2022 AIME II Problems/Problem 7

Revision as of 09:08, 19 February 2022 by Isabelchen (talk | contribs) (Solution 1)


A circle with radius $6$ is externally tangent to a circle with radius $24$. Find the area of the triangular region bounded by the three common tangent lines of these two circles.

Solution 1

[asy] //Created by isabelchen  size(12cm, 12cm);  draw(circle((0,0),24)); draw(circle((30,0),6)); draw((72/5, 96/5) -- (40,0)); draw((72/5, -96/5) -- (40,0)); draw((24, 12) -- (24, -12)); draw((0, 0) -- (40, 0)); draw((72/5, 96/5) -- (0,0)); draw((168/5, 24/5) -- (30,0)); draw((54/5, 72/5) -- (30,0));  dot((72/5, 96/5)); label("$A$",(72/5, 96/5),NE); dot((168/5, 24/5)); label("$B$",(168/5, 24/5),NE); dot((24,0)); label("$C$",(24,0),NW); dot((40, 0)); label("$D$",(40, 0),NE); dot((24, 12)); label("$E$",(24, 12),NE); dot((24, -12)); label("$F$",(24, -12),SE); dot((54/5, 72/5)); label("$G$",(54/5, 72/5),NW); dot((0, 0)); label("$O_1$",(0, 0),S); dot((30, 0)); label("$O_2$",(30, 0),S);  [/asy]

To be continued......


Video Solution (Mathematical Dexterity)


See Also

2022 AIME II (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 6
Followed by
Problem 8
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All AIME Problems and Solutions

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