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(Solution 1)
m (Solution 2 (similar(?) to solution 1 but reworded (not exactly for clarity)))
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==Solution 1==
==Solution 1==
<math>0.abcd=\frac{\overline{abcd}}{9999}</math>, <math>9999=9\times 11\times 101</math>.
<math>0.\overline{abcd}=\frac{abcd}{9999} = \frac{x}{y}</math>, <math>9999=9\times 11\times 101</math>.
Then we need to find the number of positive integers less than 10000 can meet the requirement.Suppose the number is x.
Then we need to find the number of positive integers <math>x</math> that (with one of more <math>y</math> such that <math>y|9999</math>) can meet the requirement <math>1 \leq {x}\cdot\frac{9999}{y} \leq 9999</math>.
Case 1: (9999, x)=1. Clearly x satisfies. <cmath>\varphi \left( 9999 \right) =9999\times \left( 1-\frac{1}{3} \right) \times \left( 1-\frac{1}{11} \right) \times \left( 1-\frac{1}{101} \right)=6000</cmath>
Make cases by factors of <math>x</math>. (A venn diagram of cases would be nice here.)
Case 2: 3|x but x is not a multiple of 11 or 101. Then the least value of abcd is 9x, so that <math>x\le 1111</math>, 334 values from 3 to 1110.
Case 3: 11|x but x is not a multiple of 3 or 101. Then the least value of abcd is 11x, so that <math>x\le 909</math>, 55 values from 11 to 902.
Case <math>A</math>:
Case 4: 101|x. None.
<math>3 \nmid x</math> and <math>11 \nmid x</math> and <math>101 \nmid x</math>, aka <math>\gcd (9999, x)=1</math>.
Case 5: 3, 11|x.  Then the least value of abcd is 11x, 3 values from 33 to 99.
Euler's totient function counts these:  
<cmath>\varphi \left(3^2 \cdot 11 \cdot 101 \right) = ((3-1)\cdot 3)(11-1)(101-1)= \bf{6000}</cmath> values (but it's enough to note that it's a multiple of 1000 and thus does not contribute to the final answer)
To sum up, the answer is <cmath>6000+334+55+3=\boxed{392}</cmath> mod <math>1000</math>.
Note: You don't need to know this formula. The remaining cases essentially re-derive the same computation for other factors of <math>9999</math>. This case isn't actually different.
The remaining cases have <math>3</math> (or <math>9</math>), <math>11</math>, and/or <math>101</math> as factors of <math>abcd</math>, which cancel out part of <math>9999</math>.
Note: Take care about when to use <math>3</math> vs <math>9</math>.
Case <math>B</math>: <math>3|x</math>, but <math>11 \nmid x</math> and <math>101 \nmid x</math>.
Then <math>abcd=9x</math> to leave 3 uncancelled, and <math>x=3p</math>,
so  <math>x \leq \frac{9999}{9} = 1111</math>, giving:
<math>x \in 3 \cdot \{1, \dots \left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3}\right\rfloor\}</math>,
<math>x \notin (3\cdot 11) \cdot \{1 \dots \left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3\cdot 11}\right\rfloor\}</math>,
<math>x \notin (3 \cdot 101) \cdot \{1 \dots \left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor\}</math>,
for a subtotal of <math>\left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3}\right\rfloor -  (\left\lfloor\frac{1111}{3 \cdot 11}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{1111}{3 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor ) = 370 - (33+3) = \bf{334}</math> values.
Case <math>C</math>: <math>11|x</math>, but <math>3 \nmid x</math> and <math>101 \nmid x</math>.
Much like previous case, <math>abcd</math> is <math>11x</math>, so  <math>x \leq \frac{9999}{11} = 909  </math>, 
giving <math>\left\lfloor \frac{909}{11}\right\rfloor -  \left(\left\lfloor\frac{909}{11 \cdot 3}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{909}{11 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor \right) = 82 - (27 + 0) = \bf{55}</math> values.
Case <math>D</math>: <math>3|x</math> and <math>11|x</math> (so <math>33|x</math>), but <math>101 \nmid x</math>. 
Here, <math>abcd</math> is <math>99x</math>, so  <math>x \leq \frac{9999}{99} = 101  </math>,
giving <math>\left\lfloor \frac{101}{33}\right\rfloor - \left\lfloor \frac{101}{33 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor = 3-0 = \bf{3}</math> values.
Case <math>E</math>: <math>101|x</math>.
Here, <math>abcd</math> is <math>101x</math>, so  <math>x \leq \frac{9999}{101} = 99  </math>,
giving <math>\left\lfloor \frac{99}{101}\right\rfloor = \bf{0}</math> values, so we don't need to account for multiples of <math>3</math> and <math>11</math>.
To sum up, the answer is <cmath>6000+334+55+3+0\equiv\boxed{392} \pmod{1000}.</cmath>
In this context, when the solution says, "Then <math>abcd=9x</math> to leave 3 uncancelled, and <math>x=3p</math>," it is a bit vague. The best way to clarify this is by this exact example - what is really meant is we need to divide by 9 first to achieve 1111, which has no multiple of 3; thus, given that the fraction x/y is the simplest form, x can be a multiple of 3.
Similar explanations can be said when the solution divides 9999 by 11, 101, and uses that divided result in the PIE calculation rather than 9999.
==Solution 2 (similar''(?)'' to solution 1 but reworded (not ''exactly'' for clarity))==
<cmath>\text{To begin, we notice that all repeating decimals of the form }0.\overline{abcd}\text{ where }a,b,c,d\text{ are digits can be expressed of the form }\frac{\overline{abcd}}{9999}\text{.}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{However, when }\overline{abcd}\mid 9999\text{, the fraction is not in lowest terms.}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{Since }9999 = 3^2 \cdot 11 \cdot 101\text{, } x\mid 9999\iff x\mid 3\lor x\mid 11\lor x\mid 101\text{.}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{(For those of you who have no idea what that meant, it means every divisor of 9999 is a divisor of at least one of the following: )}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{(Also, I'm not going to give you explanations for the other logic equations.)}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{Let's say that the fraction in lowest terms is }\frac{x}{y}\text{.}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{If }x\mid 101\text{, then }99\mid y\text{ but that can't be, since }0\text{ is the only multiple of }101\text{ below }99\text{.}</cmath>
<cmath>\exists! f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))\implies f=3\lor f=11 (1)</cmath>
<cmath>\text{If (1) is true, then we have two cases. If it isn't, we also have two cases.}</cmath>
<cmath>\textbf{\textit{Case 1: }}f=3</cmath>
<cmath>y=1111\land x=3z\implies 1\leq z\leq 370</cmath>
<cmath>\textbf{\textit{Case 2: }}f=11</cmath>
<cmath>y=909\land x=11z\implies 1\leq z\leq 82</cmath>
<cmath>\textbf{\textit{Case 3: }}\neg\exists! f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))\land \exists f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))=</cmath>
<cmath>\exists f_1(f_1\in\mathbb{N}\land f_1\neq 1\land\exists g_1(g_1\nleq 0 \land x \mid f_1^{g_1})\land\exists f_2(f_2\neq f_1\land f_2\in\mathbb{N}\land f_2\neq 1\land\exists g_2(g_2\nleq 0 \land x \mid f_2^{g_2}))\implies f_1=3\land f_2=11\lor f_1=11\land f_2=3</cmath>
<cmath>y=101\land x=33z\implies 1\leq z\leq 3</cmath>
<cmath>\textbf{\textit{Case 4: }}\neg\exists f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))</cmath>
<cmath>\Phi (9999)=6000</cmath>
<cmath>\textbf{\textit{Grand Finale}}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{Adding the outcomes, }N=6000+334+55+3=6392\equiv\boxed{392}\text{ (mod 1000).}</cmath>
<cmath>\textit{[1] This is to make sure that 3 is the \textbf{only} factor of x}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{When I tried to write LaTeX, AoPS kept putting the LaTeX on a new line so I gave up and put most of it in LaTeX  instead.}</cmath>
<cmath>\text{Some of the text in this section is just normal.}</cmath>
Normal text <cmath>\text{This is some LaTeX.}</cmath> More normal text
<cmath>\text{If any of you can fix this issue, please do so.}</cmath>
~ [[User:Afly|Afly]] ([[User talk:Afly|talk]])
==Video Solution==
==See Also==
==See Also==

Revision as of 21:53, 2 January 2024


Let $S$ be the set of all rational numbers that can be expressed as a repeating decimal in the form $0.\overline{abcd},$ where at least one of the digits $a,$ $b,$ $c,$ or $d$ is nonzero. Let $N$ be the number of distinct numerators obtained when numbers in $S$ are written as fractions in lowest terms. For example, both $4$ and $410$ are counted among the distinct numerators for numbers in $S$ because $0.\overline{3636} = \frac{4}{11}$ and $0.\overline{1230} = \frac{410}{3333}.$ Find the remainder when $N$ is divided by $1000.$

Solution 1

$0.\overline{abcd}=\frac{abcd}{9999} = \frac{x}{y}$, $9999=9\times 11\times 101$.

Then we need to find the number of positive integers $x$ that (with one of more $y$ such that $y|9999$) can meet the requirement $1 \leq {x}\cdot\frac{9999}{y} \leq 9999$.

Make cases by factors of $x$. (A venn diagram of cases would be nice here.)

Case $A$:

$3 \nmid x$ and $11 \nmid x$ and $101 \nmid x$, aka $\gcd (9999, x)=1$.

Euler's totient function counts these: \[\varphi \left(3^2 \cdot 11 \cdot 101 \right) = ((3-1)\cdot 3)(11-1)(101-1)= \bf{6000}\] values (but it's enough to note that it's a multiple of 1000 and thus does not contribute to the final answer)

Note: You don't need to know this formula. The remaining cases essentially re-derive the same computation for other factors of $9999$. This case isn't actually different.

The remaining cases have $3$ (or $9$), $11$, and/or $101$ as factors of $abcd$, which cancel out part of $9999$. Note: Take care about when to use $3$ vs $9$.

Case $B$: $3|x$, but $11 \nmid x$ and $101 \nmid x$.

Then $abcd=9x$ to leave 3 uncancelled, and $x=3p$, so $x \leq \frac{9999}{9} = 1111$, giving:

$x \in 3 \cdot \{1, \dots \left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3}\right\rfloor\}$,

$x \notin (3\cdot 11) \cdot \{1 \dots \left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3\cdot 11}\right\rfloor\}$,

$x \notin (3 \cdot 101) \cdot \{1 \dots \left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor\}$,

for a subtotal of $\left\lfloor \frac{1111}{3}\right\rfloor -  (\left\lfloor\frac{1111}{3 \cdot 11}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{1111}{3 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor ) = 370 - (33+3) = \bf{334}$ values.

Case $C$: $11|x$, but $3 \nmid x$ and $101 \nmid x$.

Much like previous case, $abcd$ is $11x$, so $x \leq \frac{9999}{11} = 909$,

giving $\left\lfloor \frac{909}{11}\right\rfloor -  \left(\left\lfloor\frac{909}{11 \cdot 3}\right\rfloor + \left\lfloor\frac{909}{11 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor \right) = 82 - (27 + 0) = \bf{55}$ values.

Case $D$: $3|x$ and $11|x$ (so $33|x$), but $101 \nmid x$.

Here, $abcd$ is $99x$, so $x \leq \frac{9999}{99} = 101$,

giving $\left\lfloor \frac{101}{33}\right\rfloor - \left\lfloor \frac{101}{33 \cdot 101}\right\rfloor = 3-0 = \bf{3}$ values.

Case $E$: $101|x$.

Here, $abcd$ is $101x$, so $x \leq \frac{9999}{101} = 99$,

giving $\left\lfloor \frac{99}{101}\right\rfloor = \bf{0}$ values, so we don't need to account for multiples of $3$ and $11$.

To sum up, the answer is \[6000+334+55+3+0\equiv\boxed{392} \pmod{1000}.\]


In this context, when the solution says, "Then $abcd=9x$ to leave 3 uncancelled, and $x=3p$," it is a bit vague. The best way to clarify this is by this exact example - what is really meant is we need to divide by 9 first to achieve 1111, which has no multiple of 3; thus, given that the fraction x/y is the simplest form, x can be a multiple of 3.

Similar explanations can be said when the solution divides 9999 by 11, 101, and uses that divided result in the PIE calculation rather than 9999.


Solution 2 (similar(?) to solution 1 but reworded (not exactly for clarity))

\[\text{To begin, we notice that all repeating decimals of the form }0.\overline{abcd}\text{ where }a,b,c,d\text{ are digits can be expressed of the form }\frac{\overline{abcd}}{9999}\text{.}\] \[\text{However, when }\overline{abcd}\mid 9999\text{, the fraction is not in lowest terms.}\] \[\text{Since }9999 = 3^2 \cdot 11 \cdot 101\text{, } x\mid 9999\iff x\mid 3\lor x\mid 11\lor x\mid 101\text{.}\] \[\text{(For those of you who have no idea what that meant, it means every divisor of 9999 is a divisor of at least one of the following: )}\] \[(3)\] \[(11)\] \[(101)\] \[\text{(Also, I'm not going to give you explanations for the other logic equations.)}\] \[\text{Let's say that the fraction in lowest terms is }\frac{x}{y}\text{.}\] \[\text{If }x\mid 101\text{, then }99\mid y\text{ but that can't be, since }0\text{ is the only multiple of }101\text{ below }99\text{.}\] \[\exists! f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))\implies f=3\lor f=11 (1)\] \[\text{If (1) is true, then we have two cases. If it isn't, we also have two cases.}\] \[\textbf{\textit{Case 1: }}f=3\] \[y=1111\land x=3z\implies 1\leq z\leq 370\] \[370-33-3^{[1]}=334\] \[\textbf{\textit{Case 2: }}f=11\] \[y=909\land x=11z\implies 1\leq z\leq 82\] \[82-27=55\] \[\textbf{\textit{Case 3: }}\neg\exists! f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))\land \exists f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))=\] \[\exists f_1(f_1\in\mathbb{N}\land f_1\neq 1\land\exists g_1(g_1\nleq 0 \land x \mid f_1^{g_1})\land\exists f_2(f_2\neq f_1\land f_2\in\mathbb{N}\land f_2\neq 1\land\exists g_2(g_2\nleq 0 \land x \mid f_2^{g_2}))\implies f_1=3\land f_2=11\lor f_1=11\land f_2=3\] \[y=101\land x=33z\implies 1\leq z\leq 3\] \[\textbf{\textit{Case 4: }}\neg\exists f(f\in\mathbb{N}\land f\neq 1\land\exists g(g\nleq 0 \land x \mid f^g))\] \[\Phi (9999)=6000\] \[\textbf{\textit{Grand Finale}}\] \[\text{Adding the outcomes, }N=6000+334+55+3=6392\equiv\boxed{392}\text{ (mod 1000).}\]

\[\textit{[1] This is to make sure that 3 is the \textbf{only} factor of x}\]


\[\text{When I tried to write LaTeX, AoPS kept putting the LaTeX on a new line so I gave up and put most of it in LaTeX  instead.}\] \[\text{Some of the text in this section is just normal.}\] \[\text{Example:}\]

Normal text \[\text{This is some LaTeX.}\] More normal text

\[\text{If any of you can fix this issue, please do so.}\]

~ Afly (talk)

Video Solution



See Also

2022 AIME I (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
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Problem 12
Followed by
Problem 14
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