always works.
URL: https://artofproblemsolving.com/mathcounts_trainer/play
How to Recreate:
1. Get to mathcounts trainer rating 43 on state round, and it will glitch.
k Pressing 'go down button' always creates a gray box on the last post
NMar 18, 2025
by jlacosta
Summary of the problem: Pressing go down to last post button always creates a gray box overlapping last post
Page URL: any forum
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to any topic in a forum
2. The gray box at the bottom overlaps part of the first post
Expected behavior: Should not show a gray box
Frequency: 100% of the time
Operating system(s): Linux HP EliteBook 835 G8 Notebook PC
Browser(s), including version: Chrome 133.0.6943.142 (Official Build) (64-bit) (cohort: Stable)
Additional information: It works on any other device, on my iPhone XR, a MacOS, and my iPad. Took the screenshot a month ago. The gray box still appears
k The My classes tab shows cyan even though im on community
NMar 18, 2025
by jlacosta
Summary of the problem: The My classes tab shows cyan even though I'm on community. Notice the tabs next to the AoPS Online words.
Page URL: artofproblemsolving.com/community
Steps to reproduce:
1. Press on my classes next to the AoPS Online
2. Then press on community tab
Expected behavior: My Classes tab should be dark blue
Frequency: 100%
Operating system(s): HP EliteBook 835 G8 Notebook PC
Browser(s), including version: Chrome: 134.0.6998.89 (Official Build) (64-bit) (cohort: Stable)
Additional information: It happens on this specific computer only.