User:Aops-g5-gethsemanea2/Single Player Wiki Math Games

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One-Player Game


If you want to signup, do it below. Remember, log in to edit this page. I will check on this list periodically and add people to games.

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The Wiki Math Game is a head-to-head competition for AoPS students. When you signup, please follow the form below:

  • Username (Algebra/Geometry/Counting and Probability/Number Theory)(5/10 problems)


  • aops-g5-gethsemanea2 (Algebra)(10 problems)

Post your answers in your assigned answer column.

Note #1: All questions will be Introductory level.

Note #2: The time limit for posting an answer is 3 days. If one user does not answer for above the limit, the game will be marked abandoned and none of the players get to go to the Hall of Fame.


All of the game links will be posted here.

Game 1

Game 1's player is ___. The link is this.