by math154, Nov 20, 2011, 12:45 AM
1. (MOP 2007) In triangle
, point
lies on side
. Extend segment
such that
. Extend segment
such that
. Let
be the circumcenter of triangle
. Prove that
2. (MOP 2010) Fix
points in space in such a way that no four of them are in the same plane, and choose any
segments determined by the given points. Determine the least number of points that are the vertices of a triangle formed by the chosen segments.
3. (Bulgarian solitaire) Suppose we have
cards total among some number of stacks. In each move, Bob takes one card from each stack and forms a new stack with them. Show that Bob eventually ends up with
in some order.
4. (Russia 2003, 11.4) Ana and Bora start with the letters
, respectively. Every minute, one of them either prepends or appends to his/her own word the other person's word (not necessarily operating one after another). Prove that Ana's word can always be partitioned into two palindromes.
5. (Motzkin-Rabin) Let
be a finite set of points in the plane (not all collinear), each colored red or blue. Show that there exists a monochromatic line passing through at least two points of

to hit
, respectively. By easy angle chasing,
, so
is the midpoint of
; let
denote the foot of the perpendicular from
(we want to show
). By Pascal's theorem on
, there exists a point
, so
is cyclic. Thus
and similarly
, as desired.
Alternatively, trig bash with POP to show that


Alternatively, trig bash with POP to show that

2. (MOP 2010) Fix

Interpret this as a graph
, where all
are good (i.e. belong to some triangle) and all
are bad. We induct on
to show that
, where the base cases
are vacuously true.
Now suppose
. By Turán's theorem, we have a triangle
. Suppose that
, then removing
(and the edges incident to them) and noting that
, the inductive hypothesis gives us at least
vertices in
comes from
Otherwise, if
, then by pigeonhole, WLOG
is connected to some
. Since
, so removing
and applying the inductive hypothesis gives us
contradiction (the
comes from

Now suppose


![\[2+(2+\lfloor{(n-2)/2}\rfloor) = 3+\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor>2+\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor\]](

Otherwise, if

![\[\deg{u}\ge\lceil{(n+1)/2}\rceil=1+\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor \ge |G_1|,\]](

![\[|G_1|\ge 1+(2+\lfloor{(n-2)/2}\rfloor) = 2+\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor,\]](

3. (Bulgarian solitaire) Suppose we have

We want to find some monovariant
. First, it's convenient to visualize the stacks as consecutive sets of lattice points in the first quadrant (e.g. lower left at
For simplicity, arrange the stacks in nonincreasing order (although it turns out this doesn't matter). Motivated by the final configuration, we take
over all points
corresponding to cards in our configuration. Suppose we have stacks of size
, and
is the smallest index such that
. Then to compute
, visualize the process as reflecting the points on
over the line
, shifting the points with
(up to this point,
), and then reordering the columns/stacks (here,
, with equality iff
). Thus
, with equality iff
. (*)
There are finitely many configurations, so suppose we get into a loop with constant
. Then we cannot have any of the nontrivial "reordering" mentioned in (*), i.e. in any step, we have
is preserved for each card). In particular, for fixed
, the points with coordinates summing up to
"cycle" along the line
. Considering maximal
, it's easy to see that because
is a triangular number, this final loop must be a constant loop with
, as desired.
Note that this method also determines the possible final states for
not necessarily triangular.

For simplicity, arrange the stacks in nonincreasing order (although it turns out this doesn't matter). Motivated by the final configuration, we take

There are finitely many configurations, so suppose we get into a loop with constant

Note that this method also determines the possible final states for

4. (Russia 2003, 11.4) Ana and Bora start with the letters

Call a word good if it can be partitioned into two palindromes.
The possible operations are
So there are basically two ways to look at the process: we can either think of it as directly showing
are good given
, or we can think of it as "preserving" goodness through
, etc. (basically stupid, forward induction vs. "reverse" induction).
The first way gets too messy quickly, so we focus on the more natural second way, i.e. by induction, it suffices to show that goodness is preserved by any of the substitutions
, and
Hence we consider what
does to a palindrome
(the other cases are analogous); it's easy to show (by comparing the left-to-right and right-to-left orientations) that if
, then
(sorry for terrible notation) are palindromes.
Therefore if
for palindromes
, then
as desired.
The possible operations are

So there are basically two ways to look at the process: we can either think of it as directly showing

The first way gets too messy quickly, so we focus on the more natural second way, i.e. by induction, it suffices to show that goodness is preserved by any of the substitutions

Hence we consider what

Therefore if

![\[P'Q' = (P'/B)(BQ'),\]](
5. (Motzkin-Rabin) Let

After playing around with this setup a bit (with contradiction), we see that the most annoying issue is "betweenness," which screws up a lot of positioning by forcing a lot of cases on us.
So we prove the projective dual instead, since lines are generally much more flexible with positioning: for a finite set
of lines in the projective plane (not all concurrent), each colored red or blue, we prove that there exists a monochromatic point belonging to at least two lines of
Indeed, suppose the contrary (WLOG, we work in the Euclidean plane by taking a suitable projection to ensure that no two lines intersect at infinity). Clearly, the blue lines are not all concurrent (same for the red lines).
Consider two lines
of the same color
passing through point
. Then there exists a line
of the other color
passing through
as well. Since not all lines of color
pass through
, there exists a line
of color
passing through a point
. Let
The rest is easy: taking such a configuration with minimal area
must be monochromatic (color
), or else there exists a line through
of color
, and we get a smaller configuration (the line must intersect either segment
or segment
So we prove the projective dual instead, since lines are generally much more flexible with positioning: for a finite set

Indeed, suppose the contrary (WLOG, we work in the Euclidean plane by taking a suitable projection to ensure that no two lines intersect at infinity). Clearly, the blue lines are not all concurrent (same for the red lines).
Consider two lines

The rest is easy: taking such a configuration with minimal area

This post has been edited 4 times. Last edited by math154, Nov 20, 2011, 2:08 AM