There is an grid which has rows and columns numbered from to ; the cell at row and column is denoted as the cell at . A subset of the cells is called good if for any two cells at , the cells satisfying or are not in . Determine the minimal number of good sets such that they are pairwise disjoint and every cell of the board belongs to exactly one good set.
Anya and Vanya’s houses are located on the straight road. The distance between their houses is divided by a shop and a school into three equal parts. If Anya and Vanya leave their houses at the same time and walk towards each other, they will meet near the shop. If Anya rides a scooter, then her speed will increase by , and they will meet near the school. Find Vanya’s speed of walking.
is a regular polygon with diagonals. Randomly select a triangle whose three vertices are the three vertices of polygon . What is the probability that the selected triangle is a right triangle without isosceles?
Source: 2025 Taiwan TST Round 2 Independent Study 1-N
Let be a sequence of positive integers with , and for all . Show that if is a prime less than for some positive integer , then there exists such that .