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<cmath>m^{x_0} = \sum_{k = 1}^{2011} m^{x_k}.</cmath>
<cmath>m^{x_0} = \sum_{k = 1}^{2011} m^{x_k}.</cmath>
==Solution 1==
NOTE: This solution is incomplete. Please help make it better.
<math> m^{x_0}= m^{x_1} +m^{x_2} + .... + m^{x_{2011}}</math>. Now, divide by <math>m^{x_0}</math> to get <math>1= m^{x_1-x_0} +m^{x_2-x_0} + .... + m^{x_{2011}-x_0}</math>. Notice that since we can choose all nonnegative <math>x_0,...,x_{2011}</math>, we can make <math>x_n-x_0</math> whatever we desire. WLOG, let <math>x_0\geq...\geq x_{2011}</math> and let <math>a_n=x_n-x_0</math>.  Notice that, also, <math>m^{a_{2011}}</math> doesn't matter if we are able to make <math> m^{a_1} +m^{a_2} + .... + m^{a_{2010}}</math> equal to <math>1-\left(\frac{1}{m}\right)^x</math> for any power of <math>x</math>. Consider <math>m=2</math>. We can achieve a sum of <math>1-\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^x</math> by doing <math>\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+...</math> (the "simplest" sequence). If we don't have <math>\frac{1}{2}</math>, to compensate, we need <math>2\cdot \frac{1}{4}</math>'s. Now, let's try to generalize. The "simplest" sequence is having <math>\frac{1}{m}</math> <math>m-1</math> times, <math>\frac{1}{m^2}</math> <math>m-1</math> times, <math>\ldots</math>. To make other sequences, we can split <math>m-1</math> <math>\frac{1}{m^i}</math>s into <math>m(m-1)</math> <math>\text{ }\frac{1}{m^{i+1}}</math>s since <math>(m-1)\cdot\frac{1}{m^{i}} = m(m-1)\cdot\frac{1}{m^{i+1}}</math>. Since we want <math>2010</math> terms, we have <math>\sum</math> <math>(m-1)\cdot m^x=2010</math>. However, since we can set <math>x</math> to be anything we want (including 0), all we care about is that <math>(m-1)\text{ }|\text{ } 2010</math> which happens <math>\boxed{016}</math> times.
This formula only works if <math>m</math> is exactly 1 more than a factor of 2010. Since 2010 factors as <math>2^1 3^1 5^1 67^1</math>, there are <math>2^4=\boxed{016}</math> such factors.
==Solution 2==
Let <cmath>P(m) = m^{x_0} - m^{x_1} -m^{x_2} - .... - m^{x_{2011}}</cmath>. The problem then becomes finding the number of positive integer roots <math>m</math> for which <math>P(m) = 0</math> and <math>x_0, x_1, ..., x_{2011}</math> are nonnegative integers. We plug in <math>m = 1</math> and see that <cmath>P(1) = 1 - 1 - 1... -1 = 1-2011 = -2010</cmath> Now, we can say that <cmath>P(m) = (m-1)Q(m) - 2010</cmath> for some polynomial <math>Q(m)</math> with integer coefficients. Then if <math>P(m) = 0</math>, <math>(m-1)Q(m) = 2010</math>. Thus, if <math>P(m) = 0</math>, then <math>m-1 | 2010</math> .
Now, we need to show that <cmath>m^{x_{0}}=\sum_{k = 1}^{2011}m^{x_{k}}\forall m-1|2010 </cmath> We try with the first few <math>m</math> that satisfy this.
For <math>m = 2</math>, we see we can satisfy this if <math>x_0 = 2010</math>, <math>x_1 = 2009</math>, <math>x_2 = 2008</math>, <math>\cdots</math> , <math>x_{2008} = 2</math>, <math>x_{2009} = 1</math>, <math> x_{2010} = 0</math>, <math>x_{2011} = 0</math>, because <cmath>2^{2009} + 2^{2008} + \cdots + 2^1 + 2^0 +2^ 0 = 2^{2009} + 2^{2008} + \cdots + 2^1 + 2^1 = \cdots</cmath> (based on the idea <math>2^n + 2^n = 2^{n+1}</math>, leading to a chain of substitutions of this kind) <cmath>= 2^{2009} + 2^{2008} + 2^{2008} = 2^{2009} + 2^{2009} = 2^{2010}</cmath>. Thus <math>2</math> is a possible value of <math>m</math>. For other values, for example <math>m = 3</math>, we can use the same strategy, with <cmath>x_{2011} = x_{2010} = x_{2009} = 0</cmath>, <cmath>x_{2008} = x_{2007} = 1</cmath>, <cmath>x_{2006} = x_{2005} = 2</cmath>, <cmath>\cdots</cmath>, <cmath>x_2 = x_1 = 1004</cmath> and <cmath>x_0 = 1005</cmath>, because
<cmath>3^0 + 3^0 + 3^0 +3^1+3^1+3^2+3^2+\cdots+3^{1004} +3^{1004} = 3^1+3^1+3^1+3^2+3^2+\cdots+3^{1004} +3^{1004} = 3^2+3^2+3^2+\cdots+3^{1004} +3^{1004}</cmath>
<cmath>=\cdots = 3^{1004} +3^{1004}+3^{1004} = 3^{1005}</cmath>
It's clearly seen we can use the same strategy for all <math>m-1 |2010</math>. We count all positive <math>m</math> satisfying <math>m-1 |2010</math>, and see there are <math>\boxed{016}</math>
First I show that <math>m-1</math> must divide <math>2010</math>. Consider the desired equation <math>\pmod{m-1}</math>.  The left side is <math>\equiv 1</math>, whereas the right side is <math>\equiv 2011</math>.  Thus, we have <math>1 \equiv 2011 \pmod{m-1}</math>, so <math>m-1</math> must divide 2010.
==Solution 3==
One notices that <math>m-1 \mid 2010</math>  if and only if there exist non-negative integers <math>x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_{2011}</math> such that <math>m^{x_0} = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}m^{x_k}</math>.
I will consider the example of <math>m=3</math> to give a sense of why <math>m</math> will work so long as <math>m-1</math> divides 2010. We can write <math>2187 = 3^7 = \sum_{i=1}^{3^7} 3^0</math>. Exchanging three <math>3^0</math> terms for a <math>3^1</math> term leaves the value on the right the same and decreases the number of terms by 2. Thus, we can write <math>3^7=2187</math> using <math>2187</math> terms, or <math>2185, 2183, \dots</math>, where the pattern is that the number of possible terms is <math>\equiv 1 \pmod{2}</math>. Since <math>2 | 2010 = 2011-1</math>, <math>m=3</math> is a value of <math>m</math> for which we can obtain the desired sum. If we run out of <math>3^0</math> terms, we can start exchanging three <math>3^1</math> terms for a <math>3^2</math> term. In general, this exchange will take <math>m</math> terms of <math>m^k</math> and replace them with one <math>m^{k+1}</math> term, thus reducing the number of terms by <math>(m-1)</math>.
To prove the forward case, we proceed by directly finding <math>x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_{2011}</math>. Suppose <math>m</math> is an integer such that <math>m^{x_0} = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}m^{x_k}</math>. We will count how many <math>x_k = 0</math>, how many <math>x_k = 1</math>, etc. Suppose the number of <math>x_k = 0</math> is non-zero. Then, there must be at least <math>m</math> such <math>x_k</math> since <math>m</math> divides all the remaining terms, so <math>m</math> must also divide the sum of all the <math>m^0</math> terms. Thus, if we let <math>x_k = 0</math> for <math>k = 1,2,\ldots,m</math>, we have,
<cmath>m^{x_0} = m + \sum_{k=m+1}^{2011}m^{x_k}.</cmath>
Well clearly, <math>m^{x_0}</math> is greater than <math>m</math>, so <math>m^2 \mid m^{x_0}</math>. <math>m^2</math> will also divide every term, <math>m^{x_k}</math>, where <math>x_k \geq 2</math>. So, all the terms, <math>m^{x_k}</math>, where <math>x_k < 2</math> must sum to a multiple of <math>m^2</math>. If there are exactly <math>m</math> terms where <math>x_k = 0</math>, then we must have at least <math>m-1</math> terms where <math>x_k = 1</math>. Suppose there are exactly <math>m-1</math> such terms and <math>x_k = 1</math> for <math>k = m+1,m+2,2m-1</math>. Now, we have,
<cmath>m^{x_0} = m^2 + \sum_{k=2m}^{2011}m^{x_k}.</cmath>
One can repeat this process for successive powers of <math>m</math> until the number of terms reaches 2011. Since there are <math>m + j(m-1)</math> terms after the <math>j</math>th power, we will only hit exactly 2011 terms if <math>m-1</math> is a factor of 2010. To see this,
<cmath>m+j(m-1) = 2011 \Rightarrow m-1+j(m-1) = 2010 \Rightarrow (m-1)(j+1) = 2010.</cmath>
Thus, when <math>j = 2010/(m-1) - 1</math> (which is an integer since <math>m-1 \mid 2010</math> by assumption, there are exactly 2011 terms. To see that these terms sum to a power of <math>m</math>, we realize that the sum is a geometric series:
<cmath>1 + (m-1) + (m-1)m+(m-1)m^2 + \cdots + (m-1)m^j = 1+(m-1)\frac{m^{j+1}-1}{m-1} = m^{j+1}.</cmath>
Thus, we have found a solution for the case <math>m-1 \mid 2010</math>.
Now, for the reverse case, we use the formula <cmath>x^k-1 = (x-1)(x^{k-1}+x^{k-2}+\cdots+1).</cmath> Suppose <math>m^{x_0} = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}m^{x^k}</math> has a solution. Subtract 2011 from both sides to get <cmath>m^{x_0}-1-2010 = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}(m^{x^k}-1).</cmath> Now apply the formula to get <cmath>(m-1)a_0-2010 = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}[(m-1)a_k],</cmath> where <math>a_k</math> are some integers. Rearranging this equation, we find <cmath>(m-1)A = 2010,</cmath> where <math>A = a_0 - \sum_{k=1}^{2011}a_k</math>. Thus, if <math>m</math> is a solution, then <math>m-1 \mid 2010</math>.
So, there is one positive integer solution corresponding to each factor of 2010. Since <math>2010 = 2\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdot 67</math>, the number of solutions is <math>2^4 = \boxed{016}</math>.
==Solution 4 (for noobs like me)==
The problem is basically asking how many integers <math>m</math> have a power that can be expressed as the sum of 2011 other powers of <math>m</math> (not necessarily distinct). Notice that <math>2+2+4+8+16=32</math>, <math>3+3+3+9+9+27+27+81+81=243</math>, and <math>4+4+4+4+16+16+16+64+64+64+256+256+256=1024</math>. Thus, we can safely assume that the equation <math>2011 = (m-1)x + m</math> must have an integer solution <math>x</math>. To find the number of <math>m</math>-values that allow the aforementioned equation to have an integer solution, we can subtract 1 from the constant <math>m</math> to make the equation equal a friendlier number, <math>2010</math>, instead of the ugly prime number <math>2011</math>: <math>2010 = (m-1)x+(m-1)</math>. Factor the equation and we get <math>2010 = (m-1)(x+1)</math>. The number of values of <math>m-1</math> that allow <math>x+1</math> to be an integer is quite obviously the number of factors of <math>2010</math>. Factoring <math>2010</math>, we obtain <math>2010 = 2 \times 3 \times 5 \times 67</math>, so the number of positive integers <math>m</math> that satisfy the required condition is <math>2^4 = \boxed{016}</math>.
==Solution 5==
First of all, note that the nonnegative integer condition really does not matter, since even if we have a nonnegative power, there is always a power of <math>m</math> we can multiply to get to non-negative powers. Now we see that our problem is just a matter of m-chopping blocks. What is meant by <math>m</math>-chopping is taking an existing block of say <math>m^{k}</math> and turning it into <math>m</math> blocks of <math>m^{k-1}</math>. This process increases the total number of blocks by <math>m-1</math> per chop.The problem wants us to find the number of positive integers <math>m</math> where some number of chops will turn <math>1</math> block into <math>2011</math> such blocks, thus increasing the total amount by <math>2010= 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdot 67</math>. Thus <math>m-1 | 2010</math>, and a cursory check on extreme cases will confirm that there are indeed <math>\boxed{016}</math> possible <math>m</math>s.
==Solution 6 (fast, easy)==
The problem is basically saying that we want to find <math>2011</math> powers of <math>m</math> that add together to equal another power of <math>m</math>. If we had a power of <math>m</math>, <math>m^n</math>, then to get to <math>m^{n+1}</math> or <math>m \cdot (m^n)</math>, we have to add <math>m^n</math>, <math> m-1 </math>times. Then when we are at <math>m^{n+1}</math>, to get to <math>m^{n+2}</math>, it is similar. So we have to have <math>m^{\text{some number}} = m^n + (m-1){m^n} + (m-1)(m^{n+1})\dots</math>. This expression has <math>1 + (m-1) + (m-1) + \dots = 1 + k(m-1)</math> terms, and the number of terms must be equal to <math>2011</math> (as stated in the problem). Then <math>1+k(m-1) = 2011</math>, and we get the equation <math>k(m-1) = 2010 = 2\cdot3\cdot5\cdot67</math>. <math>2010</math> has <math>16</math> factors, and setting <math>m-1</math> equal to each of these factors makes <math>\boxed{016}</math> values of <math>m</math>.
==Solution 7 (xooks-rbo)==
Take<math>\pmod {m-1}</math> of both sides
<cmath>m^{x_0} \equiv 1 \pmod {m-1} </cmath>
<cmath>\sum_{k = 1}^{2011} m^{x_k} \equiv 2011 \pmod {m-1} </cmath>
Setting both of these to be congruent to eachother, we get:
<cmath>1 \equiv 2011 \pmod {m-1} </cmath>
Subtract <math>1</math> from both sides to get:
<cmath>0 \equiv 2010 \pmod {m-1} </cmath>
<math>m-1</math> must be a factor of <math>2010</math>.
<math>2010</math> has <math>16</math> factors, so there are <math>\boxed{16}</math> values of <math>m</math>.
==An Olympiad Problem that's (almost) the exact same (and it came before 2011, MAA)==
2001 Austrian-Polish Math Individual Competition #1
== See also ==
== See also ==
{{AIME box|year=2011|n=I|before=Problem 6|num-a=8}}
{{AIME box|year=2011|n=I|num-b=6|num-a=8}}
* [[AIME Problems and Solutions]]
* [[AIME Problems and Solutions]]
* [[American Invitational Mathematics Examination]]
* [[American Invitational Mathematics Examination]]
* [[Mathematics competition resources]]
* [[Mathematics competition resources]]
[[Category:Intermediate Algebra Problems]]
{{MAA Notice}}

Latest revision as of 20:45, 1 September 2024

Problem 7

Find the number of positive integers $m$ for which there exist nonnegative integers $x_0$, $x_1$ , $\dots$ , $x_{2011}$ such that \[m^{x_0} = \sum_{k = 1}^{2011} m^{x_k}.\]

Solution 1

$m^{x_0}= m^{x_1} +m^{x_2} + .... + m^{x_{2011}}$. Now, divide by $m^{x_0}$ to get $1= m^{x_1-x_0} +m^{x_2-x_0} + .... + m^{x_{2011}-x_0}$. Notice that since we can choose all nonnegative $x_0,...,x_{2011}$, we can make $x_n-x_0$ whatever we desire. WLOG, let $x_0\geq...\geq x_{2011}$ and let $a_n=x_n-x_0$. Notice that, also, $m^{a_{2011}}$ doesn't matter if we are able to make $m^{a_1} +m^{a_2} + .... + m^{a_{2010}}$ equal to $1-\left(\frac{1}{m}\right)^x$ for any power of $x$. Consider $m=2$. We can achieve a sum of $1-\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^x$ by doing $\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+...$ (the "simplest" sequence). If we don't have $\frac{1}{2}$, to compensate, we need $2\cdot \frac{1}{4}$'s. Now, let's try to generalize. The "simplest" sequence is having $\frac{1}{m}$ $m-1$ times, $\frac{1}{m^2}$ $m-1$ times, $\ldots$. To make other sequences, we can split $m-1$ $\frac{1}{m^i}$s into $m(m-1)$ $\text{ }\frac{1}{m^{i+1}}$s since $(m-1)\cdot\frac{1}{m^{i}} = m(m-1)\cdot\frac{1}{m^{i+1}}$. Since we want $2010$ terms, we have $\sum$ $(m-1)\cdot m^x=2010$. However, since we can set $x$ to be anything we want (including 0), all we care about is that $(m-1)\text{ }|\text{ } 2010$ which happens $\boxed{016}$ times.

Solution 2

Let \[P(m) = m^{x_0} - m^{x_1} -m^{x_2} - .... - m^{x_{2011}}\]. The problem then becomes finding the number of positive integer roots $m$ for which $P(m) = 0$ and $x_0, x_1, ..., x_{2011}$ are nonnegative integers. We plug in $m = 1$ and see that \[P(1) = 1 - 1 - 1... -1 = 1-2011 = -2010\] Now, we can say that \[P(m) = (m-1)Q(m) - 2010\] for some polynomial $Q(m)$ with integer coefficients. Then if $P(m) = 0$, $(m-1)Q(m) = 2010$. Thus, if $P(m) = 0$, then $m-1 | 2010$ . Now, we need to show that \[m^{x_{0}}=\sum_{k = 1}^{2011}m^{x_{k}}\forall m-1|2010\] We try with the first few $m$ that satisfy this. For $m = 2$, we see we can satisfy this if $x_0 = 2010$, $x_1 = 2009$, $x_2 = 2008$, $\cdots$ , $x_{2008} = 2$, $x_{2009} = 1$, $x_{2010} = 0$, $x_{2011} = 0$, because \[2^{2009} + 2^{2008} + \cdots + 2^1 + 2^0 +2^ 0 = 2^{2009} + 2^{2008} + \cdots + 2^1 + 2^1 = \cdots\] (based on the idea $2^n + 2^n = 2^{n+1}$, leading to a chain of substitutions of this kind) \[= 2^{2009} + 2^{2008} + 2^{2008} = 2^{2009} + 2^{2009} = 2^{2010}\]. Thus $2$ is a possible value of $m$. For other values, for example $m = 3$, we can use the same strategy, with \[x_{2011} = x_{2010} = x_{2009} = 0\], \[x_{2008} = x_{2007} = 1\], \[x_{2006} = x_{2005} = 2\], \[\cdots\], \[x_2 = x_1 = 1004\] and \[x_0 = 1005\], because \[3^0 + 3^0 + 3^0 +3^1+3^1+3^2+3^2+\cdots+3^{1004} +3^{1004} = 3^1+3^1+3^1+3^2+3^2+\cdots+3^{1004} +3^{1004} = 3^2+3^2+3^2+\cdots+3^{1004} +3^{1004}\] \[=\cdots = 3^{1004} +3^{1004}+3^{1004} = 3^{1005}\] It's clearly seen we can use the same strategy for all $m-1 |2010$. We count all positive $m$ satisfying $m-1 |2010$, and see there are $\boxed{016}$

Solution 3

One notices that $m-1 \mid 2010$ if and only if there exist non-negative integers $x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_{2011}$ such that $m^{x_0} = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}m^{x_k}$.

To prove the forward case, we proceed by directly finding $x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_{2011}$. Suppose $m$ is an integer such that $m^{x_0} = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}m^{x_k}$. We will count how many $x_k = 0$, how many $x_k = 1$, etc. Suppose the number of $x_k = 0$ is non-zero. Then, there must be at least $m$ such $x_k$ since $m$ divides all the remaining terms, so $m$ must also divide the sum of all the $m^0$ terms. Thus, if we let $x_k = 0$ for $k = 1,2,\ldots,m$, we have, \[m^{x_0} = m + \sum_{k=m+1}^{2011}m^{x_k}.\] Well clearly, $m^{x_0}$ is greater than $m$, so $m^2 \mid m^{x_0}$. $m^2$ will also divide every term, $m^{x_k}$, where $x_k \geq 2$. So, all the terms, $m^{x_k}$, where $x_k < 2$ must sum to a multiple of $m^2$. If there are exactly $m$ terms where $x_k = 0$, then we must have at least $m-1$ terms where $x_k = 1$. Suppose there are exactly $m-1$ such terms and $x_k = 1$ for $k = m+1,m+2,2m-1$. Now, we have, \[m^{x_0} = m^2 + \sum_{k=2m}^{2011}m^{x_k}.\] One can repeat this process for successive powers of $m$ until the number of terms reaches 2011. Since there are $m + j(m-1)$ terms after the $j$th power, we will only hit exactly 2011 terms if $m-1$ is a factor of 2010. To see this, \[m+j(m-1) = 2011 \Rightarrow m-1+j(m-1) = 2010 \Rightarrow (m-1)(j+1) = 2010.\] Thus, when $j = 2010/(m-1) - 1$ (which is an integer since $m-1 \mid 2010$ by assumption, there are exactly 2011 terms. To see that these terms sum to a power of $m$, we realize that the sum is a geometric series: \[1 + (m-1) + (m-1)m+(m-1)m^2 + \cdots + (m-1)m^j = 1+(m-1)\frac{m^{j+1}-1}{m-1} = m^{j+1}.\] Thus, we have found a solution for the case $m-1 \mid 2010$.

Now, for the reverse case, we use the formula \[x^k-1 = (x-1)(x^{k-1}+x^{k-2}+\cdots+1).\] Suppose $m^{x_0} = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}m^{x^k}$ has a solution. Subtract 2011 from both sides to get \[m^{x_0}-1-2010 = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}(m^{x^k}-1).\] Now apply the formula to get \[(m-1)a_0-2010 = \sum_{k=1}^{2011}[(m-1)a_k],\] where $a_k$ are some integers. Rearranging this equation, we find \[(m-1)A = 2010,\] where $A = a_0 - \sum_{k=1}^{2011}a_k$. Thus, if $m$ is a solution, then $m-1 \mid 2010$.

So, there is one positive integer solution corresponding to each factor of 2010. Since $2010 = 2\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdot 67$, the number of solutions is $2^4 = \boxed{016}$.

Solution 4 (for noobs like me)

The problem is basically asking how many integers $m$ have a power that can be expressed as the sum of 2011 other powers of $m$ (not necessarily distinct). Notice that $2+2+4+8+16=32$, $3+3+3+9+9+27+27+81+81=243$, and $4+4+4+4+16+16+16+64+64+64+256+256+256=1024$. Thus, we can safely assume that the equation $2011 = (m-1)x + m$ must have an integer solution $x$. To find the number of $m$-values that allow the aforementioned equation to have an integer solution, we can subtract 1 from the constant $m$ to make the equation equal a friendlier number, $2010$, instead of the ugly prime number $2011$: $2010 = (m-1)x+(m-1)$. Factor the equation and we get $2010 = (m-1)(x+1)$. The number of values of $m-1$ that allow $x+1$ to be an integer is quite obviously the number of factors of $2010$. Factoring $2010$, we obtain $2010 = 2 \times 3 \times 5 \times 67$, so the number of positive integers $m$ that satisfy the required condition is $2^4 = \boxed{016}$.


Solution 5

First of all, note that the nonnegative integer condition really does not matter, since even if we have a nonnegative power, there is always a power of $m$ we can multiply to get to non-negative powers. Now we see that our problem is just a matter of m-chopping blocks. What is meant by $m$-chopping is taking an existing block of say $m^{k}$ and turning it into $m$ blocks of $m^{k-1}$. This process increases the total number of blocks by $m-1$ per chop.The problem wants us to find the number of positive integers $m$ where some number of chops will turn $1$ block into $2011$ such blocks, thus increasing the total amount by $2010= 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdot 67$. Thus $m-1 | 2010$, and a cursory check on extreme cases will confirm that there are indeed $\boxed{016}$ possible $m$s.

Solution 6 (fast, easy)

The problem is basically saying that we want to find $2011$ powers of $m$ that add together to equal another power of $m$. If we had a power of $m$, $m^n$, then to get to $m^{n+1}$ or $m \cdot (m^n)$, we have to add $m^n$, $m-1$times. Then when we are at $m^{n+1}$, to get to $m^{n+2}$, it is similar. So we have to have $m^{\text{some number}} = m^n + (m-1){m^n} + (m-1)(m^{n+1})\dots$. This expression has $1 + (m-1) + (m-1) + \dots = 1 + k(m-1)$ terms, and the number of terms must be equal to $2011$ (as stated in the problem). Then $1+k(m-1) = 2011$, and we get the equation $k(m-1) = 2010 = 2\cdot3\cdot5\cdot67$. $2010$ has $16$ factors, and setting $m-1$ equal to each of these factors makes $\boxed{016}$ values of $m$.

Solution 7 (xooks-rbo)

Take$\pmod {m-1}$ of both sides \[m^{x_0} \equiv 1 \pmod {m-1}\] \[\sum_{k = 1}^{2011} m^{x_k} \equiv 2011 \pmod {m-1}\] Setting both of these to be congruent to eachother, we get: \[1 \equiv 2011 \pmod {m-1}\] Subtract $1$ from both sides to get: \[0 \equiv 2010 \pmod {m-1}\] $m-1$ must be a factor of $2010$.

$2010$ has $16$ factors, so there are $\boxed{16}$ values of $m$.

An Olympiad Problem that's (almost) the exact same (and it came before 2011, MAA)

https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c6h84155p486903 2001 Austrian-Polish Math Individual Competition #1 ~MSC

See also

2011 AIME I (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 6
Followed by
Problem 8
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