Y by Adventure10
interesting sequence
is a natural number and
is a sequence of numbers
with these properties:
it is periodic and its least period number is
. (it means that for every natural number
we have
is the least number with this property.)
There exist distinct integers
such that for every natural number
we have
![\[x_{j+n}=x_{j+t_1}\times x_{j+t_2}\times ... \times x_{j+t_k}\]](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/a/a/2/aa23ea94af39255dd5d33408a12f25fa6122f3ff.png)
Prove that for every natural number
we have
Time allowed for this question was 1 hours and 15 minutes.

it is periodic and its least period number is

There exist distinct integers

![\[x_{j+n}=x_{j+t_1}\times x_{j+t_2}\times ... \times x_{j+t_k}\]](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/a/a/2/aa23ea94af39255dd5d33408a12f25fa6122f3ff.png)
Prove that for every natural number

Time allowed for this question was 1 hours and 15 minutes.