2007 AMC 8 Problems/Problem 12

Revision as of 11:22, 12 July 2021 by Ghostyc (talk | contribs) (Problem)


A unit hexagram is composed of a regular hexagon of side length $1$ and its $6$ equilateral triangular extensions, as shown in the diagram. What is the ratio of the area of the extensions to the area of the original hexagon?

<asy> defaultpen(linewidth(0.7)); draw(polygon(3)); pair D=origin+1*dir(270), E=origin+1*dir(150), F=1*dir(30); draw(D--E--F--cycle); <\asy>

$\mathrm{(A)}\ 1:1 \qquad \mathrm{(B)}\ 6:5  \qquad \mathrm{(C)}\ 3:2 \qquad \mathrm{(D)}\ 2:1 \qquad \mathrm{(E)}\ 3:1$


The six equilateral triangular extensions fit perfectly into the hexagon meaning the answer is $\boxed{\textbf{(A) }1:1}$

See Also

2007 AMC 8 (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 11
Followed by
Problem 13
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