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k a March Highlights and 2025 AoPS Online Class Information
jlacosta   0
Mar 2, 2025
March is the month for State MATHCOUNTS competitions! Kudos to everyone who participated in their local chapter competitions and best of luck to all going to State! Join us on March 11th for a Math Jam devoted to our favorite Chapter competition problems! Are you interested in training for MATHCOUNTS? Be sure to check out our AMC 8/MATHCOUNTS Basics and Advanced courses.

Are you ready to level up with Olympiad training? Registration is open with early bird pricing available for our WOOT programs: MathWOOT (Levels 1 and 2), CodeWOOT, PhysicsWOOT, and ChemWOOT. What is WOOT? WOOT stands for Worldwide Online Olympiad Training and is a 7-month high school math Olympiad preparation and testing program that brings together many of the best students from around the world to learn Olympiad problem solving skills. Classes begin in September!

Do you have plans this summer? There are so many options to fit your schedule and goals whether attending a summer camp or taking online classes, it can be a great break from the routine of the school year. Check out our summer courses at AoPS Online, or if you want a math or language arts class that doesn’t have homework, but is an enriching summer experience, our AoPS Virtual Campus summer camps may be just the ticket! We are expanding our locations for our AoPS Academies across the country with 15 locations so far and new campuses opening in Saratoga CA, Johns Creek GA, and the Upper West Side NY. Check out this page for summer camp information.

Be sure to mark your calendars for the following events:
[list][*]March 5th (Wednesday), 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET, HCSSiM Math Jam 2025. Amber Verser, Assistant Director of the Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics, will host an information session about HCSSiM, a summer program for high school students.
[*]March 6th (Thursday), 4:00pm PT/7:00pm ET, Free Webinar on Math Competitions from elementary through high school. Join us for an enlightening session that demystifies the world of math competitions and helps you make informed decisions about your contest journey.
[*]March 11th (Tuesday), 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET, 2025 MATHCOUNTS Chapter Discussion MATH JAM. AoPS instructors will discuss some of their favorite problems from the MATHCOUNTS Chapter Competition. All are welcome!
[*]March 13th (Thursday), 4:00pm PT/7:00pm ET, Free Webinar about Summer Camps at the Virtual Campus. Transform your summer into an unforgettable learning adventure! From elementary through high school, we offer dynamic summer camps featuring topics in mathematics, language arts, and competition preparation - all designed to fit your schedule and ignite your passion for learning.[/list]
Our full course list for upcoming classes is below:
All classes run 7:30pm-8:45pm ET/4:30pm - 5:45pm PT unless otherwise noted.

Introductory: Grades 5-10

Prealgebra 1 Self-Paced

Prealgebra 1
Sunday, Mar 2 - Jun 22
Friday, Mar 28 - Jul 18
Sunday, Apr 13 - Aug 10
Tuesday, May 13 - Aug 26
Thursday, May 29 - Sep 11
Sunday, Jun 15 - Oct 12
Monday, Jun 30 - Oct 20
Wednesday, Jul 16 - Oct 29

Prealgebra 2 Self-Paced

Prealgebra 2
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Jul 8
Sunday, Apr 13 - Aug 10
Wednesday, May 7 - Aug 20
Monday, Jun 2 - Sep 22
Sunday, Jun 29 - Oct 26
Friday, Jul 25 - Nov 21

Introduction to Algebra A Self-Paced

Introduction to Algebra A
Sunday, Mar 23 - Jul 20
Monday, Apr 7 - Jul 28
Sunday, May 11 - Sep 14 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Wednesday, May 14 - Aug 27
Friday, May 30 - Sep 26
Monday, Jun 2 - Sep 22
Sunday, Jun 15 - Oct 12
Thursday, Jun 26 - Oct 9
Tuesday, Jul 15 - Oct 28

Introduction to Counting & Probability Self-Paced

Introduction to Counting & Probability
Sunday, Mar 16 - Jun 8
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 2
Thursday, May 15 - Jul 31
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Wednesday, Jul 9 - Sep 24
Sunday, Jul 27 - Oct 19

Introduction to Number Theory
Monday, Mar 17 - Jun 9
Thursday, Apr 17 - Jul 3
Friday, May 9 - Aug 1
Wednesday, May 21 - Aug 6
Monday, Jun 9 - Aug 25
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14
Tuesday, Jul 15 - Sep 30

Introduction to Algebra B Self-Paced

Introduction to Algebra B
Sunday, Mar 2 - Jun 22
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 30
Tuesday, May 6 - Aug 19
Wednesday, Jun 4 - Sep 17
Sunday, Jun 22 - Oct 19
Friday, Jul 18 - Nov 14

Introduction to Geometry
Tuesday, Mar 4 - Aug 12
Sunday, Mar 23 - Sep 21
Wednesday, Apr 23 - Oct 1
Sunday, May 11 - Nov 9
Tuesday, May 20 - Oct 28
Monday, Jun 16 - Dec 8
Friday, Jun 20 - Jan 9
Sunday, Jun 29 - Jan 11
Monday, Jul 14 - Jan 19

Intermediate: Grades 8-12

Intermediate Algebra
Sunday, Mar 16 - Sep 14
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Sep 2
Monday, Apr 21 - Oct 13
Sunday, Jun 1 - Nov 23
Tuesday, Jun 10 - Nov 18
Wednesday, Jun 25 - Dec 10
Sunday, Jul 13 - Jan 18
Thursday, Jul 24 - Jan 22

Intermediate Counting & Probability
Sunday, Mar 23 - Aug 3
Wednesday, May 21 - Sep 17
Sunday, Jun 22 - Nov 2

Intermediate Number Theory
Friday, Apr 11 - Jun 27
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Wednesday, Jun 18 - Sep 3

Sunday, Mar 16 - Aug 24
Wednesday, Apr 9 - Sep 3
Friday, May 16 - Oct 24
Sunday, Jun 1 - Nov 9
Monday, Jun 30 - Dec 8

Advanced: Grades 9-12

Olympiad Geometry
Wednesday, Mar 5 - May 21
Tuesday, Jun 10 - Aug 26

Sunday, Mar 30 - Oct 5
Tuesday, May 27 - Nov 11
Wednesday, Jun 25 - Dec 17

Group Theory
Thursday, Jun 12 - Sep 11

Contest Preparation: Grades 6-12

Sunday, Mar 23 - Jun 15
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 2
Friday, May 23 - Aug 15
Monday, Jun 2 - Aug 18
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

Friday, Apr 11 - Jun 27
Sunday, May 11 - Aug 10
Tuesday, May 27 - Aug 12
Wednesday, Jun 11 - Aug 27
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

AMC 10 Problem Series
Tuesday, Mar 4 - May 20
Monday, Mar 31 - Jun 23
Friday, May 9 - Aug 1
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Tuesday, Jun 17 - Sep 2
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Monday, Jun 23 - Sep 15
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

AMC 10 Final Fives
Sunday, May 11 - Jun 8
Tuesday, May 27 - Jun 17
Monday, Jun 30 - Jul 21

AMC 12 Problem Series
Tuesday, May 27 - Aug 12
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Wednesday, Aug 6 - Oct 22

AMC 12 Final Fives
Sunday, May 18 - Jun 15

F=ma Problem Series
Wednesday, Jun 11 - Aug 27

WOOT Programs
Visit the pages linked for full schedule details for each of these programs!

MathWOOT Level 1
MathWOOT Level 2


Introduction to Programming with Python
Monday, Mar 24 - Jun 16
Thursday, May 22 - Aug 7
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Tuesday, Jun 17 - Sep 2
Monday, Jun 30 - Sep 22

Intermediate Programming with Python
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Monday, Jun 30 - Sep 22

USACO Bronze Problem Series
Tuesday, May 13 - Jul 29
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 1


Introduction to Physics
Sunday, Mar 30 - Jun 22
Wednesday, May 21 - Aug 6
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14
Monday, Jun 23 - Sep 15

Physics 1: Mechanics
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Sep 2
Thursday, May 22 - Oct 30
Monday, Jun 23 - Dec 15

Sat & Sun, Apr 26 - Apr 27 (4:00 - 7:00 pm ET/1:00 - 4:00pm PT)
Mon, Tue, Wed & Thurs, Jun 23 - Jun 26 (meets every day of the week!)
0 replies
Mar 2, 2025
0 replies
k i Adding contests to the Contest Collections
dcouchman   1
N Apr 5, 2023 by v_Enhance
Want to help AoPS remain a valuable Olympiad resource? Help us add contests to AoPS's Contest Collections.

Find instructions and a list of contests to add here: https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c40244h1064480_contests_to_add
1 reply
Sep 9, 2019
Apr 5, 2023
k i Zero tolerance
ZetaX   49
N May 4, 2019 by NoDealsHere
Source: Use your common sense! (enough is enough)
Some users don't want to learn, some other simply ignore advises.
But please follow the following guideline:

If you don't have common sense, don't post.

More specifically:

For new threads:

a) Good, meaningful title:
The title has to say what the problem is about in best way possible.
If that title occured already, it's definitely bad. And contest names aren't good either.
That's in fact a requirement for being able to search old problems.

Bad titles:
- "Hard"/"Medium"/"Easy" (if you find it so cool how hard/easy it is, tell it in the post and use a title that tells us the problem)
- "Number Theory" (hey guy, guess why this forum's named that way¿ and is it the only such problem on earth¿)
- "Fibonacci" (there are millions of Fibonacci problems out there, all posted and named the same...)
- "Chinese TST 2003" (does this say anything about the problem¿)
Good titles:
- "On divisors of a³+2b³+4c³-6abc"
- "Number of solutions to x²+y²=6z²"
- "Fibonacci numbers are never squares"

b) Use search function:
Before posting a "new" problem spend at least two, better five, minutes to look if this problem was posted before. If it was, don't repost it. If you have anything important to say on topic, post it in one of the older threads.
If the thread is locked cause of this, use search function.

Update (by Amir Hossein). The best way to search for two keywords in AoPS is to input
[code]+"first keyword" +"second keyword"[/code]
so that any post containing both strings "first word" and "second form".

c) Good problem statement:
Some recent really bad post was:
[quote]$lim_{n\to 1}^{+\infty}\frac{1}{n}-lnn$[/quote]
It contains no question and no answer.
If you do this, too, you are on the best way to get your thread deleted. Write everything clearly, define where your variables come from (and define the "natural" numbers if used). Additionally read your post at least twice before submitting. After you sent it, read it again and use the Edit-Button if necessary to correct errors.

For answers to already existing threads:

d) Of any interest and with content:
Don't post things that are more trivial than completely obvious. For example, if the question is to solve $x^{3}+y^{3}=z^{3}$, do not answer with "$x=y=z=0$ is a solution" only. Either you post any kind of proof or at least something unexpected (like "$x=1337, y=481, z=42$ is the smallest solution). Someone that does not see that $x=y=z=0$ is a solution of the above without your post is completely wrong here, this is an IMO-level forum.
Similar, posting "I have solved this problem" but not posting anything else is not welcome; it even looks that you just want to show off what a genius you are.

e) Well written and checked answers:
Like c) for new threads, check your solutions at least twice for mistakes. And after sending, read it again and use the Edit-Button if necessary to correct errors.


Everything definitely out of range of common sense will be locked or deleted (exept for new users having less than about 42 posts, they are newbies and need/get some time to learn).

The above rules will be applied from next monday (5. march of 2007).
Feel free to discuss on this here.
49 replies
Feb 27, 2007
May 4, 2019
Incenter geometry with parallel lines
nAalniaOMliO   2
N 36 minutes ago by nAalniaOMliO
Source: Belarusian MO 2023
Let $\omega$ be the incircle of triangle $ABC$. Line $l_b$ is parallel to side $AC$ and tangent to $\omega$. Line $l_c$ is parallel to side $AB$ and tangent to $\omega$. It turned out that the intersection point of $l_b$ and $l_c$ lies on circumcircle of $ABC$
Find all possible values of $\frac{AB+AC}{BC}$
2 replies
1 viewing
Apr 16, 2024
36 minutes ago
Problem about Euler's function
luutrongphuc   3
N an hour ago by ishan.panpaliya
Prove that for every integer $n \ge 5$, we have:
$$ 2^{n^2+3n-13} \mid \phi \left(2^{2^{n}}-1 \right)$$
3 replies
5 hours ago
an hour ago
Function equation
Dynic   3
N 2 hours ago by Filipjack
Find all function $f:\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Z}$ satisfy all conditions below:
i) $f(n+1)>f(n)$ for all $n\in \mathbb{Z}$
ii) $f(-n)=-f(n)$ for all $n\in \mathbb{Z}$
iii) $f(a^3+b^3+c^3+d^3)=f^3(a)+f^3(b)+f^3(c)+f^3(d)$ for all $n\in \mathbb{Z}$
3 replies
4 hours ago
2 hours ago
solve in positive integers: 3 \cdot 2^x +4 =n^2
parmenides51   3
N 2 hours ago by ali123456
Source: Greece JBMO TST 2019 p2
Find all pairs of positive integers $(x,n) $ that are solutions of the equation $3 \cdot 2^x +4 =n^2$.
3 replies
Apr 29, 2019
2 hours ago
2^a + 3^b + 1 = 6^c
togrulhamidli2011   3
N 2 hours ago by Tamam
Find all positive integers (a, b, c) such that:

2^a + 3^b + 1 = 6^c
3 replies
Mar 16, 2025
2 hours ago
min A=x+1/x+y+1/y if 2(x+y)=1+xy for x,y>0 , 2020 ISL A3 for juniors
parmenides51   12
N 2 hours ago by mathmax001
Source: 2021 Greece JMO p1 (serves also as JBMO TST) / based on 2020 IMO ISL A3
If positive reals $x,y$ are such that $2(x+y)=1+xy$, find the minimum value of expression $$A=x+\frac{1}{x}+y+\frac{1}{y}$$
12 replies
1 viewing
Jul 21, 2021
2 hours ago
3a^2b+16ab^2 is perfect square for primes a,b >0
parmenides51   5
N 3 hours ago by ali123456
Source: 2020 Greek JBMO TST p3
Find all pairs $(a,b)$ of prime positive integers $a,b$ such that number $A=3a^2b+16ab^2$ equals to a square of an integer.
5 replies
Nov 14, 2020
3 hours ago
minimum value of S, ISI 2013
Sayan   13
N 3 hours ago by Apple_maths60
Let $a,b,c$ be real number greater than $1$. Let
\[S=\log_a {bc}+\log_b {ca}+\log_c {ab}\]
Find the minimum possible value of $S$.
13 replies
May 12, 2013
3 hours ago
classical R+ FE
jasperE3   2
N 3 hours ago by jasperE3
Source: kent2207, based on 2019 Slovenia TST
wanted to post this problem in its own thread: https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c6h1784825p34307772
Find all functions $f:\mathbb R^+\to\mathbb R^+$ for which:
$$f(f(x)+f(y))=yf(1+yf(x))$$for all $x,y\in\mathbb R^+$.
2 replies
Yesterday at 3:55 PM
3 hours ago
srnjbr   0
3 hours ago
in triangle abc, we know that bac=60. the circumcircle of the center i is tangent to the sides ab and ac at points e and f respectively. the midpoint of side bc is called m. if lines bi and ci intersect line ef at points p and q respectively, show that pmq is equilateral.
0 replies
3 hours ago
0 replies
JBMO Shortlist 2021 N1
Lukaluce   14
N 3 hours ago by ali123456
Source: JBMO Shortlist 2021
Find all positive integers $a, b, c$ such that $ab + 1$, $bc + 1$, and $ca + 1$ are all equal to
factorials of some positive integers.

Proposed by Nikola Velov, Macedonia
14 replies
Jul 2, 2022
3 hours ago
Very easy inequality
pggp   2
N 3 hours ago by ali123456
Source: Polish Junior MO Second Round 2019
Let $x$, $y$ be real numbers, such that $x^2 + x \leq y$. Prove that $y^2 + y \geq x$.
2 replies
Oct 26, 2020
3 hours ago
Problem 5
blug   1
N 4 hours ago by WallyWalrus
Source: Polish Junior Math Olympiad Finals 2025
Each square on a 5×5 board contains an arrow pointing up, down, left, or right. Show that it is possible to remove exactly 20 arrows from this board so that no two of the remaining five arrows point to the same square.
1 reply
Mar 15, 2025
4 hours ago
Cool Number Theory
Fermat_Fanatic108   6
N 4 hours ago by epl1
For an integer with 5 digits $n=abcde$ (where $a, b, c, d, e$ are the digits and $a\neq 0$) we define the \textit{permutation sum} as the value $$bcdea+cdeab+deabc+eabcd$$For example the permutation sum of 20253 is $$02532+25320+53202+32025=113079$$Let $m$ and $n$ be two fivedigit integers with the same permutation sum.
Prove that $m=n$.
6 replies
Today at 1:41 PM
4 hours ago
Three circles are concurrent
Twoisaprime   21
N Yesterday at 5:41 PM by L13832
Source: RMM 2025 P5
Let triangle $ABC$ be an acute triangle with $AB<AC$ and let $H$ and $O$ be its orthocenter and circumcenter, respectively. Let $\Gamma$ be the circle $BOC$. The line $AO$ and the circle of radius $AO$ centered at $A$ cross $\Gamma$ at $A’$ and $F$, respectively. Prove that $\Gamma$ , the circle on diameter $AA’$ and circle $AFH$ are concurrent.
Proposed by Romania, Radu-Andrew Lecoiu
21 replies
Feb 13, 2025
Yesterday at 5:41 PM
Three circles are concurrent
G H BBookmark kLocked kLocked NReply
Source: RMM 2025 P5
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134 posts
#1 • 3 Y
Y by cubres, puntre, soryn
Let triangle $ABC$ be an acute triangle with $AB<AC$ and let $H$ and $O$ be its orthocenter and circumcenter, respectively. Let $\Gamma$ be the circle $BOC$. The line $AO$ and the circle of radius $AO$ centered at $A$ cross $\Gamma$ at $A’$ and $F$, respectively. Prove that $\Gamma$ , the circle on diameter $AA’$ and circle $AFH$ are concurrent.
Proposed by Romania, Radu-Andrew Lecoiu
This post has been edited 4 times. Last edited by Twoisaprime, Feb 14, 2025, 6:14 AM
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132 posts
#2 • 4 Y
Y by SomeonesPenguin, maria_gorgan, cubres, soryn
Nice problem! The $\sqrt{bc}$ reduction feels a bit underwhelming, though (and it might be how the problem was created?).

We $\sqrt{bc}$ invert. Then $H$ maps to $A'$, while $O$ maps to the reflection of $A$ across $BC$, which we label $R$. Additionally, $F$ maps to the intersection between the circle centered at $A$ with radius $AR$ and $\left(BRC\right)$, which we label $S$.

Finally, the intersection of $\left(AFH\right)$ and $\left(BOC\right)$ maps to $K$, the second intersection of $A'S$ and $\left(BRC\right)$. The conclusion thus reduces to showing that $\angle AHK=90^{\circ}$, or equivalently $KH\parallel BC$. This further reduces to $\angle CSA'=\angle OAC$. Now note that $A$ is the $A'$-excenter of $\triangle A'BC$.

Therefore (by phantom points), if rephrased with respect to $\triangle A'BC$, the problem reduces to the following.
Rephrasing wrote:
Let $ABC$ be a triangle and let $I_A$ be its $A$-excenter. Let $S$ be a point so that $\angle BSA=\frac{1}{2}\angle ACB$ and $\angle CSA=\frac{1}{2}\angle ABC$, on the same side of $BC$ as $A$. Show that $I_AR$ is twice the $A$-exradius.

Let $U$ be the reflection of $I_A$ across $AC$ and let $V$ be the reflection of $I_A$ across $AB$. Then we wish to show that $I_A$ is the circumcenter of $\triangle VSU$. Since $I_A$ lies on the perpendicular bisector of $UV$, it suffices to show that $\angle VI_AU=360^{\circ}-2\angle VSU$.

Now it easily follows that $\triangle ACI_A\equiv\triangle ACU$, so $\angle AUC=\frac{1}{2}\angle ABC$. Therefore $ASUC$ is cyclic, so
$$\angle CSU=\angle CAU=\angle I_AAC=\frac{1}{2}\angle BAC.$$
Similarly $\angle VSB=\frac{1}{2}\angle BAC$, hence
\angle VSU&=\angle VSB+\angle BSC+\angle CSU\\
&=90^{\circ}+\frac{1}{2}\angle BAC\\
&=180^{\circ}-\angle BI_AC\\
&=180^{\circ}-\frac{1}{2}\angle VI_AU,
\end{align*}as desired.
This post has been edited 6 times. Last edited by trigadd123, Feb 21, 2025, 12:14 PM
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18 posts
#3 • 1 Y
Y by cubres
(Diagram to follow...)

Let $D$ be the reflection of $O$ over $A$. Suppose $\Gamma$ and the circle on diameter $AA'$ intersect at $P\neq A'$.

Invert about $(ABC)$. $\Gamma$ swaps with $BC$, so the image of $A'$ lies on $BC$, which implies $P^*$ is the foot of the altitude from $A$ to $BC$. $D^*$ is the midpoint of $AO$, and $F^*$ is the intersection of the perpendicular bisector of $AO$ with $BC$. So $P^*$ and $D^*$ lie on the circle with diameter $AF^*$, i.e. $DAFP$ is cyclic. So it suffices to show that $H$ also lies on this circle.

Let the bisector of $\angle{A}$ intersect $(ABC)$ at $M\neq A$, and let $X$, $Y$ be the centres of $(BHC)$ and $\Gamma$ respectively. These circles swap under root-$b$-$c$ inversion, as $O$ is sent to the reflection of $A$ over $BC$, which lies on $(BHC)$. Thus, $AM$ bisects $\angle{XAY}$.

Reflecting $AO$ over $AM$ and $AY$ gives lines $AH$ and $AF$ respectively, so we can compute $\angle{HAF}=\angle{XAY}$. So it suffices to show that $\angle{HDF}=\angle{XAY}$.

A homothety of factor $\frac 12$ centred at $A$ takes $(BHC)$ to the nine-point circle of $\triangle{ABC}$, so the midpoint of $AX$ is $N_9$. But this is also the midpoint of $OH$, so $AOXH$ is a parallelogram. Hence, $ADHX$ is also a parallelogram, i.e. $DH\parallel AX$. But also $DF\parallel AY$ as they are both perpendicular to $OF$, so $\angle{HDF}=\angle{XAY}$ as desired.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by thepsserby, Feb 13, 2025, 1:14 PM
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31 posts
#4 • 2 Y
Y by Funcshun840, cubres
Rename the point $A'$ in the problem to $D$. We will start with a $\sqrt{bc}$ inversion. This gives us the following problem:

Triangle $\triangle ABC$ with orthocenter $H$ and circumcenter $O$. Let $AO$ intersect $(BOC)$ at $D\neq O$ and let $A'$ be the reflection of $A$ in $BC$. $F\neq A'$ is on $(A'BHC)$ such that $AF=AA'$. Prove that the line through $H$ parallel to $BC$ and the line $DF$ intersect at the circle $(A'BHC)$.

Because of Thales this is equivalent to proving $\angle A'FD=90^\circ$. Now let $AF$ intersect $(A'BHCF)$ again at $X$. From inversion things we get that$AH\cdot AD=AB\cdot AC=AO\cdot AA'$ and that implies $A'D\parallel HO$. Also obviously $A'F\parallel HX$ because of isosceles trapezoid. Now we see $\frac{AX}{AF}=\frac{AH}{AA'}=\frac{AO}{AD}$. This implies that triangles $\triangle HOX$ and $\triangle A'DF$ are similar with parallel sides. Therefore we want to show that $\angle HXO=90^\circ$. Now we have reduced the problem to the following lemma:

Triangle $\triangle ABC$ with circumcenter $O$ and orthocenter $H$. $X\neq H$ is on $(BHC)$ such that $AX=AH$. Prove that $\angle HXO=90^\circ$.

Let $M$ be the reflection of $O$ in $BC$, we know that $M$ is the center of $(BHC)$. Let $X'$ be the point such that $AMX'O$ is an isosceles trapezoid. We have $AX'=OM=AH$ and $MX'=AO=BO=MB$, so $X'=X$. Now look at the radical axis of circle $(BHC)$ and the circle centered at $A$ through $H$. Obviously $HX$ is that radax so $HX\perp AM$. Also $AM\parallel XO$, so $HX\perp XO$ and we are done.
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1867 posts
#5 • 1 Y
Y by cubres
no complex bashes yet?

Invert around $O$. Then $A'$ goes to $A'^\ast=AO\cap BC$. Then $(AA')$ goes to $(AA'^\ast)$ and $\Gamma$ goes to $BC$, so their other intersection is the foot of the perpendicular from $A$ to $BC$, call it $X$.
$F$ goes to the intersection of $BC$ and the perpendicular bisector of $AO$, call it $Y$.
Let $H$ go to $Z$, we can directly compute it later.
Obviously $\angle AXY=90^{\circ}$ so it suffices to prove $\angle YZA=90^{\circ}$.

Now let's bash. I did this on paper so I will only provide a summary here. For $y$, our two equations simplify to
\[z=\frac{1}{\overline{a+b+c}}=\frac{abc}{ab+bc+ca}.\]Now after only five lines of computation, we get
\[\frac{y-z}{z-a}=\frac{a(b^2+bc+c^2)}{(b+c)(bc-a^2)}\]which we can check to be equal to its negative conjugate.
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1593 posts
#6 • 6 Y
Y by OronSH, khina, cubres, NCbutAN, MS_asdfgzxcvb, ehuseyinyigit
$\sqrt{bc}$ inversion gives the following problem.
Let $\triangle ABC$ be a triangle with orthocenter $H$ and circumcenter $O$. Line $AO$ meet $\odot(BOC)$ at $A'$. Let $A_1$ be the reflection of $A$ across $BC$. Point $F$ lies on $\odot(BHC)$ such that $AA_1=AF$. Prove that $A'F$, $\odot(BHC)$, and line through $H$ parallel to $BC$ are concurrent.

To prove this, let $O_1$ be the center of $\odot(BHC)$. Note that $A'A_1\parallel OH$, so since $AO_1$ bisects $OH$, it follows that $AO_1$ bisects $A_1A'$. Now, if $M$ is the midpoint of $A_1A'$, then $MF=MA_1=MA'$, which implies $\angle A_1FA'=90^\circ$. Thus, if $A'F$ meet $\odot(BHC)$ again at $P$, then $\angle PHA_1=\angle PFA_1=90^\circ$, so $HP\parallel BC$.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by MarkBcc168, Feb 13, 2025, 3:42 PM
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7 posts
#7 • 3 Y
Y by OronSH, cubres, ehuseyinyigit
When the easiest problem at RMM is the p5 geo..
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689 posts
#8 • 3 Y
Y by cubres, NCbutAN, amirhsz
Let $AHF$ meet $\Gamma$ at $X$. Let the circle with center $A$ and radius $AO$ meet $AO$ at $E \neq O$. we need to prove $\angle AXA' = 90$. Note that $\angle AXA' = \angle AXF+\angle FXA' = \angle AXF+\angle FOA$. Since $\angle EFO=90$ we need to prove $\angle AEF=\angle AXF$ so we need to prove $E$ lies on $AHFX$. Let $O'$ be reflection of $O$ about $BC$ and $N$ be the midpoint of $OH$. Let $T$ be the reflection of $A$ about $OF$. Let $AT$ meet $OO'$ at $K$. First note that $K$ lies on perpendicular bisectors of $BC$ and $FO$ so $K$ is the center of $BOC$. Note that since $EA=AO$ and $HN=NO$ then $\angle EHA=\angle HAN=\angle OO'A$ and $\angle EFA=\angle FEA=\frac{\angle FAO}{2}=\angle TAO=\angle ATO$ so we need to prove $AOO'T$ is cyclic. we have that $KT.KA=KO^2-R^2$ where $R$ is the radius of $ABC$ and we need to prove $KT.KA=KO'.KO$ so we need to prove $KO.(KO-KO')=R^2$ or $KO.OO'=R^2$ which is true since $OCO'$ and $OKC$ are similar.
we're done.
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662 posts
#9 • 1 Y
Y by cubres
Perform $\sqrt{bc}$ inversion.
New Problem Statement: $ABC$ is a triangle with circumcenter $O$ and orthocenter $H$. Let $AO\cap (BOC)=R,\ A'$ be the reflection of $A$ over $BC$. Let $W$ be the circumcenter of $(BHC)$ and $F$ be the reflection of $A'$ over $AW$. Let $K\in (BHC)$ and $HK\parallel BC$. Prove that $R,K,F$ are collinear.
Work on the complex plane. Let $(ABC)$ be the unit circle. Assume $a=1$. We have $w=b+c,\ a'=b+c-bc$ hence $k=bc+b+c$.
\[f=\frac{(b+c-a)(\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}-\frac{a}{bc})+\frac{a}{b}+\frac{a}{c}-\frac{b+c}{a}}{\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}-\frac{1}{a}}=\frac{b^2+c^2+2bc+1-b-c-b^2c-bc^2}{b+c-bc}\]\[r=\frac{bc+1}{b+c}, \ k=bc+b+c\]\[\frac{k-r}{k-f}=\frac{b+c+bc-\frac{1+bc}{b+c}}{b+c+bc-\frac{b^2+c^2+2bc+1-b-c-b^2c-bc^2}{b+c-bc}}=\frac{(b+1)(c+1)(b+c-1)(b+c-bc)}{(b+c)(-b^2c^2+b^2c+bc^2+b+c-1)}\]\[\overline{\frac{(b+1)(c+1)(b+c-1)(b+c-bc)}{(b+c)(-b^2c^2+b^2c+bc^2+b+c-1)}}=\frac{(\frac{b+1}{b})(\frac{c+1}{c})(\frac{b+c-bc}{bc})(\frac{b+c-1}{bc})}{(\frac{b+c}{bc})(\frac{-1+b+c+bc^2+b^2c-b^2c^2}{b^2c^2})}=\frac{(b+1)(c+1)(b+c-1)(b+c-bc)}{(b+c)(-b^2c^2+b^2c+bc^2+b+c-1)}\]As desired.$\blacksquare$
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129 posts
#10 • 2 Y
Y by OronSH, cubres
Let $O'$ be the reflection of $O$ over $BC$ and let $(AOO')$ and $(ABC)$ intersect at point $D$.

Observe that line $BC$ bisects circle $(AOO')$, which is equivalent to $BC$ and $(AOO')$ forming right angles with one another. then, inverting at $O$ with radius $AO$ sends $(AOO')$ to line $AD$ and sends $BC$ to $(BOC)$, inversion preserves angles so these new two curves must still be perpendicular to each other, thus line $AD$ bisects $(BOC)$.

Now recall that $AF=AO$, so the perpendicular bisector of $FO$ both passes through $A$ and bisects $(BOC)$ implying that this is the same line as $AD$, thus $D$ lies on the perpendicular bisector so $FD=DO=AO=AF$. Thus $AODF$ is a rhombus.

Reflect $H$ across $BC$ to point $H'$ lying on the circumcircle. Clearly $AH'||OO'$, $AO=H'O=HO'$, and $\angle OO'H=\angle H'OO'=\angle OH'A=\angle H'AO$ (using the fact that triangle $AOH'$ is isosceles) thus $AOO'H'$ is a parallelogram. Thus $\vec{OA}=\vec{DF}=\vec{O'H}$.

Now define point $E$ to be the reflection of $O$ over $A$. Clearly, $\vec{AE}=\vec{OA}$, so if we shift cyclic quadrilateral $AODO'$ by vector $\vec{OA}$, we get quadrilateral $EAFH$, so $E$ lies on $(AFH)$.

Let $(AFH)$ intersect with $(BFC)$ at $X$, we now have that $\angle AXA'=\angle AXF+\angle FXA'=\angle AEF+\angle FOA'=\angle OEF+\angle FEO+\angle OFE=\angle OFE$ which is clearly a right angle, thus the circle with diameter $AA'$ indeed passes through $X$ as desired.
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1732 posts
#11 • 1 Y
Y by cubres
same as jatloe

Let $\Omega = (ABC),$ and let $X,$ $Y,$ and $D$ be on $BC$ such that $AX = OX$,$Y$ lies on $AO,$ and $D$ lies on $AH.$ Invert about $\Omega$; let the point $H$ get sent to $H'.$ Then $\Gamma$ is sent to $BC$ and the circle with diameter $AA'$ is sent to the circle with diameter $AY.$ Furthermore, the circle with center $A$ passing through $O$ is sent to the perpendicular bisector of $AO,$ so $F$ is sent to $X.$ We would like to show that the circle with diameter $AY$ intersects $(AH'X)$ on $BC,$ or equivalently $AH'XD$ is cyclic. Since $\angle ADX = 90^\circ,$ it suffices to show that $\angle AH'X = 90^\circ$ as well.

We now use complex numbers with $\Omega$ as the unit circle. Then $h = a+b+c,$ so $$h' = \frac{1}{\overline{a+b+c}} = \frac{abc}{ab+bc+ca}.$$Now we find $x.$ Let $\omega = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i$, so that the perpendicular bisector of $AO$ passes through $a\omega$ and $a\overline{\omega}.$ Thus by the complex intersection formula, we get $$x = \frac{a \omega \cdot a\overline{\omega} (b+c) - bc(a\omega + a\overline{\omega})}{a\omega \cdot a\overline{\omega} - bc} = \frac{a^2 b + a^2 c - abc}{a^2 - bc}.$$Then we would like to show that $$z = \frac{h'-a}{h'-x} = \frac{\frac{abc}{ab+bc+ca} - a}{\frac{abc}{ab+bc+ca} - \frac{a^2 b + a^2 c - abc}{a^2 - bc}}$$is pure imaginary, which follows by noting that $\overline{z} = -z$ (we see this by clearing denominators and expanding).
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123 posts
#12 • 2 Y
Y by trigadd123, cubres
We $\sqrt{bc}$ invert and denote by $X'$ the inverse of $X$. Clearly $O'$ is the reflection of $A$ over $BC$, $H'$ is actually $A'$ (from the problem), $F'$ lies on $(BCO')$ such that $AO'=AF'$. Circle $(AFH)$ maps to $F'A'$, the circle with diameter $AA'$ maps to the line parallel to $BC$ through $H$ and the circle $(BOC)$ maps to the circle $(BCO')$. Let $T$ be the point on $A'F'$ such that $TH\parallel BC$. We wish to show that $HTF'O'$ is cyclic, or equivalently that $\angle TF'O'=90^\circ$. This is further equivalent to $AH$ and $F'A'$ intersecting on the circle with center $A$ and radius $AO'$. Looking at the diagram before the inversion, it would suffice to prove that the reflection of $O$ over $A$ lies on $(AHF)$. Denote this point by $E$.

Now we proceed with complex numbers. Let $(ABC)$ be the unit circle. Clearly $e=2a$ and $ h=a+b+c$. \[\left\vert a-f\right\vert=1\iff \overline f=\frac{f}{af-a^2}\]\[\frac{b-f}{c-f}\cdot\frac{c}{b}\in\mathbb R\iff\frac{bc-cf}{bc-bf}=\frac{1-b\overline{f}}{1-c\overline{f}}\]\[\iff f\overline{f}(b-c)(b+c)-f(b-c)-bc\overline{f}(b-c)=0\iff \overline{f}=\frac{f}{f(b+c)-bc}\]Therefore, $f=\frac{a^2-bc}{a-b-c}$. Now we just need to check that \[\frac{a}{b+c}\cdot\frac{a+b+c-\frac{a^2-bc}{a-b-c}}{2a-\frac{a^2-bc}{a-b-c}}\in\mathbb R\iff \frac{ab^2+ac^2+abc}{(b+c)\left(a^2-2ab-2ac+bc\right)}=\frac{\frac{1}{a}}{\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}}\cdot\frac{\frac{1}{b^2}+\frac{1}{c^2}+\frac{1}{bc}}{\frac{1}{a^2}-\frac{2}{ab}-\frac{2}{ac}+\frac{1}{bc}}\]\[\iff \frac{ab^2+ac^2+abc}{a^2-2ab-2ac+b}=\frac{\frac{b}{c}+\frac{c}{b}+1}{\frac{1}{a}-\frac{2}{b}-\frac{2}{c}+\frac{a}{bc}}\]Which is clear. $\blacksquare$

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1720 posts
#13 • 2 Y
Y by cubres, ihatemath123
Force overlay invert. Let $T,Z$ be the reflections of $A,O$ over $BC$ and let $S$ be the reflection of $T$ over $AZ$. The problem becomes showing that $(BHC)$, line $A'S$ and the line through $H$ parallel to $BC$ concur.

We claim the point is the antipode $X$ of $T$ on $(BHC)$. Clearly $X\in(BHC)$ and $XH\perp HT\perp BC$. Thus we want $X,A',S$ collinear, and since $XS\perp ST\perp AZ$ this is the same as $AZ\parallel A'S$, or $[AZA']=[AZS]=-[AZT]=-[AOT]$.

Now we get that $T=b+c-\frac{bc}a$ and $A'=\frac{bc+a^2}{b+c}$ so computation gives \[\begin{vmatrix}1&a&\frac1a\\1&0&0\\1&b+c-\frac{bc}a&\frac1b+\frac1c-\frac a{bc}\end{vmatrix}=\frac ba+\frac ca-\frac ab-\frac ac+\frac{a^2}{bc}-\frac{bc}{a^2}=-\begin{vmatrix}1&a&\frac1a\\1&b+c&\frac1b+\frac1c\\1&\frac{bc+a^2}{b+c}&\frac{bc+a^2}{a^2(b+c)}\end{vmatrix}\]as desired.
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1385 posts
#14 • 2 Y
Y by rstenetbg, cubres
We will $\sqrt{bc}$ invert to get rid of the weird circle $(AFH)$; also it seems that this approach after the inversion has not been posted above.

After the inversion, if $A_1$ is the reflection of $A$ in $BC$, $P \in (BHC)$ is such that $HP \parallel BC$ and $Q\in (BHC)$ is such that $AA_1=AQ$, then we have to show that $P, A', Q$ are collinear. We will show that $\angle A'PA_1=\angle QHA_1=\angle QPA_1$, which is sufficient.

We first claim that $OPA'A_1$ is cyclic. Indeed, since $$\angle PA_1H=90^{\circ}-\angle HPA_1=90^{\circ}-\angle HCA_1=\beta-\gamma=\angle OAH,$$we have that if $T=PA_1 \cap AA'$, then $TA=TA_1$, i.e. $T \in BC$. Thus, by power of point, $TP \cdot TA_1=TB \cdot TC=TO \cdot TA'$, so $OPA'A_1$ is indeed cyclic, so we have shown $\angle A'PA_1=\angle A'OA_1$, and hence we need $\angle A'OA_1=\angle QHA_1$.

If $\angle AA_1Q=\angle AQA_1=\varphi$, then $$\angle QHA_1=180^{\circ}-\angle HQA_1-\varphi=90^{\circ}+\beta-\gamma-\varphi$$and $$\angle A'OA_1=\angle OAH+\angle OA_1A=\beta-\gamma+\angle OA_1A,$$so we need $\angle OA_1A=90^{\circ}-\varphi$, which is equivalent to the circumcenter of $\triangle AA_1Q$ lying on $OA_1$. Indeed, if $OA_1 \cap BC=X$, we have to show that $X$ lies on the perpendicular bisector of $A_1Q$. But this perpendicular bisector is the line through $A$ and the circumcenter of $BHC$ and since this line is the reflection of $OA_1$ in $BC$, we obtain that $X$ lies on it, which finishes the problem.
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1914 posts
#15 • 3 Y
Y by cubres, OronSH, numbersandnumbers
Let $D$ be the foot from $A$ to $BC$ and let $X$ denote $(AA')\cap (BOC)$. Inversion about $(ABC)$ swaps $D$ and $X$, so $O,D$, and $X$ are collinear.

Next, let $Y=(AHX)\cap ODX$. We have
\[DY\cdot DX=DH\cdot DA=DB\cdot DC=DO\cdot DX,\]so $Y$ is the reflection of $O$ over $D$.

Now, we claim $AHFY$ is an isosceles trapezoid, which suffices as it will then be cyclic. First, if we let $H'$ be the reflection of $H$ over $D$, we have
\[ HY=OH'=R=AF,\]so it suffices to prove
\[YF=AH\Longleftrightarrow ND=OM,\]where $N,M$ are the midpoints of $OF$ and $BC$ respectively.

To finish, let $O_1$ denote the center of $(BOC)$, so $N$ is the foot from $O$ to $AO_1$, and define variables $OO_1=x$ and $OM=y$. Let $P$ and $Q$ be the feet from $N$ to $AD$ and $OM$ respectively, and define $\theta=\angle AO_1O$.

We have
DP &= y-OQ = y-x \sin^2\theta \\
OA&=OB=\sqrt{OM\cdot 2OO_1}=\sqrt{2xy}\\
\end{align*}as desired.
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75 posts
#16 • 2 Y
Y by Radmandookheh, X.Luser
Let the circle passing through points \( B, O, C \) (with center \( Q \)) and the circle with diameter \( AA' \) intersect at \( S \neq A' \). To prove that \( AFHS \) is concyclic, it suffices to show \( \angle ASF = \angle AHF \).

Observe that:
\angle ASF = 90^\circ - \angle FSA' = 90^\circ - \angle AOF = \angle QAF
Let \( HF \) intersect \( AQ \) at \( T \). To prove \( \angle AHT = \angle FAT \), it suffices to show:
\left( \frac{AF}{AH} \right)^2 = \frac{TF}{TH}
We compute:
\frac{TF}{TH} = \frac{AF \sin \angle FAT}{AH \sin \angle HAT} = \frac{AF \sin \angle QAO}{AH \sin \angle AQO} = \frac{AF}{AH} \cdot \frac{OQ}{AO}
Thus, it suffices to show:
\frac{OQ}{AO} = \frac{AF}{AH} \quad \text{or equivalently} \quad AO^2 = OQ \cdot AH
\]which is trivial.
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10 posts
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We perform a $\sqrt{bc}$ inversion.

Let $O \mapsto A_1$, where $A_1$ is the reflection of $A$ across $BC$, and $H \mapsto A'$ (proven via trivial angle chasing).
Similarly, let $F \mapsto F'$, where $F'$ lies on $(BHC)$ such that $AA_1 = AF'$. Define $P$ as a point on $(BHC)$ such that $PH \parallel BC$.

The problem reduces to proving that $P, F', A'$ are collinear.

Observe that $A_1P$ is the diameter of $(BHC)$, so it suffices to show that $\angle H_1F'A' = 90^\circ$.

Let $O_1$ be the circumcenter of $(BHC)$, and let $A_0$ be the reflection of $A$ over $O_1$.
Define $R$ as the second intersection of $A_0$ with $(BHC)$ such that $AR > A_0R$.
Through inversion, we obtain $H_0 \parallel A_1R$.
Furthermore, since $AA_1 = AF'$, it follows that $A_0A_1 \perp A_1F'$, which implies $A_1R = RF'$.
Hence, it remains to show that $R$ is the midpoint of $A_1A'$.

By homothety, this is equivalent to proving that $A_0$ bisects $OH$.
Let the perpendicular bisector of $O$ intersect $BC$ at $T$.
By a well-known lemma, we have $AH = 2(OT)$.
Moreover, it is easy to see that $O_1$ is the reflection of $O$ over $BC$, implying $OO_1 = 2(OT) = AH$, which confirms the desired result.
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16 posts
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Nice problem. This problem can be generalized using isogonal conjugate as follows my post
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1451 posts
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Let $K$ the reflection of $A$ over $BC$ and let $L$ a point on $(BHC)$ such that $AK=AL$, from $\sqrt{bc}$ invert, as we need is that $\angle KLA'=90$, so now let $N$ midpoint of $KA'$ and $O'$ reflection of $O$ over $BC$, it happens to be center of $(BHC)$ but also from homothety $AHO'O$ is a parallelogram so because of inversion we have $OH \parallel KA'$ and therefore $A,O',N$ are colinear but this means $NA'=NK=NL$ and therefore $N$ is center lying on $KA'$ of $(KA'L)$ which finishes thus we are done :cool:.
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264 posts
#20 • 3 Y
Y by OronSH, X.Luser, thepsserby
Claim. Let the refleciton of $O$ over $A$ be $O'$. Then $O'AFH$ is cyclic.
Proof. Let $N$ be the nine-point center, and let $K$ be the circumcenter of $\triangle BOC$. Recall that $AK$ and $AN$ are isogonal; hence, one obtains \[ \measuredangle AFO' = \measuredangle FO'A = \measuredangle FO'O = \measuredangle KAO = \measuredangle HAN. \]Now reflect $H$ across $A$ to $H'$, and observe $\measuredangle AHO' = \measuredangle AH'O = \measuredangle HH'O = \measuredangle HAN = \measuredangle AFO'$, as desired. $\square$

From here, let $(AFH)$ meet $(BOC)$ again at $X$. We have \[ \measuredangle FXA' = \measuredangle FOA' = \measuredangle FOA = 90^\circ - \measuredangle AO'F = 90^\circ - \measuredangle AXF \implies \measuredangle AXA' = 90^\circ, \]as desired.
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Let $\Gamma$ and the circle with diameter $AA'$ meet at $D$, we want to prove $AFHD$ are concyclic.

Realize $\angle{ADH}=90-\angle{FDA'}=90-\angle{AOF}$, denote the center of $(BOC)$ as $O'$, note $AO'$ is perpendicular to bisector of $OF$ by radax, so we have $\angle{ADH}=\angle{OAO'}=\angle{FAO'}$

Now we want to have $\angle{ADH}=\angle{AHF}=\angle{FAO'}$

Realize $\frac{AH}{AO}=\frac{AH}{AF}=\frac{\sin(\angle{AFH})}{\sin(\angle{AHF})}=\frac{\sin(\angle{AFH}+\angle{FHA})}{\sin(\angle{AHF})}=2\cos(A)$ by property.

Now we can also have $\frac{\sin(\angle{FAO'}+\angle{HAF})}{\sin(\angle{FAO'})}=\frac{\sin(\angle{OO'A})}{\sin(\angle{OAO'})}=\frac{OA}{OO'}=\frac{OC}{OO'}=2\cos(A)=\frac{AH}{AF}$ which implies $\angle{AHF}=\angle{FAO'}$, and it yields the desired result.
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250 posts
#22 • 1 Y
Y by alexanderhamilton124
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