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Cyclic ine
m4thbl3nd3r   5
N an hour ago by sqing
Let $a,b,c>0$ such that $a+b+c=3$. Prove that $$a^3b+b^3c+c^3a+9abc\le 12$$
5 replies
Yesterday at 3:17 PM
an hour ago
high tech FE as J1?!
imagien_bad   58
N 2 hours ago by llddmmtt1
Source: USAJMO 2025/1
Let $\mathbb Z$ be the set of integers, and let $f\colon \mathbb Z \to \mathbb Z$ be a function. Prove that there are infinitely many integers $c$ such that the function $g\colon \mathbb Z \to \mathbb Z$ defined by $g(x) = f(x) + cx$ is not bijective.
Note: A function $g\colon \mathbb Z \to \mathbb Z$ is bijective if for every integer $b$, there exists exactly one integer $a$ such that $g(a) = b$.
58 replies
Mar 20, 2025
2 hours ago
mohs of each oly
cowstalker   7
N 2 hours ago by Pomansq
what are the general concencus for the mohs of each of the problems on usajmo and usamo
7 replies
4 hours ago
2 hours ago
Base 2n of n^k
KevinYang2.71   41
N 2 hours ago by mineric
Source: USAMO 2025/1, USAJMO 2025/2
Let $k$ and $d$ be positive integers. Prove that there exists a positive integer $N$ such that for every odd integer $n>N$, the digits in the base-$2n$ representation of $n^k$ are all greater than $d$.
41 replies
Mar 20, 2025
2 hours ago
Scary Binomial Coefficient Sum
EpicBird08   34
N 3 hours ago by MathLuis
Source: USAMO 2025/5
Determine, with proof, all positive integers $k$ such that $$\frac{1}{n+1} \sum_{i=0}^n \binom{n}{i}^k$$is an integer for every positive integer $n.$
34 replies
Friday at 11:59 AM
3 hours ago
funny title placeholder
pikapika007   52
N 3 hours ago by v_Enhance
Source: USAJMO 2025/6
Let $S$ be a set of integers with the following properties:
[*] $\{ 1, 2, \dots, 2025 \} \subseteq S$.
[*] If $a, b \in S$ and $\gcd(a, b) = 1$, then $ab \in S$.
[*] If for some $s \in S$, $s + 1$ is composite, then all positive divisors of $s + 1$ are in $S$.
Prove that $S$ contains all positive integers.
52 replies
1 viewing
Friday at 12:10 PM
3 hours ago
Tennessee Math Tournament (TMT) Online 2025
TennesseeMathTournament   39
N 4 hours ago by TennesseeMathTournament
Hello everyone! We are excited to announce a new competition, the Tennessee Math Tournament, created by the Tennessee Math Coalition! Anyone can participate in the virtual competition for free.

The testing window is from March 22nd to April 5th, 2025. Virtual competitors may participate in the competition at any time during that window.

The virtual competition consists of three rounds: Individual, Bullet, and Team. The Individual Round is 60 minutes long and consists of 30 questions (AMC 10 level). The Bullet Round is 20 minutes long and consists of 80 questions (Mathcounts Chapter level). The Team Round is 30 minutes long and consists of 16 questions (AMC 12 level). Virtual competitors may compete in teams of four, or choose to not participate in the team round.

To register and see more information, click here!

If you have any questions, please email connect@tnmathcoalition.org or reply to this thread!

Thank you to our lead sponsor, Jane Street!

39 replies
Mar 9, 2025
4 hours ago
AndrewZhong2012   19
N 4 hours ago by orangebear
I know this post has been made before, but I personally can't find it. I qualified for mathcounts through wildcard in PA, and I can't figure out how to do those last handful of states sprint problems that seem to be one trick ponies(2024 P28 and P29 are examples) They seem very prevalent recently. Does anyone have advice on how to figure out problems like these in the moment?
19 replies
Mar 5, 2025
4 hours ago
2025 Math and AI 4 Girls Competition: Win Up To $1,000!!!
audio-on   11
N 5 hours ago by ev2028
Join the 2025 Math and AI 4 Girls Competition for a chance to win up to $1,000!

Hey Everyone, I'm pleased to announce the dates for the 2025 MA4G Competition are set!
Applications will open on March 22nd, 2025, and they will close on April 26th, 2025 (@ 11:59pm PST).

Applicants will have one month to fill out an application with prizes for the top 50 contestants & cash prizes for the top 20 contestants (including $1,000 for the winner!). More details below!

The competition is free to enter, and open to middle school female students living in the US (5th-8th grade).
Award recipients are selected based on their aptitude, activities and aspirations in STEM.

Event dates:
Applications will open on March 22nd, 2025, and they will close on April 26th, 2025 (by 11:59pm PST)
Winners will be announced on June 28, 2025 during an online award ceremony.

Application requirements:
Complete a 12 question problem set on math and computer science/AI related topics
Write 2 short essays

1st place: $1,000 Cash prize
2nd place: $500 Cash prize
3rd place: $300 Cash prize
4th-10th: $100 Cash prize each
11th-20th: $50 Cash prize each
Top 50 contestants: Over $50 worth of gadgets and stationary

Many thanks to our current and past sponsors and partners: Hudson River Trading, MATHCOUNTS, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Automation Anywhere, JP Morgan Chase, D.E. Shaw, and AI4ALL.

Math and AI 4 Girls is a nonprofit organization aiming to encourage young girls to develop an interest in math and AI by taking part in STEM competitions and activities at an early age. The organization will be hosting an inaugural Math and AI 4 Girls competition to identify talent and encourage long-term planning of academic and career goals in STEM.


For more information on the competition:

More information on how to register will be posted on the website. If you have any questions, please ask here!

11 replies
Jan 26, 2025
5 hours ago
2025 USA(J)MO Cutoff Predictions
KevinChen_Yay   100
N 6 hours ago by imagien_bad
What do y'all think JMO winner and MOP cuts will be?

(Also, to satisfy the USAMO takers; what about the bronze, silver, gold, green mop, blue mop, black mop?)
100 replies
Friday at 12:33 PM
6 hours ago
usamOOK geometry
KevinYang2.71   72
N Yesterday at 10:32 PM by ehuseyinyigit
Source: USAMO 2025/4, USAJMO 2025/5
Let $H$ be the orthocenter of acute triangle $ABC$, let $F$ be the foot of the altitude from $C$ to $AB$, and let $P$ be the reflection of $H$ across $BC$. Suppose that the circumcircle of triangle $AFP$ intersects line $BC$ at two distinct points $X$ and $Y$. Prove that $C$ is the midpoint of $XY$.
72 replies
Friday at 12:00 PM
Yesterday at 10:32 PM
IMO ShortList 2001, algebra problem 6
orl   137
N Friday at 9:08 PM by Levieee
Source: IMO ShortList 2001, algebra problem 6
Prove that for all positive real numbers $a,b,c$, \[ \frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2 + 8bc}} + \frac{b}{\sqrt{b^2 + 8ca}} + \frac{c}{\sqrt{c^2 + 8ab}} \geq 1.  \]
137 replies
Sep 30, 2004
Friday at 9:08 PM
IMO ShortList 2001, algebra problem 6
Source: IMO ShortList 2001, algebra problem 6
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3647 posts
#1 • 10 Y
Y by Adventure10, megarnie, son7, HWenslawski, lian_the_noob12, Mango247, NicoN9, and 3 other users
Prove that for all positive real numbers $a,b,c$, \[ \frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2 + 8bc}} + \frac{b}{\sqrt{b^2 + 8ca}} + \frac{c}{\sqrt{c^2 + 8ab}} \geq 1.  \]
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by orl, Oct 25, 2004, 12:09 AM
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251 posts
#2 • 24 Y
Y by cindy7, FlakeLCR, biomathematics, YadisBeles, me9hanics, ValidName, bobjoe123, HolyMath, Illuzion, Adventure10, myh2910, megarnie, son7, Vladimir_Djurica, ehuseyinyigit, Mango247, bhan2025, Sedro, volca_, and 5 other users
this inequality is homogeneous so we can put $a+b+c=1$
and apply Jensen's inequality for $f(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}$
so we have :
$\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2+8bc}}+\frac{b}{\sqrt{b^2+8ac}}+\frac{b}{\sqrt{b^2+8ac}} \geq \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^3+b^3+c^3+24abc}}$
but :
$1=(a+b+c)^3=a^3+b^3+c^3+6abc+3(a^2b+a^2c+b^2a+b^2c+c^2a+c^2b) \geq a^3+b^3+c^3+24abc$

, so indeed $\frac{1}{\sqrt{a^3+b^3+c^3+24abc}}
\geq 1$ .
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1272 posts
#3 • 10 Y
Y by Adventure10, megarnie, son7, Mango247, volca_, and 5 other users
Sorry for reviving this post, firstly. I had a question about this inequality. Why does $a+b+c = 1$? Why can we do this?
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1434 posts
#4 • 12 Y
Y by Learner94, SidVicious, me9hanics, Happy2020, Adventure10, megarnie, son7, Vladimir_Djurica, Mango247, volca_, and 2 other users
Because the inequality is homogenous.
Let's say $a+b+c=k$
Taking $a'=a/k, b'=b/k, c'=c/k$ would give the same result but $a'+b'+c'=1$
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2444 posts
#5 • 6 Y
Y by me9hanics, Adventure10, son7, Mango247, and 2 other users
Rafal wrote:
this inequality is homogeneous so we can put $a+b+c=1$
and apply Jensen's inequality for $f(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}$
so we have :
$\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^{2}+8bc}}+\frac{b}{\sqrt{b^{2}+8ac}}+\frac{b}{\sqrt{b^{2}+8ac}}\geq \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^{3}+b^{3}+c^{3}+24abc}}$
but :
$1=(a+b+c)^{3}=a^{3}+b^{3}+c^{3}+6abc+3(a^{2}b+a^{2}c+b^{2}a+b^{2}c+c^{2}a+c^{2}b) \geq a^{3}+b^{3}+c^{3}+24abc$

, so indeed $\frac{1}{\sqrt{a^{3}+b^{3}+c^{3}+24abc}}\geq 1$ .

I don't exactly understand how you are applying Jensen's.
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339 posts
#6 • 11 Y
Y by Binomial-theorem, biomathematics, me9hanics, Adventure10, megarnie, son7, Vladimir_Djurica, Mango247, sabkx, ehuseyinyigit, and 1 other user
i think the problem can be solved by using UCT
by using UCT ,we need to prove that
$\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^{2}+8bc}}\geq \frac{a^{\frac{4}{3}}}{a^{\frac{4}{3}}+b^{\frac{4}{3}}+c^{\frac{4}{3}}}$
it follows that $(2a^{\frac{4}{3}}+b^{\frac{4}{3}}+c^{\frac{4}{3}})(b^{\frac{4}{3}}+c^{\frac{4}{3}}) \geq 8a^{\frac{2}{3}bc}$
writing two similar inequalities of b and c and adding them up , we obtain the desire result
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3595 posts
#7 • 11 Y
Y by Trafalgar0246, ValidName, Polynom_Efendi, arqady, Adventure10, megarnie, son7, Vladimir_Djurica, Mango247, and 2 other users
@Phelpedo: $\text{LHS}=af(a^{2}+8bc)+bf(b^{2}+8ca)+cf(c^{2}+8ab)$, that is all because $a+b+c=1$.
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230 posts
#8 • 7 Y
Y by biomathematics, me9hanics, Adventure10, son7, Mango247, and 2 other users
i have an other idea : we can put, $e^{x}=\frac{bc}{a^{2}}$, $e^{y}=\frac{ac}{b^{2}}$ and $e^{z}=\frac{ab}{c^{2}}$to get the inequality we have only to apply Jensen to the function $f(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{x}}$ with $\lambda_{1}=\lambda_{2}=\lambda_{3}=\frac{1}{3}$ but i'm not sure of the convexity of $f$ :D
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2444 posts
#9 • 8 Y
Y by YadisBeles, me9hanics, Adventure10, son7, Mango247, and 3 other users
HTA wrote:
i think the problem can be solved by using UCT
by using UCT ,we need to prove that
$\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^{2}+8bc}}\geq \frac{a^{\frac{4}{3}}}{a^{\frac{4}{3}}+b^{\frac{4}{3}}+c^{\frac{4}{3}}}$
it follows that $(2a^{\frac{4}{3}}+b^{\frac{4}{3}}+c^{\frac{4}{3}})(b^{\frac{4}{3}}+c^{\frac{4}{3}}) \geq 8a^{\frac{2}{3}bc}$
writing two similar inequalities of b and c and adding them up , we obtain the desire result

What does UCT stand for?
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230 posts
#10 • 4 Y
Y by Adventure10, Mango247, and 2 other users
i'have made a mistake th efunction $f(x)=\frac{1}{1+8e^{x}}$ :blush:
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1963 posts
#11 • 6 Y
Y by pavel kozlov, Adventure10, son7, Mango247, and 2 other users
That function $\frac{1}{1+8e^{x}}$ is only convex when $e^{x}> 1/4$. However, things being less than 1/4 does not give the inequality much room to escape!

EDIT: If we have e^x <= 1/4 , then we can apply Jensen to the remaining two variables to obtain a one-variable inequality, which then dies to taking a derivative. So, this method *does* work, however ugly it is.
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240 posts
#12 • 8 Y
Y by JuanOrtiz, me9hanics, N0_NAME, Adventure10, son7, LLL2019, and 2 other users
Another solution:
Let $ x = \sqrt \frac {a^2}{a^2 + 8bc}, y = \sqrt \frac {b^2}{b^2 + 8ac}, z = \sqrt \frac {c^2}{c^2 + 8ab}$.
clearly, $ \frac {1}{x^2} = 1 + \frac {8bc}{a^2}$, so $ ( \frac {1}{x^2} - 1 )( \frac {1}{y^2} - 1) (\frac {1}{z^2} - 1) = 512$. We wish to prove that $ x + y + z \geq 1$.
Let's prove that when $ x + y + z = 1$, then $ ( \frac {1}{x^2} - 1 )( \frac {1}{y^2} - 1) (\frac {1}{z^2} - 1) \geq 512$. This is easy: $ ( \frac {1}{x^2} - 1 )( \frac {1}{y^2} - 1) (\frac {1}{z^2} - 1) = \frac { (1 - x)(1 + x)(1 - y)(1 + y)(1 - z)(1 + z) }{x^2 y^2 z^2} = \frac { (x + y)(y + z)(x + z)(2x + y + z)(2y + x + z)(2z + x + y)}{x^2 y^2 z^2} \geq \frac { 512 \sqrt {xy} \sqrt {yz} \sqrt {xz} \sqrt [4]{x^2 yz} \sqrt [4]{y^2 xz} \sqrt [4]{z^2 xy} }{x^2 y^2 z^2} = 512$, as required.

This is sufficient, since for some $ a,b,c$, if $ ( \frac {1}{a^2} - 1 )( \frac {1}{b^2} - 1) (\frac {1}{c^2} - 1) = 512$ ... (*), letting $ \lambda a = x, \lambda b = y, \lambda c = z$, where $ x + y + z = 1$, then we have, $ ( \frac {1}{x^2} - 1 )( \frac {1}{y^2} - 1) (\frac {1}{z^2} - 1) \geq 512$ - then comparing with (*), we have $ \lambda \leq 1$, so $ a + b + c \geq 1$.
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3 posts
#13 • 13 Y
Y by hwl0304, theoryofuniverse, me9hanics, BobaFett101, shivprateek, Vladimir_Djurica, raigeki173, sabkx, ehuseyinyigit, Adventure10, Mango247, and 2 other users
Here's another solution, quite a simple one.
by Cauchy-Schwarz:
\[ (\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2 + 8bc}} + \frac{b}{\sqrt{b^2 + 8ca}} + \frac{c}{\sqrt{c^2 + 8ab}})^2 (\sum_{cyc}{a(a^2+8bc)})\]
\[ \geq(a+b+c)^3\]
\[ (a+b+c)^3\geq\sum_{cyc}{a(a^2+8bc)}\]
Thus, we get:

\[ (\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2 + 8bc}} + \frac{b}{\sqrt{b^2 + 8ca}} + \frac{c}{\sqrt{c^2 + 8ab}})^2\]
\[ \geq\frac{(a+b+c)^3}{(\sum{a(a^2+8bc)})}\]
\[ \geq1\]
$ Q.E.D.$
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1345 posts
#14 • 9 Y
Y by me9hanics, Polynom_Efendi, Adventure10, Muaaz.SY, ZHEKSHEN, Chokechoke, ehuseyinyigit, Mango247, and 1 other user
Because of the homogeneity we can take $ a.b.c = 1$. Inequality equivalent to $ \sqrt {\frac {a^3}{a^3 + 8}} + \sqrt {\frac {b^3}{b^3 + 8}} + \sqrt {\frac {c^3}{c^3 + 8}}\geq1$. Let $ a = \frac {2}{x} , b = \frac {2}{y} , c = \frac {2}{z}$ . $ \frac {1}{\sqrt {1 + x^3}} + \frac {1}{\sqrt {1 + y^3}} + \frac {1}{\sqrt {1 + z^3}}\geq1$
By the Arithmetic Geometric Mean Inequality $ \sqrt {(x + 1)(x^2 - x + 1)}\leq\frac {x^2 + 2}{2}$ and we will prove that $ \frac {2}{x^2 + 2} + \frac {2}{y^2 + 2} + \frac {2}{z^2 + 2}\geq1$ $ \Longleftrightarrow$ $ 2(x^2y^2 + y^2z^2 + x^2z^2) + 8(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) + 24\geq2(x^2y^2 + y^2z^2 + x^2z^2) + 4(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) + x^2y^2z^2$ $ \Longleftrightarrow$ $ x^2 + y^2 + z^2\geq12$ which is obviously true. ($ x.y.z=8$)
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1896 posts
#15 • 3 Y
Y by me9hanics, Adventure10, and 1 other user
What does UCT stand for? If it means showing that each of three fractions is greater the f(a)/(f(a)+f(b)+f(c)), hence their sum must be greater then 1, then what is the motivation for choosing f(x)=$ x^{4/3}$?