WTF Ladue
by math154, Feb 17, 2010, 3:01 AM
is getting worse and worse.
In Health last semester we got to ask our parents about their sex education (I just made a fake worksheet for them to fill out, so it was okay I guess...).
Now in English we get to do the following assignment:
Tips for BS pl0x?

This assignment is really pretty unfair to a lot of people...
In Health last semester we got to ask our parents about their sex education (I just made a fake worksheet for them to fill out, so it was okay I guess...).
Now in English we get to do the following assignment:
Ladue kindly wrote:
If you had to list the traits (physical, personality, etc.) of your perfect mate, what would they be? Try to be as specific as you can be.
Now, try to figure out what traits your parents would list if they were choosing the perfect mate for you. Again, try to be specific.
REMEMBER! Don't let your parents see your list until they have done theirs on the other side.
Please have both sides of this survey completed and with you in class.
Dear Parent(s):
[stuff] On the other side of this sheet I have asked the students to list traits THEY would want in a "perfect mate." Now, I'm going to ask you to do the same, without having looked at their lists first. Naturally, you're welcome to read what they said after you've answered the questions.
Thanks for your help in completing this project.
What traits (physical, personality, etc.) would you think your son or daughter would look for if searching for the perfect mate for himself or herself?
Now, what 3 traits would you consider most important if you were choosing the perfect mate for your son or daughter?
Parent Signature:
Now, try to figure out what traits your parents would list if they were choosing the perfect mate for you. Again, try to be specific.
REMEMBER! Don't let your parents see your list until they have done theirs on the other side.
Please have both sides of this survey completed and with you in class.
Dear Parent(s):
[stuff] On the other side of this sheet I have asked the students to list traits THEY would want in a "perfect mate." Now, I'm going to ask you to do the same, without having looked at their lists first. Naturally, you're welcome to read what they said after you've answered the questions.
Thanks for your help in completing this project.
What traits (physical, personality, etc.) would you think your son or daughter would look for if searching for the perfect mate for himself or herself?
Now, what 3 traits would you consider most important if you were choosing the perfect mate for your son or daughter?
Parent Signature:
Tips for BS pl0x?

This assignment is really pretty unfair to a lot of people...