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Let <math>S</math> be the foot of altitude <math>BS</math> in <math>\triangle BPQ</math>. From the [[Pythagorean Theorem]], <math>h=\sqrt{BS^2-SO^2}</math>. However, since <math>S</math> and <math>O</math> are, by coincidence, the same point, <math>SO=0</math> and <math>h=12</math>.
Let <math>S</math> be the foot of altitude <math>BS</math> in <math>\triangle BPQ</math>. From the [[Pythagorean Theorem]], <math>h=\sqrt{BS^2-SO^2}</math>. However, since <math>S</math> and <math>O</math> are, by coincidence, the same point, <math>SO=0</math> and <math>h=12</math>.
The area of the base is <math>102</math>, so the volume is <math>\frac{102*12}{3}=\boxed{408}</math>.
The area of the base is <math>102</math>, so the volume is <math>\frac{102*12}{3}=\boxed{408}</math>.~Shen Kislay Kai
== Solution 2 ==
== Solution 2 ==

Revision as of 13:25, 3 September 2024


Consider the paper triangle whose vertices are $(0,0), (34,0),$ and $(16,24).$ The vertices of its midpoint triangle are the midpoints of its sides. A triangular pyramid is formed by folding the triangle along the sides of its midpoint triangle. What is the volume of this pyramid?

Solution 1

[asy]defaultpen(fontsize(9)+linewidth(0.63)); pair A=(0,0), B=(16,24), C=(34,0), P=(8,12), Q=(25,12), R=(17,0); draw(A--B--C--A);draw(P--Q--R--P); draw(A--foot(A,B,C));draw(B--foot(B,A,C));draw(C--foot(C,A,B)); label("\(A\)",A,SW);label("\(B\)",B,NW);label("\(C\)",C,SE); label("\(D\)",foot(A,B,C),NE);label("\(E\)",foot(B,A,C),SW);label("\(F\)",foot(C,A,B),NW);label("\(P\)",P,NW);label("\(Q\)",Q,NE);label("\(R\)",R,SE);[/asy][asy]import three; defaultpen(linewidth(0.6)); currentprojection=orthographic(1/2,-1,1/2); triple A=(0,0,0), B=(16,24,0), C=(34,0,0), P=(8,12,0), Q=(25,12,0), R=(17,0,0), S=(16,12,12); draw(A--B--C--A); draw(P--Q--R--P); draw(S--P..S--Q..S--R); draw(S--(16,12,0)); [/asy]

As shown in the image above, let $D$, $E$, and $F$ be the midpoints of $\overline{BC}$, $\overline{CA}$, and $\overline{AB}$, respectively. Suppose $P$ is the apex of the tetrahedron, and let $O$ be the foot of the altitude from $P$ to $\triangle ABC$. The crux of this problem is the following lemma.

Lemma: The point $O$ is the orthocenter of $\triangle ABC$.

Proof. Observe that \[OF^2 - OE^2 = PF^2 - PE^2 = AF^2 - AE^2;\] the first equality follows by the Pythagorean Theorem, while the second follows from $AF = FP$ and $AE = EP$. Thus, by the Perpendicularity Lemma, $AO$ is perpendicular to $FE$ and hence $BC$. Analogously, $O$ lies on the $B$-altitude and $C$-altitude of $\triangle ABC$, and so $O$ is, indeed, the orthocenter of $\triangle ABC$.

To find the coordinates of $O$, we need to find the intersection point of altitudes $BE$ and $AD$. The equation of $BE$ is simply $x=16$. $AD$ is perpendicular to line $BC$, so the slope of $AD$ is equal to the negative reciprocal of the slope of $BC$. $BC$ has slope $\frac{24-0}{16-34}=-\frac{4}{3}$, therefore $y=\frac{3}{4} x$. These two lines intersect at $(16,12)$, so that's the base of the height of the tetrahedron.

Let $S$ be the foot of altitude $BS$ in $\triangle BPQ$. From the Pythagorean Theorem, $h=\sqrt{BS^2-SO^2}$. However, since $S$ and $O$ are, by coincidence, the same point, $SO=0$ and $h=12$.

The area of the base is $102$, so the volume is $\frac{102*12}{3}=\boxed{408}$.~Shen Kislay Kai

Solution 2

Consider the diagram provided in the previous solution. We first note that the medial triangle has coordinates $(17, 0, 0)$, $(8, 12, 0)$, and $(25, 12, 0)$. We can compute the area of this triangle as $102$. Suppose $(x, y, z)$ are the coordinates of the vertex of the resulting pyramid. Call this point $V$. Clearly, the height of the pyramid is $z$. The desired volume is thus $\frac{102z}{3} = 34z$.

We note that when folding the triangle to form the pyramid, some side lengths must stay the same. In particular, $VR = RA$, $VP = PB$, and $VQ = QC$. We then use distance formula to find the distances from $V$ to each of the vertices of the medial triangle. We thus arrive at a fairly simple system of equations, yielding $z = 12$. The desired volume is thus $34 \times 12 = \boxed{408}$.

Solution 3

The formed tetrahedron has pairwise parallel planar and oppositely equal length ($4\sqrt{13},15,17$) edges and can be inscribed in a parallelepiped (rectangular box) with the six tetrahedral edges as non-intersecting diagonals of the box faces. Let the edge lengths of the parallelepiped be $p,q,r$ and solve (by Pythagoras)




to find that $(p^2,q^2,r^2)=(153,136,72)=(3^2\cdot{17},2^3\cdot{17},2^3\cdot{3^2}).$

Use the fact that the ratio of volumes between an inscribed tetrahedron and its circumscribing parallelepiped is $\tfrac{1}{3}$ and then the volume is


Solution by D. Adrian Tanner

Solution 4

Let $A = (0,0), B = (16, 24), C = (34,0).$ Then define $D,E,F$ as the midpoints of $BC, AC, AB$. By Pythagorean theorem, $EF = \frac{1}{2} BC = 15, DE = \frac{1}{2}AB = 4 \sqrt{13}, DF = \frac{1}{2} AC = 17.$ Then let $P$ be the point in space which is the vertex of the tetrahedron with base $DEF$.

Note that $\triangle DEP \cong \triangle EDF$. Create point $F'$ on the plane of $DEF$ such that $\triangle DEP \cong \triangle DEF'$ (i.e by reflecting $F$ over the perpendicular bisector of $DE$). Project $F, P$ onto $DE$ as $X, Y$. Note by the definition of $F'$ then $\angle PYF'$ is the dihedral angle between planes $DEP, DEF$.

Now see that by Heron's, \[[DEP] = [DEF] = \sqrt{(16 + 2 \sqrt{13})(16 - 2 \sqrt{13})(1 + 2 \sqrt{13})(-1 + 2 \sqrt{13})} = 102.\] So $PY$, the hypotenuse $DEP$ has length $\frac{102 \cdot 2}{4 \sqrt{13}} = \frac{51}{\sqrt{13}}$. Similarly $F'Y = \frac{51}{\sqrt{13}}.$ Further from Pythagoras $DY = \sqrt{DP^2 - PY^2} = \frac{18}{\sqrt{13}}.$ Symmetrically $EX = \frac{18}{\sqrt{13}}.$ Therefore $XY = DE - DY - EX = \frac{16}{\sqrt{13}}.$

By Law of Cosines on $\triangle PYF'$, \begin{align*} PF'^2 &= PY^2 + F'Y^2 - 2 \cdot PY \cdot F'Y \cos{\angle PYF'} \\ PF^2 - XY^2 &= 2 (\frac{51}{\sqrt{13}})^2 \cos{\angle PYF'} \\ (4\sqrt{13})^2 - (\frac{16}{\sqrt{13}})^2 &= 2 (\frac{51}{\sqrt{13}})^2 \cos{\angle PYF'}  \\ \cos{\angle PYF'} &= \frac{9}{17} \\ \sin{\angle PYF'} &= \frac{4 \sqrt{13}}{17}. \end{align*}.

Therefore the altitude of the tetrahedron from vertex $P$ to base $DEF$ is $PY \sin{\angle PYF'} = \frac{51}{\sqrt{13}} \frac{4 \sqrt{13}}{17} = 12.$ So the area is $\frac{1}{3}bh = \frac{1}{3} 12 \cdot 102 = \boxed{408}.$

~ Aaryabhatta1

Solution 5 (Formula Abuse)

The Pyramid is a disphenoid, because opposite sides have the same length. The volume of a disphenoid is given by

\[V = \sqrt{\frac{(l^{2}+m^{2}-n^{2})(l^{2}-m^{2}+n^{2})(-l^{2}+m^{2}+n^{2})}{72}}.\]

Using the Pythagorean theorem, the side lengths of the smaller triangle are \(15\), \(4\sqrt{13}\), and \(17\). Plugging in, we get

\[V = \sqrt{166464} = \boxed{408}.\]


See also

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