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k a March Highlights and 2025 AoPS Online Class Information
jlacosta   0
Mar 2, 2025
March is the month for State MATHCOUNTS competitions! Kudos to everyone who participated in their local chapter competitions and best of luck to all going to State! Join us on March 11th for a Math Jam devoted to our favorite Chapter competition problems! Are you interested in training for MATHCOUNTS? Be sure to check out our AMC 8/MATHCOUNTS Basics and Advanced courses.

Are you ready to level up with Olympiad training? Registration is open with early bird pricing available for our WOOT programs: MathWOOT (Levels 1 and 2), CodeWOOT, PhysicsWOOT, and ChemWOOT. What is WOOT? WOOT stands for Worldwide Online Olympiad Training and is a 7-month high school math Olympiad preparation and testing program that brings together many of the best students from around the world to learn Olympiad problem solving skills. Classes begin in September!

Do you have plans this summer? There are so many options to fit your schedule and goals whether attending a summer camp or taking online classes, it can be a great break from the routine of the school year. Check out our summer courses at AoPS Online, or if you want a math or language arts class that doesn’t have homework, but is an enriching summer experience, our AoPS Virtual Campus summer camps may be just the ticket! We are expanding our locations for our AoPS Academies across the country with 15 locations so far and new campuses opening in Saratoga CA, Johns Creek GA, and the Upper West Side NY. Check out this page for summer camp information.

Be sure to mark your calendars for the following events:
[list][*]March 5th (Wednesday), 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET, HCSSiM Math Jam 2025. Amber Verser, Assistant Director of the Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics, will host an information session about HCSSiM, a summer program for high school students.
[*]March 6th (Thursday), 4:00pm PT/7:00pm ET, Free Webinar on Math Competitions from elementary through high school. Join us for an enlightening session that demystifies the world of math competitions and helps you make informed decisions about your contest journey.
[*]March 11th (Tuesday), 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET, 2025 MATHCOUNTS Chapter Discussion MATH JAM. AoPS instructors will discuss some of their favorite problems from the MATHCOUNTS Chapter Competition. All are welcome!
[*]March 13th (Thursday), 4:00pm PT/7:00pm ET, Free Webinar about Summer Camps at the Virtual Campus. Transform your summer into an unforgettable learning adventure! From elementary through high school, we offer dynamic summer camps featuring topics in mathematics, language arts, and competition preparation - all designed to fit your schedule and ignite your passion for learning.[/list]
Our full course list for upcoming classes is below:
All classes run 7:30pm-8:45pm ET/4:30pm - 5:45pm PT unless otherwise noted.

Introductory: Grades 5-10

Prealgebra 1 Self-Paced

Prealgebra 1
Sunday, Mar 2 - Jun 22
Friday, Mar 28 - Jul 18
Sunday, Apr 13 - Aug 10
Tuesday, May 13 - Aug 26
Thursday, May 29 - Sep 11
Sunday, Jun 15 - Oct 12
Monday, Jun 30 - Oct 20
Wednesday, Jul 16 - Oct 29

Prealgebra 2 Self-Paced

Prealgebra 2
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Jul 8
Sunday, Apr 13 - Aug 10
Wednesday, May 7 - Aug 20
Monday, Jun 2 - Sep 22
Sunday, Jun 29 - Oct 26
Friday, Jul 25 - Nov 21

Introduction to Algebra A Self-Paced

Introduction to Algebra A
Sunday, Mar 23 - Jul 20
Monday, Apr 7 - Jul 28
Sunday, May 11 - Sep 14 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Wednesday, May 14 - Aug 27
Friday, May 30 - Sep 26
Monday, Jun 2 - Sep 22
Sunday, Jun 15 - Oct 12
Thursday, Jun 26 - Oct 9
Tuesday, Jul 15 - Oct 28

Introduction to Counting & Probability Self-Paced

Introduction to Counting & Probability
Sunday, Mar 16 - Jun 8
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 2
Thursday, May 15 - Jul 31
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Wednesday, Jul 9 - Sep 24
Sunday, Jul 27 - Oct 19

Introduction to Number Theory
Monday, Mar 17 - Jun 9
Thursday, Apr 17 - Jul 3
Friday, May 9 - Aug 1
Wednesday, May 21 - Aug 6
Monday, Jun 9 - Aug 25
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14
Tuesday, Jul 15 - Sep 30

Introduction to Algebra B Self-Paced

Introduction to Algebra B
Sunday, Mar 2 - Jun 22
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 30
Tuesday, May 6 - Aug 19
Wednesday, Jun 4 - Sep 17
Sunday, Jun 22 - Oct 19
Friday, Jul 18 - Nov 14

Introduction to Geometry
Tuesday, Mar 4 - Aug 12
Sunday, Mar 23 - Sep 21
Wednesday, Apr 23 - Oct 1
Sunday, May 11 - Nov 9
Tuesday, May 20 - Oct 28
Monday, Jun 16 - Dec 8
Friday, Jun 20 - Jan 9
Sunday, Jun 29 - Jan 11
Monday, Jul 14 - Jan 19

Intermediate: Grades 8-12

Intermediate Algebra
Sunday, Mar 16 - Sep 14
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Sep 2
Monday, Apr 21 - Oct 13
Sunday, Jun 1 - Nov 23
Tuesday, Jun 10 - Nov 18
Wednesday, Jun 25 - Dec 10
Sunday, Jul 13 - Jan 18
Thursday, Jul 24 - Jan 22

Intermediate Counting & Probability
Sunday, Mar 23 - Aug 3
Wednesday, May 21 - Sep 17
Sunday, Jun 22 - Nov 2

Intermediate Number Theory
Friday, Apr 11 - Jun 27
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Wednesday, Jun 18 - Sep 3

Sunday, Mar 16 - Aug 24
Wednesday, Apr 9 - Sep 3
Friday, May 16 - Oct 24
Sunday, Jun 1 - Nov 9
Monday, Jun 30 - Dec 8

Advanced: Grades 9-12

Olympiad Geometry
Wednesday, Mar 5 - May 21
Tuesday, Jun 10 - Aug 26

Sunday, Mar 30 - Oct 5
Tuesday, May 27 - Nov 11
Wednesday, Jun 25 - Dec 17

Group Theory
Thursday, Jun 12 - Sep 11

Contest Preparation: Grades 6-12

Sunday, Mar 23 - Jun 15
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 2
Friday, May 23 - Aug 15
Monday, Jun 2 - Aug 18
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

Friday, Apr 11 - Jun 27
Sunday, May 11 - Aug 10
Tuesday, May 27 - Aug 12
Wednesday, Jun 11 - Aug 27
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

AMC 10 Problem Series
Tuesday, Mar 4 - May 20
Monday, Mar 31 - Jun 23
Friday, May 9 - Aug 1
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Tuesday, Jun 17 - Sep 2
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Monday, Jun 23 - Sep 15
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

AMC 10 Final Fives
Sunday, May 11 - Jun 8
Tuesday, May 27 - Jun 17
Monday, Jun 30 - Jul 21

AMC 12 Problem Series
Tuesday, May 27 - Aug 12
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Wednesday, Aug 6 - Oct 22

AMC 12 Final Fives
Sunday, May 18 - Jun 15

F=ma Problem Series
Wednesday, Jun 11 - Aug 27

WOOT Programs
Visit the pages linked for full schedule details for each of these programs!

MathWOOT Level 1
MathWOOT Level 2


Introduction to Programming with Python
Monday, Mar 24 - Jun 16
Thursday, May 22 - Aug 7
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Tuesday, Jun 17 - Sep 2
Monday, Jun 30 - Sep 22

Intermediate Programming with Python
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Monday, Jun 30 - Sep 22

USACO Bronze Problem Series
Tuesday, May 13 - Jul 29
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 1


Introduction to Physics
Sunday, Mar 30 - Jun 22
Wednesday, May 21 - Aug 6
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14
Monday, Jun 23 - Sep 15

Physics 1: Mechanics
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Sep 2
Thursday, May 22 - Oct 30
Monday, Jun 23 - Dec 15

Sat & Sun, Apr 26 - Apr 27 (4:00 - 7:00 pm ET/1:00 - 4:00pm PT)
Mon, Tue, Wed & Thurs, Jun 23 - Jun 26 (meets every day of the week!)
0 replies
Mar 2, 2025
0 replies
Points in general position
AshAuktober   1
N a few seconds ago by Rdgm
Source: 2025 Nepal ptst p1 of 4
Shining tells Prajit a positive integer $n \ge 2025$. Prajit then tries to place n points such that no four points are concyclic and no $3$ points are collinear in Euclidean plane, such that Shining cannot find a group of three points such that their circumcircle contains none of the other remaining points. Is he always able to do so?

(Prajit Adhikari, Nepal and Shining Sun, USA)
1 reply
Yesterday at 2:15 PM
a few seconds ago
GMO 2017 #1
m2121   3
N 5 minutes ago by Inspector_Maygray
Source: GMO 2017
1- Find a pair $(m,n)$ of positive integers such that $K = |2^m-3^n|$ in all of this cases :

$a) K=5$
$b) K=11$
$c) K=19$

2-Is there a pair $(m,n)$ of positive integers such that : $$|2^m-3^n| = 2017$$3-Every prime number less than $41$ can be represented in the form $|2^m-3^n|$ by taking an Appropriate pair $(m,n)$
of positive integers. Prove that the number $41$ cannot be represented in the form $|2^m-3^n|$ where $m$ and $n$ are positive integers

4-Note that $2^5+3^2=41$ . The number $53$ is the least prime number that cannot be represented as a sum or an difference of a power of $2$ and a power of $3$ . Prove that the number $53$ cannot be represented in any of the forms $2^m-3^n$ , $3^n-2^m$ , $2^m-3^n$ where $m$ and $n$ are positive integers
3 replies
Sep 28, 2017
5 minutes ago
2^a + 3^b + 1 = 6^c
togrulhamidli2011   0
21 minutes ago
Find all positive integers (a, b, c) such that:

2^a + 3^b + 1 = 6^c
0 replies
21 minutes ago
0 replies
Inequality stroke
giangtruong13   0
23 minutes ago
Let $a,b,c$ be real positive numbers such that: $a+b+c=abc-2$. Prove that $$\sum \frac{1}{\sqrt{ab}} \leq \frac{3}{2} $$
0 replies
23 minutes ago
0 replies
No more topics!
Prove concyclic and tangency
syk0526   40
N Yesterday at 7:02 PM by Ilikeminecraft
Source: Japan Olympiad Finals 2014, #4
Let $ \Gamma $ be the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$, and let $l$ be the tangent line of $\Gamma $ passing $A$. Let $ D, E $ be the points each on side $AB, AC$ such that $ BD : DA= AE : EC $. Line $ DE $ meets $\Gamma $ at points $ F, G $. The line parallel to $AC$ passing $ D $ meets $l$ at $H$, the line parallel to $AB$ passing $E$ meets $l$ at $I$. Prove that there exists a circle passing four points $ F, G, H, I $ and tangent to line $ BC$.
40 replies
May 17, 2014
Yesterday at 7:02 PM
Prove concyclic and tangency
G H BBookmark kLocked kLocked NReply
Source: Japan Olympiad Finals 2014, #4
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202 posts
#1 • 6 Y
Y by itslumi, KrazyGuy, mathleticguyyy, Adventure10, Mango247, ItsBesi
Let $ \Gamma $ be the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$, and let $l$ be the tangent line of $\Gamma $ passing $A$. Let $ D, E $ be the points each on side $AB, AC$ such that $ BD : DA= AE : EC $. Line $ DE $ meets $\Gamma $ at points $ F, G $. The line parallel to $AC$ passing $ D $ meets $l$ at $H$, the line parallel to $AB$ passing $E$ meets $l$ at $I$. Prove that there exists a circle passing four points $ F, G, H, I $ and tangent to line $ BC$.
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111 posts
#2 • 4 Y
Y by mathematiculperson, Mathematicsislovely, Adventure10, Mango247
let parallel line to $AC$ passing $D$ meet $BC$ at $X$.
$\frac{BD}{AD}=\frac{BX}{CX}=\frac{AE}{EC}\Rightarrow XE\left | \right |AB,$
$E,X,I$ in same line.
$\widehat{HAB}=\widehat{ACB}=\widehat{HXB}\Rightarrow$ $AXBH$ is cycle$\Rightarrow$ $HD.DX=AD.BD=DF.DG\Rightarrow$ $HFXG$ is cycle.similar we find $FXGI$is cycle.$\Rightarrow$ $HFXGI$ is cycle($o$).
$\widehat{AIX}=\widehat{ACB}=\widehat{HXB}$ $\Rightarrow$ $o$ is tangent to $BC$ at $X$.
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55 posts
#3 • 3 Y
Y by mathematiculperson, Adventure10, Mango247
Let $HD \cap BC = P$. So, $\frac{BP}{PC}=\frac{BD}{DA}=\frac{AE}{EC} \implies EP \parallel AB \implies P \in EI$.
Now, $\measuredangle CPI = \measuredangle CBA = \measuredangle IAC \implies EI.EP = EA.EC = EF.EG \implies I \in \odot PFG$. Similarly, $H \in \odot PFG$.
$\therefore FGHIP$ cyclic. Now, $\measuredangle CPI = \measuredangle PBA = \measuredangle PHI \implies CP, i.e., BC$ touches $\odot FGHI$ at $P$.
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505 posts
#4 • 2 Y
Y by mathematiculperson, Adventure10
Let $DX$ be the line parallel to $AC$ with $X$ on $BC$.Then $\frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{DB}{AD}=\frac{BX}{XC} \implies EX \parallel AB$.Thus the parallels meet at the same point on $BC$.Now we see that $\angle{HXB}=C$ and since $HI$ is the tangent at $A$,$\angle{HAB}=C$.Thus points $A,H,B,X$ ar concyclic.So $FD \cdot DG=AD \cdot DB=DH \cdot DX$ or points $F,H,G,X$ concyclic.Similarly points $G,I,F,X$ are concyclic.Thus $FHIGX$ is a cyclic pentagon.Now note that $\angle{HIX}=\angle{HAB}=C=\angle{HXB}$ or $\odot{HFXGI}$ is tangent to $BC$ at $X$,as desired.
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3564 posts
#5 • 2 Y
Y by aopsuser305, Adventure10
not really adding anything new, but here it is.

Let $X$ be the point on $\overline{BC}$ satisfying $\tfrac{BD}{DA} = \tfrac{AE}{EC} = \tfrac{BX}{XC}$. Then $\overline{XD} \parallel \overline{AC}$ so $X$ lies on line $HD$; likewise $X$ lies on line $IE$.

Now from
\[\measuredangle HXB
= \measuredangle ACB
= \measuredangle HAB\]we deduce $HAXB$ is cyclic, so from $DH \cdot DX = DA \cdot DB = DF \cdot DG$ we obtain that $HFXG$ is cyclic. Likewise $IFXG$ is cyclic.

To finish, we need to show that $(HIX)$ is tangent to $\overline{BC}$: this follows as
\[\measuredangle HIX
= \measuredangle HAB
= \measuredangle HXB.\]
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256 posts
#6 • 1 Y
Y by mkomisarova
Nice problem. The key step is to prove that $HD$ and $EI$ intersects on $BC$.
Let $X$ be intersection of $HD$ and $EI$. It is obvious that $ADXE$ is parallelogram. Therefore $\frac{BD}{DA}=\frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{BD}{XE}=\frac{DX}{EC}$. We conclude that $\triangle BDX \sim \triangle XEC$. As a result $\angle DXB = \angle ECX$. Note that $\angle EXC=180 -\angle A -\angle DXB$ and $\angle A = \angle DXE$. Therefore $\angle BXC = 180$ and it means that $X$ lies on $BC$.
The rest is easy. Note that $\angle HAB=\angle ACB= \angle HXB$. This implies that $HAXB$ is cyclic. As a result $AD \cdot DB=HD \cdot DX$, but $AD \cdot DB=FD \cdot DG$, therefore $HD \cdot DX=FD \cdot DG$. As a result $HFXG$ is cyclic. Similarly we get that $IGXF$ is cyclic. We conclude that $HFXGI$ is cyclic.
We claim that the circumcircle of $HFXGI$ is tangent to $BC$ at $X$. This is obvious, since $\angle BXH=\angle ACB=\angle HIX $.
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6857 posts
#7 • 6 Y
Y by srijonrick, itslumi, Mathematicsislovely, v4913, HamstPan38825, Mango247
Solution from OTIS office hours:

We start with the following critical definition: Define $X$ on $BC$ such that \[ \frac{BD}{DA} = \frac{BX}{XC} = \frac{AE}{EC}. \]Then $ADXE$ is obviously a parallelogram, so that $X = \overline{HD} \cap \overline{IE}$.
[asy] pair A = dir(110); pair B = dir(210); pair C = dir(330); filldraw(unitcircle, invisible, blue); draw(A--B--C--cycle, blue);
real r = 0.7; pair D = r*B+(1-r)*A; pair E = r*A+(1-r)*C; pair X = r*B+(1-r)*C;
pair H = extension(X, D, A, dir(90)*A+A); pair I = extension(X, E, A, dir(90)*A+A);
draw(H--I--X--cycle, red); filldraw(circumcircle(H, I, X), invisible, red);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A)); dot("$B$", B, dir(B)); dot("$C$", C, dir(C)); dot("$D$", D, dir(210)); dot("$E$", E, dir(45)); dot("$X$", X, dir(270)); dot("$H$", H, dir(H)); dot("$I$", I, dir(I));
/* TSQ Source:
A = dir 110 B = dir 210 C = dir 330 unitcircle 0.1 lightcyan / blue A--B--C--cycle blue
! real r = 0.7; D = r*B+(1-r)*A R210 E = r*A+(1-r)*C R45 X = r*B+(1-r)*C R270
H = extension X D A dir(90)*A+A I = extension X E A dir(90)*A+A
H--I--X--cycle red circumcircle H I X 0.1 lightred / red
*/ [/asy]

Claim: The circumcircle of $\triangle HIX$ is tangent to $X$ at $BC$.
Proof. Because $\measuredangle HIX = \measuredangle HAB = \measuredangle ACB = \measuredangle HXB$. $\blacksquare$

Claim: Points $D$ and $E$ lie on the radical axis of $(HIX)$ and $(ABC)$.
Proof. We saw already $\measuredangle HAB = \measuredangle ACB = \measuredangle HXB$ so quadrilateral $HAXB$ is cyclic. Then $D$ is the radical center of $(HIX)$, $(ABC)$, $(HAXB)$. $\blacksquare$

Thus $F$ and $G$ are the two intersections of the circles, as needed.
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830 posts
#8 • 1 Y
Y by Mango247
Let $M, N$ be the midpoints of $\overline{AB}$ and $\overline{AC}$, let $E' \neq E$ be on $\overline{AC}$ such that $NE = NE'$, and let $T = \overline{HD} \cap \overline{EI}$. The ratio condition implies that $\overline{DE'} \parallel \overline{BC}$; in particular, this implies that $\overline{DE}$ is bisected by $\overline{MN}$. As $ADTE$ is a parallelogram, it follows that $\overline{AT}$ is bisected by $\overline{MN}$ as well, implying that $T$ lies on $\overline{BC}$.

Now, we have
	\angle HAD = \angle HAB = \angle BCA = \angle BTH,
\end{align*}implying that $HATB$ is cyclic. By Power of a Point, we now have
	DH \cdot DT = DA \cdot DB = DF \cdot DG,
\end{align*}implying that $FTGH$ is cyclic. Similarly, $FTGI$ is cyclic, so $FGHIT$ is cyclic. To finish, we have
	\angle HIT = \angle HAD = \angle BTH,
\end{align*}implying that $\overline{BC}$ is tangent to $(FGHIT)$. We are done! $\Box$
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1051 posts
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Let lines $\overline{HD}$ and $\overline{BC}$ meet at a point $T$. Now note that $TC/TB = DA/DB = EC/EA$, so $T$ lies on $\overline{IE}$. Note that $\angle HAB = \angle ACB = \angle DTB = \angle HTB$, so $AHBT$ is cyclic. Similarly, $AICT$ is cyclic. Now $HD \cdot TD = AD \cdot BD = FD \cdot GD$, which implies that $HFTG$ is cyclic. By symmetry $IGTF$ is also cyclic. Now $\angle HTB = \angle HAB = \angle HIT$, so $\overline{BTC}$ is tangent to $(HIGTF)$, as desired.
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2726 posts
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Heavy 2020 APMO 1 vibes.

Let $X_1$ be the point on $BC$ such that $DX_1 \parallel AC$ and $X_2$ be the point on $BC$ such that $EX_1 \parallel AB$. We see that\[\frac{BX_1}{CX_1} = \frac{BD}{DA} = \frac{AE}{EC} = \frac{BX_2}{CX_2}\]hence $X_1 = X_2$ are the same point. Let this point be $X$, on $BC$ such that $ADXE$ is a parallelogram. Since\[\angle HAB = \angle ACB = \angle HXB \text{    and    } \angle IAC = \angle ABC = \angle IXC\]we see that $HAXB$ and $IAXC$ are cyclic. Now through PoP we get that\[FD \cdot GD = BD \cdot AD = HD \cdot XD\]\[FE \cdot GE = AE \cdot CE = IE \cdot XE\]thus $HFXG$ and $IGXF$ are cyclic and thus $HFXGI$ are all cyclic. Indeed, since $\angle BXH = \angle BCA = \angle XIH$, this circle is tangent to $BC$, as desired. $\blacksquare$
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by jj_ca888, Nov 9, 2020, 11:02 PM
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691 posts
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Wonderful problem!

Claim. $DH \cap EI \in BC$.
Proof. To prove this, we use phantom point. Suppose that $X \in BC$ such that $DX \parallel AC$ and $E' \in AC$ such that $XE' \parallel AB$. We will prove that $E \equiv E'$. Now, notice that we have $\triangle BDX \sim \triangle XE'C$ and $AEX'D$ being a parallelogram. Therefore, we must have
\[ \frac{BD}{DX} = \frac{XE'}{E'C} \Rightarrow \frac{BD}{AE'} = \frac{AD}{E'C} \Rightarrow \frac{BD}{AD} = \frac{AE'}{E'C} \]However, $E \in AC$ such that $\frac{AE}{EC} = \frac{BD}{AD} = \frac{AE'}{E'C}$, which forces $E = E'$.
Now, notice that $(HIX)$ tangent to $BC$ at $X$ since $\measuredangle HIX = \measuredangle HXB$. It suffices to prove that $F, G \in (HIX)$.
Claim. $AICX$ and $AXBH$ is cyclic.
Proof. Simple angle chasing yields $\measuredangle AIX = \measuredangle HAB = \measuredangle ACB \equiv \measuredangle ACX$. Similarly, we have $\measuredangle AHX = \measuredangle IAC = \measuredangle ABC \equiv \measuredangle ABX$.

Claim. $DE$ is the radical axis of $(HXI)$ and $(ABC)$.
Proof. Radical axis theorem on $(HIX), (ABC), (AHBX)$ gives us $D = AB \cap HX$ lies on radical axis of $(HXI)$ and $(ABC)$. Similarly, radical axis theorem on $(HIX), (ABC), (AICX)$ gives us $E = AC \cap IX$ lies on radical axis of $(HIX)$ and $(ABC)$. Therefore, $DE$ is the radical axis of $(HXI)$ and $(ABC)$.
Now, notice that $(HIX)$ must intersect $(ABC)$ at two points, both of which lies in its radical axis. However, we know that $DE \cap \Gamma = F,G$, and therefore, $F,G \in (HIX)$ as well.
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597 posts
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First interpret the length conditions as $P$ lying on $\overline{BC}$, which can be done with some simple ratio manipulations to get $\frac{BD}{PD} = \frac{PE}{CE}$, which is $\triangle BDP \sim \triangle PEC$.

We continue with angle chase: $$\measuredangle HAB = \measuredangle ACB = \measuredangle HPB,$$implying $HABP$ cyclic. Similarly, $AICP$ is cyclic. Then, $$\angle HIP = \angle AIP = \angle ACP = \angle HPB,$$thus $(HIP)$ is tangent to $\overline{BC}$ at $P$. Next, redefine $F'$ and $G'$ to be $(PHI) \cap (ABC)$. However, from $HABP$ cyclic, we get $HD \cdot PD = AD \cdot BD$, aka $D$ lies on the radical axis of $(PHI)$ and $(ABC)$, and similarly for $E$. Thus $\{F', G'\} = \{F, G\}$ and we are done.
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238 posts
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Let $P= EI \cap BC$. Since $EP \parallel AB \implies \frac{CP}{BP}= \frac{CE}{EA}= \frac{AD}{BD} \implies PD \parallel AC \implies P$, $D$ and $H$ are collinear.

Now, observe that since $AI$ is tangent to $\Gamma$ and $AC \parallel PH$, $\angle ABC= \angle CAI= \angle PHA \implies AHBP$ is cyclic $\implies DH.DP=DA.DB=DF.DG \implies HFPG$ is cyclic. Similarly, $IGPF$ is cyclic $\implies HFGI$ is cyclic. Moreover, $\angle IPC= \angle ABC= \angle PHI \implies$ since $P \in (HFGI) \implies BC$ is tangent to $HFGI$ at $P$, as desired.

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779 posts
#14 • 3 Y
Y by Mango247, Mango247, Mango247
Let the line through $D$ parallel to $\overline{AC}$ intersect $\overline{BC}$ at $X.$ The given ratio condition implies that $\overline{EX}\parallel\overline{AB}.$

$\textbf{Key Claim: }$ $B,H,A,X$ are concyclic.

$\emph{Proof: }$ Since $\overline{HA}$ is tangent to $\Gamma,$ we have $\angle BAH = \angle BCA = \angle BXH.$ Thus, quadrilateral $BHAX$ is cyclic, as desired. $\blacksquare$

Now, by power of a point, we have $$\text{Pow}_{(XHI)}D=DH\cdot DX=DA\cdot DB=\text{Pow}_{\Gamma}D.$$Therefore, $D$ lies on the radical axis of $(XHI)$ and $\Gamma.$ We can similarly show that $E$ lies on this radical axis, so pentagon $FGHIX$ is cyclic.

Finally, note that $\angle IXC = \angle ABX = \angle AHX=\angle IXH.$ Hence, $(FGHIX)$ is tangent to $\overline{BC}$ at $X,$ as needed.
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277 posts
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Very cool problem - same as the solutions above, yet, I may or may not have written out the PoP rather than quoting Radical Axes.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by bora_olmez, Aug 16, 2021, 1:43 PM
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428 posts
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Because of the given ratio condition, $HD$ and $EI$ meet on $BC$, call it $J$.

By angle chase, $HAJB$ and $AICJ$ are cyclic.

By PoP through $D$, $DF \cdot DG = DA \cdot DB = DH  \cdot DJ$, so $HFJG$ is cyclic.

By PoP through $E$, $EG \cdot EF = EA \cdot EC = EI \cdot EJ$, so $IGJF$ is cyclic.

So, $HFJGI$ is cyclic, and $\angle DJB = \angle ACB = \angle AIJ$, hence $(HFGJI)$ is tangent to $BC$ at $J$. We are done.
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484 posts
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[asy] /* Geogebra to Asymptote conversion, documentation at artofproblemsolving.com/Wiki go to User:Azjps/geogebra */
import graph; size(15cm); 
real labelscalefactor = 0.5; /* changes label-to-point distance */
pen dps = linewidth(0.7) + fontsize(10); defaultpen(dps); /* default pen style */ 
pen dotstyle = black; /* point style */ 
real xmin = -13.795602650594365, xmax = 13.801198427350894, ymin = -7.525540163790313, ymax = 7.536835997072933;  /* image dimensions */
pen wrwrwr = rgb(0.3803921568627451,0.3803921568627451,0.3803921568627451); pen wqwqwq = rgb(0.3764705882352941,0.3764705882352941,0.3764705882352941); pen dtsfsf = rgb(0.8274509803921568,0.1843137254901961,0.1843137254901961); 
 /* draw figures */
draw((-1.86,2.06)--(-4.54,-3.56), linewidth(2) + wrwrwr); 
draw((-4.54,-3.56)--(3.88,-3.9), linewidth(2) + wqwqwq); 
draw((3.88,-3.9)--(-1.86,2.06), linewidth(2) + wrwrwr); 
draw(circle((-0.2661613547964406,-2.1490547276059675), 4.500718090141446), linewidth(2) + wrwrwr); 
draw((xmin, 0.3786690238903369*xmin + 2.7643243844360263)--(xmax, 0.3786690238903369*xmax + 2.7643243844360263), linewidth(2) + wrwrwr); /* line */
draw(circle((-2.2721874870416894,0.3870039973793107), 4.035289846994704), linewidth(2) + linetype("4 4") + dtsfsf); 
draw((-2.4349999062401744,-3.645000003786026)--(0.7583415190317483,3.051484827223294), linewidth(2) + wrwrwr); 
draw((-2.4349999062401744,-3.645000003786026)--(-6.307462012116397,0.3758839010825305), linewidth(2) + wrwrwr); 
 /* dots and labels */
label("$A$", (-1.7615014171773968,2.3229365567741165), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$B$", (-4.447449613694969,-3.285955265365519), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$C$", (3.9790545322425137,-3.6282819962942288), NE * labelscalefactor); 
dot((-3.87,-2.155),linewidth(4pt) + dotstyle); 
label("$D$", (-3.762796151837549,-1.9429811671067327), NE * labelscalefactor); 
dot((-0.425,0.57),linewidth(4pt) + dotstyle); 
label("$E$", (-0.3131960170943919,0.7692998548668937), NE * labelscalefactor); 
dot((-4.715959415368748,-2.82415512536425),linewidth(4pt) + dotstyle); 
label("$F$", (-4.605446566431297,-2.6013018035080986), NE * labelscalefactor); 
dot((1.41537436536525,2.0257387940842695),linewidth(4pt) + dotstyle); 
label("$G$", (1.5301017648294326,2.2439380804059526), NE * labelscalefactor); 
dot((-6.307462012116397,0.3758839010825305),linewidth(4pt) + dotstyle); 
label("$H$", (-6.21174891925063,0.5849700766745113), NE * labelscalefactor); 
dot((0.7583415190317483,3.051484827223294),linewidth(4pt) + dotstyle); 
label("$I$", (0.8717811284280667,3.270918273192083), NE * labelscalefactor); 
dot((-2.4349999062401744,-3.645000003786026),linewidth(4pt) + dotstyle); 
label("$J$", (-2.3408235772105987,-3.4439522181018463), NE * labelscalefactor); 
 /* end of picture */ [/asy]

Claim : $HD \cap IE=J \in BC$
Proof. Let $HD \cap BC=J_1, IE \cap BC = J_2$. We have
$$\frac{BJ_1}{J_1C} =\frac{BD}{DA}$$and $$\frac{CJ_2}{J_2B}=\frac{CE}{EA}$$Therefore $$\frac{BJ_1}{J_1C} \times \frac{CJ_2}{J_2B}=\frac{BD}{DA} \times \frac{AD}{DB}=1 \implies \frac{BJ_1}{J_1C}=\frac{BJ_2}{J_2C}$$Finally, $J_1 \equiv J_2$, as desired.

Back to the main problem, Note that $AHBJ, AJCI$ is cyclic. Now, by PoP, see that
$$DF \times DG =DA \times DB= DH \times DJ$$Therefore $FGJH$ is cyclic. Applying PoP is a very similar way, we see that $GIFJ$ is cyclic. This implies that $FGJHI$ is cyclic, proving the first part.
For the second part, note that
\angle{HJB} &= \angle{ACB} \\
\end{align*}As desired $\blacksquare$
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1184 posts
#18 • 1 Y
Y by starchan
Let $X$ be on $BC$ such that $DX || AC$, by the length condition, we have $EX || AB$ too, so $ADXE$ is a parallelogram and $H,D,X$ and $I,E,X$ are collinear.

Note that $(HIX)$ is tangent to $BC$ since $\angle HIX = \angle AIE = 180 - \angle IAE - \angle IEA = 180 - \angle ABC - \angle BAC = \angle ACB = \angle HXB$

Now, note that $AHXB$ and $AICX$ are cyclic and so by PoP, we get $AD.DB = XD.DH$ and $AE.EC = EX.EI$ which means $D,E$ lie on the radical axis of $(HIX)$ and $(ABC)$, so $F,G \in (HIX)$ too

So, there does indeed exist a circle passing through $F,G,H,I$, and tangent to $BC$ at $X$, as desired. $\blacksquare$
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3217 posts
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Illegally cute

Denote the given ratio as $r$, and let $X$ be the point on $BC$ such that $\frac{BX}{XC}=r$. We claim that $X$ is the desired tangency point. Note that triangles $BXD,XCE$ are similar, which gives that $X=IE\cap HD$.

Claim: $(AIX)$ is tangent to $BC$.

Proof: Because $AC\parallel HX$, we have $\angle EXC=\angle B=\angle IAC=\angle IHX$.

Now, by since $\triangle XEC\sim\triangle AEI$ we have $EA\cdot EC=EI\cdot EX$ and similar for $D$, hence $\overline{DE}$ is the radical axis of $(ABC),(AIX)$ and it follows that $H,G$ are precisely $(AIX)\cap (ABC)$.
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44 posts
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Let $J=IE\cap BC$ so we have :
$BD : DA=AE : EC=BJ : CJ$
and so $H,D,J$ are collinear
note that $\angle{HAB}=\angle{ACB}=\angle{HJB}$
$\implies AHBJ$ is cyclic
$\implies DH.DJ=DA.DB=DF.DG$
$\implies FHGJ$ is cyclic
and similarly $FIGJ$ is cyclic
and so $FHIGJ$ is cyclic and we have :
So $(FHIGJ)$ is tangent to $BC$ .
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579 posts
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Let $X$ be the point on $BC$ such that $\frac{BX}{XC} = \frac{BD}{DA}=\frac{AE}{EC}$. Then, clearly, $X,D,H$ and $X,E,I$ are collinear.

Now, note that $\angle HAB = \angle ACB = \angle HXB$, so $(AXBH)$ is cyclic. Thus,
\[Pow_{(XHI)}(D) = DX\cdot DH = DB\cdot DA = Pow_{(ABC)}(D)\]Similarly, $Pow_{(XHI)}(E) = Pow_{(ABC)}(E)$. Thus, $DE$ is the radical axis of $(XHI)$ and $(ABC)$, so $F,G = DE\cap (ABC)$ also lie on $(XHI)$ and we are done. $\blacksquare$.
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113 posts
#22 • 1 Y
Y by Johnweak
I am really surprised how no one realized that condition $ BD: DA= AE: EC $ is completely redundant. The reason for this is probably that the ratio condition strongly motivates you to introduce the key point from all previous solutions. In fact, the problem is true for arbitrary points $D, E$. Unfortunately, this makes this problem much less cute.
Let $FG \cap HI =J$. By power of a point it suffices to prove $JI\cdot JH=JG\cdot JF$ or $JI\cdot JH=JA^2$. This is true because from $AE||DH$ we have $\frac{JA}{JH}=\frac{JE}{JD}$ and from $IE||AD$ we have $\frac{JE}{JD}=\frac{JI}{JA}$. Now $\frac{JA}{JH}=\frac{JI}{JA}$ yields desired conclusion.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by MathsLion, Feb 28, 2022, 4:35 PM
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383 posts
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In this picture, if we grab point $A$ that is the intersection of $IF$ and $HE$.
Let's show that K is the tangent point of circle $FIHG$ and $BC$. First because of the condition of the problem $ BD : DA= AE : EC $ and if we use Chebas theorem at triangle $ABC$ we get $IF$ and $EH$ meet at $K$ that is on the line $BC$. And if we look at parallel lines and the angles we can earn $IABK$ and $AHCK$ are all concyclic. Also if you use the power at point $E, F$ you will get $IFKG, HFKG$ are concyclic. So overall we get $IFKGH$ are concyclic. And because triangle $IKH$ is tangent to $BC$(trivial) we get circle $IFKGH$ is tangent to $BC$ at point $K$.
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140 posts
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I hope this works, it's written up sloppily and I'm not sure if i ever used circular reasoning/forgot to say something. Note that most results are analogous if omitted.

Define J as HD\cap BC; we claim that this is the desired tangency point. Indeed, note that \frac{CE}{CA}=\frac{AD}{AB}=\frac{CJ}{CB}\Rightarrow EJ\parallel AB, so JEI is a line. Then HAB=ACB=DJB and analogous results gives HD\cdot DJ=BD\cdot DA=AE\cdot EC=IE\cdot EJ, so DE is the radax of (HIJ) and (ABC), whence if F and G lie on (ABC) they also lie on (HIJ); used in tandem with the fact that HJB=ACJ=HIJ, BC is indeed tangent to (FHIGJ) at J, as desired.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by signifance, Sep 22, 2023, 8:56 PM
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4999 posts
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It is clear (by phantom points) that the length condition is simply equivalent to the parallel to $\overline{AC}$ through $D$ and the parallel to $\overline{AB}$ through $E$ intersecting on $\overline{BC}$ at some point $X$. I claim that the desired tangency point is (unsurprisingly) just $X$.

Observe that $\measuredangle HAB=\measuredangle ACB=\measuredangle DXB$, hence $HABX$ and $IACX$ are cyclic. Furthermore, since $\measuredangle HAB=\measuredangle HIX$, it follows that $(HIX)$ is tangent to $\overline{BC}$.

Now, since $DH\cdot DX=DA\cdot DB$ and $EI\cdot EX=EA\cdot EC$, $D$ and $E$ lie on the radical axis of $(HIX)$ and $(ABC)$, hence $F$ and $G$ are the intersections of the circles, so we're done. $\blacksquare$
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659 posts
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Very easy problem[asy]/* Geogebra to Asymptote conversion, documentation at artofproblemsolving.com/Wiki go to User:Azjps/geogebra */
import graph; size(13cm); 
real labelscalefactor = 0.5; /* changes label-to-point distance */
pen dps = linewidth(0.7) + fontsize(10); defaultpen(dps); /* default pen style */ 
pen dotstyle = black; /* point style */ 
real xmin = -11.735268371031756, xmax = 15.59976627483964, ymin = -6.968258686310643, ymax = 7.423898730330016;  /* image dimensions */
pen zzttqq = rgb(0.6,0.2,0); pen ffvvqq = rgb(1,0.3333333333333333,0); pen ccqqqq = rgb(0.8,0,0); 

draw((0.9956500476634552,2.1184228960223974)--(-1.062681436234393,-3.3604185631028978)--(7.74,-3.45)--cycle, linewidth(0) + zzttqq); 
draw(circle((1.0094370961590475,-1.012822014036576), 3.131275262489142), linewidth(0.4) + ccqqqq); 
draw(circle((5.4278305452743725,0.6180665577092871), 4.679240654777107), linewidth(0.4) + ccqqqq); 
 /* draw figures */
draw(shift((0.9956500476634552,2.1184228960223974))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(shift((-1.062681436234393,-3.3604185631028978))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(shift((7.74,-3.45))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(circle((3.354041722723674,-1.893660336545912), 4.65390407701417), linewidth(0.4) + ffvvqq); 
draw((xmin, 0.5878222206149271*xmin + 1.5331576740495059)--(xmax, 0.5878222206149271*xmax + 1.5331576740495059), linewidth(0.4)); /* line */
draw((xmin, -0.010176607837738987*xmin-3.3712330553359005)--(xmax, -0.010176607837738987*xmax-3.3712330553359005), linewidth(0.4)); /* line */
draw(shift((3.0333502909149113,-3.402102271681033))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw((0.9956500476634552,2.1184228960223974)--(7.74,-3.45), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((0.9956500476634552,2.1184228960223974)--(-1.062681436234393,-3.3604185631028978), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((xmin, -0.8256426394501143*xmin-0.8976389311132736)--(xmax, -0.8256426394501143*xmax-0.8976389311132736), linewidth(0.4)); /* line */
draw((xmin, 2.661787715917385*xmin-11.476236814112772)--(xmax, 2.661787715917385*xmax-11.476236814112772), linewidth(0.4)); /* line */
draw(shift((-1.7197432167156428,0.5222543975122591))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(shift((6.27271500785747,5.220398939252863))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(shift((-0.10490611241868777,-0.8110239715614579))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(shift((4.133906450997055,-0.47265540409717827))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw((xmin, 0.07982626322868441*xmin-0.8026497086172258)--(xmax, 0.07982626322868441*xmax-0.8026497086172258), linewidth(0.4)); /* line */
draw(shift((-1.1920666293411921,-0.8978079331571465))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(shift((7.684595569022911,-0.18921715991842103))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(circle((3.0832259187097506,1.4989048802186251), 4.901260927681726), linewidth(0.4) + linetype("2 2")); 
draw(shift((-8.201338357260022,-3.287771251129459))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw((-1.1920666293411921,-0.8978079331571465)--(3.0333502909149113,-3.402102271681033), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((3.0333502909149113,-3.402102271681033)--(0.9956500476634552,2.1184228960223974), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((-1.1920666293411921,-0.8978079331571465)--(-1.062681436234393,-3.3604185631028978), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw(shift((3.354041722723674,-1.893660336545912))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw(circle((1.9563973451805725,0.08602632717078154), 2.248037184471437), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw(shift((1.5065826571655647,-2.116548967617623))*scale(0.035277777777777776)*((1,0)--(0,1)--(-1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle)); /* special point */
draw((-1.7197432167156428,0.5222543975122591)--(-1.062681436234393,-3.3604185631028978), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((6.27271500785747,5.220398939252863)--(7.74,-3.45), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((-1.062681436234393,-3.3604185631028978)--(1.5065826571655647,-2.116548967617623), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((1.5065826571655647,-2.116548967617623)--(0.9956500476634552,2.1184228960223974), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((1.5065826571655647,-2.116548967617623)--(7.74,-3.45), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((-0.10490611241868777,-0.8110239715614579)--(1.5065826571655647,-2.116548967617623), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((1.5065826571655647,-2.116548967617623)--(4.133906450997055,-0.47265540409717827), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((-8.201338357260022,-3.287771251129459)--(3.354041722723674,-1.893660336545912), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((-1.1920666293411921,-0.8978079331571465)--(-1.7197432167156428,0.5222543975122591), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((-1.1920666293411921,-0.8978079331571465)--(6.27271500785747,5.220398939252863), linewidth(0.4)); 
draw((-1.7197432167156428,0.5222543975122591)--(7.74,-3.45), linewidth(0.4)); 
 /* dots and labels */
label("$A$", (1.0667066177563198,2.1501291594770757), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$B$", (-0.9864403144078056,-3.3249293262939164), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$C$", (7.830014159002851,-3.4054448922611367), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$D$", (3.119853549920445,-3.3651871092775263), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$E$", (-1.6305648421455705,0.5599467316244714), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$F$", (6.360605080101075,5.270107340706868), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$G$", (-0.02025352280115828,-0.7685601068346664), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$H$", (4.206813690477923,-0.42636895147397935), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$I$", (-1.1072136633586365,-0.8490756728018868), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$J$", (7.769627484527436,-0.14456447058870772), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$K$", (-8.11206790250683,-3.2444137603266956), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$O$", (3.4419158137893278,-1.8555202473921426), NE * labelscalefactor); 
label("$Q_A$", (1.5900577965432539,-2.076938053801999), NE * labelscalefactor); 
 /* end of picture */[/asy] Labels in this soloution are different but it is clear from diagram.
Claim 1: $(AEBD),(AFCD)$ are cyclic
CLaim 2: $EIJD,FIJD$ is cyclic
Claim 3: $(EJIFD)$ is tangent at $D$ to $BC$.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by math_comb01, Nov 18, 2023, 8:35 AM
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329 posts
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Let $K = \overline{HD} \cap \overline{IE}$.
Claim: $B,K,C$ are collinear.
Proof: Let $\overline{HD}$ hit $\overline{BC}$ at $D'$ and define $E'$ similarly. It suffices to prove $D' = E'$. Since $\overline{IE} \parallel \overline{AB}$,
\[\frac{CE'}{CB} = \frac{CE}{CA} = \frac{1}{1+\frac{AE}{CE}} = \frac{1}{1+\frac{BD}{DA}} = \frac{DA}{AB}\]However, since $\overline{HD} \parallel \overline{AC}$, $\frac{DA}{AB} = \frac{CD'}{CB}$. Combining these two gives $D' = E'$. $\square$.

Claim: $HFKG$ and $IGKF$ are cyclic.
Proof: By symmetry, it suffices to prove $HFKG$ cyclic. Notice that
\[\angle HAB = \angle ACB = \angle HKB\]so $HAKB$ cyclic. Therefore,
\[HD \cdot DK = AD \cdot DB = FD \cdot DG\]which concludes. $\square$

The above claim directly implies that $FGHI$ is cyclic. Also, $(FGHI)$ must be tangent to $\overline{BC}$ at $K$ since
\[\angle IHK = \angle AHK = \angle ABC = \angle IKC\]
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1718 posts
#28 • 2 Y
Y by megarnie, Spectator
In triangle $APQ,$ let $B,C$ be on sides $AP,AQ$ respectively with $PB/BA=AC/CQ.$ Let $BC$ intersect $(APQ)$ at $M,N.$ Let $X$ be on the same side of $AC$ as $B$ such that $XA\parallel BC$ and $\angle AXP=\angle BAC.$ Similarly, let $Y$ be on the same side of $AB$ as $C$ such that $YA\parallel BC,\angle AYQ=\angle BAC.$ Let $D$ be the $A$ dumpty point of $\triangle APQ.$

Claim. $AXPD,AYQD$ are cyclic.
Proof. By properties of the dumpty point we have $\angle PXA=\angle PAQ=\angle PAD+\angle DAQ=\angle PAD+\angle APD=180-\angle PDA.$

Claim. $ABDC$ is cyclic.
Proof. The spiral similarity at $D$ taking $PA$ to $AQ$ takes $B$ to $C$ by the length ratio. Thus $180-\angle ABD=\angle PBD=\angle ACD.$

Claim. $D,B,X$ and $D,C,Y$ are collinear.
Proof. The spiral similarity gives $\angle PDB=\angle ADC=\angle ABC=\angle XAP=\angle XDP,$ so $D,B,X$ are collinear. The other side is similar.

Claim. $MDNYX$ is cyclic.
Proof. By PoP $BD\cdot BX=BA\cdot BP=BM\cdot BN$ so $X$ lies on $(MDN).$ Similarly $Y$ lies on $(MDN)$ as well.

Claim. $(ABC)$ is tangent to $(XMNY).$
Proof. Since $BC\parallel XY$ there is a homothety at $D$ taking $BC$ to $XY,$ which takes $(BDC)=(ABC)$ to $(XDY)=(XMNY).$

To finish, simply invert the diagram about $A.$

inversion :love: :love:
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657 posts
#29 • 1 Y
Y by megarnie
Let $X$ be $HD\cap BC$ and $X'$ be $EI\cap BC$. Note that $\angle{HAD} = \angle{C} = \angle{DXB} \implies HABX$ is cyclic. Also, $\angle{DBX} = \angle{A}$ implying that $\triangle DBX \sim \triangle DHA\sim \triangle ABC$. We can see from symmetry that
\[\triangle{DBX}\sim\triangle{EAI}\sim\triangle{EXC}\sim\triangle{DHA}\sim\triangle{ABC}\]Notice that
\[BD\cdot EC = AD\cdot AE \]and that
\[\frac{AE}{HD} = \frac{IE}{AD} \implies BD\cdot EC = HD\cdot IE \implies \triangle{HDB}\sim \triangle{CEI}\]Let $\angle{BDH} = \angle{IGE} = \alpha$. Notice how, $\angle{AXC} = \angle{B}+\alpha = \angle{AX'C}$ which means that $X = X'$. We can see that $ADXE$ is a parallelogram because $EX \parallel AD$ and $AE\parallel DX$ and that $\triangle{ABC} \sim \triangle{XHI}$.

Consider the circumcircle of $\triangle{HIX}$. Because $\angle{HIX} = \angle{C}$, $(HIX)$ is tangent to $BC$. Notice that $POW_{(ABC)}(D) = AD\cdot BD = HD\cdot DX = POW_{(HIX)}(D)$. The same can be said for $E$. Thus, $DE$ is the radical axis of $(HIX)$ and $(ABC)$ implying that $FG$ lies on $(HIX)$ ending the proof.
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edited by Spectator, Feb 5, 2024, 2:10 AM
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1310 posts
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Construct point $X$ on $AB$ so that $AX$, $BE$ and $CD$ all concur. Then note that $BD : DA = AE : EC = CX : BX$, by Ceva. From this, we also find that $AEXD$ is a parallelogram, by angle chasing and similarity. From angle chasing, we have $\angle HIX = \angle HAD = \angle C = \angle DXB \implies BC$ is a tangent to $(IXH)$. Note that $(AHBX)$ is cyclic, so the radical axises of $(HIX)$, $(AHBX)$ and $(ABC)$ concur at $D$. This implies that $F, G = (HIX) \cap (ABC)$ which finishes.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by dolphinday, Feb 12, 2024, 8:44 PM
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Surprisingly standard. Let $J$ be the point on $\overline{BC}$ such that $ADJE$ is a parallelogram, which exists by the ratio condition. Then, as $\angle AHJ =\angle ABJ$, $AHBJ$ is concyclic, hence $$DH \cdot DJ = DA \cdot DB = DF \cdot DG,$$i.e. $HFGJ$ is concyclic. Similarly, $IFGJ$ is concyclic, so $FHIGJ$ is concyclic and tangent to $\overline{BC}$ at $J$ as $\angle HJB = \angle C = \angle HIJ$.
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28 posts
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More radax usage.

Let $P = HD \cap IE$. By the length ratios given in the problem, we must have $P \in BC$.

Now, notice that $\angle HIP = \angle HAB = \angle C = \angle HPB$, so $(HIP)$ is tangent to $BC$ at $P$.

Then, Notice that we have $H, A, P, B$ cyclic by $\angle HAB = \angle HPB$, so we have $\text{Pow}_{(HIP)}(D) = DH \cdot DP = dB \cdot DA = \text{Pow}_{(ABC)}(D)$, so $D$ lies on the radical axis of $(HIP), (ABC)$. Using a similar argument for $E$, we can deduce that $DE$ is the radical axis of $(HIP), (ABC)$. Since $(ABC)$ intersects $DE$ at $F, G$, it follows that both $F, G$ lie on $(HIP)$.

Thus, we have that $(HIFG)$ is tangent to $BC$ at $P$, done.
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Let $\angle BAC = \alpha$ and $\angle ABC = \beta$. Let P be a point on BC, where $\frac{BD}{DA} = \frac{BP}{PC}$ $\Rightarrow$ from Tales $DP \parallel AC$ $\Rightarrow$ H, D, P lie on one line, also from $\frac{BD}{DA} = \frac{AE}{EC}$ it follows that $\frac{AE}{EC} = \frac{BP}{PC}$ $\Rightarrow$ $EP \parallel AB$ $\Rightarrow$ I, E, P lie on one line.

We will now want to prove that HFPGI is cyclic and that BC is tangent to this circle in point P.

Since AI is tangent to the circumcircle of $\triangle ABC$, we have that $\angle IAC = \angle ABC = \beta$. Since $HP \parallel AC$, we have that $\angle IAC = \angle IHP = \beta$, also since $EP \parallel AB$, we have $\angle EPC = \angle ABC = \beta$. Now we have that $\angle PBA = \angle PHA = \beta$ $\Rightarrow$ PBHA is cyclic $\Rightarrow$ PD.DH = AD.DB, but since AFBG is cyclic, we have that AD.DB = FD.DG $\Rightarrow$ PD.DH = FD.DG $\Rightarrow$ FPGH is cyclic.

Also $\angle CPI = \angle CAI = \beta$ $\Rightarrow$ CPAI is cyclic $\Rightarrow$ PE.EI = AE.EC, but since AFCG is cyclic, we have that AE.EC = FE.EG $\Rightarrow$ PE.EI = FE.EG $\Rightarrow$ FPGI is cyclic.

We have that FPGH is cyclic and that FPGI is cyclic $\Rightarrow$ F, P, G, H, I lie on one circle $\Rightarrow$ the only thing which is left to show is that BC is tangent to this circle in P, which is equivalent to showing that BC is tangent to the circumcircle of $\triangle HPI$ at point P. Since $\angle CPI = \angle PHI = \beta$, than this is true $\Rightarrow$ we proved that there exists a circle passing through points F, G, H, I, and tangent to line BC $\Rightarrow$ we are ready.
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787 posts
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The length condition forces $K := DH \cap EI$ to lie on $BC$. Notice that $(HIK)$ is tangent to $BC$ at $K$, as
\[\measuredangle BKH = \measuredangle BCA = \measuredangle BAH = \measuredangle HIK.\]
To show that $F$, $G$ lie on this circle, first note that $BHAK$ and $CIAK$ are cyclic since
\[\measuredangle ABK = \measuredangle IAC = \measuredangle AHK, \quad \measuredangle KCA = \measuredangle BAH = \measuredangle KIA.\]
As a result, Power of a Point tells us line $DE$ is the radical axis of $(ABC)$, $(HIK)$, as desired. $\blacksquare$
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248 posts
#35 • 1 Y
Y by alexanderhamilton124
INMO Mock and boredom :play_ball:
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Phantom Points :yup:

Define $X$ to be a point on $BC$ such that: $\frac{CX}{XB} = \frac{CE}{EA}, \frac{BX}{XC} = \frac{BD}{DA}$ (which exists due to given condition).
Note that: $DX \parallel AC, EX \parallel AB$ and $(H, D, X), (X, E, I)$ are collinear. Therefore: $\triangle ABC \sim \triangle XDE$. Thus: $DE \parallel HI$.
Notice that: $$\angle EXC = \angle ABC = \angle RDX = \angle IHX$$which implies $(HIX)$ is tangent to $BC$ at $X$. Since $AHBX$ is cyclic, it implies $FG$ is the radical axis of $(HIX), (ABC)$. For any two intersecting circles, the radical axis passes through the two intersection points. Thus, we must have $F, G \in (HIX)$, and we are done.
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770 posts
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Let the line passing through $D$ parallel to $AC$ meet $BC$ at $X$. Since $\dfrac{BD}{DA}=\dfrac{BX}{XC}=\dfrac{AE}{EC}$ we have that $EX\parallel AB$. Thus, we have $\overline{H-D-X}$ and $\overline{E-I-X}$. On the other hand
$$\angle XIA=\pi-\angle BAC-\angle CEI=\pi-\angle BAC-\angle CBA=\angle BCA$$implying the points $A$, $X$, $C$ and $I$ are concyclic. Similarly $X\in (ABH)$. Thus a quick PoP gives
$$HD\cdot DX=AD\cdot DB=FD\cdot DG$$So points $H$, $X$, $F$ and $G$ are concyclic. Similarly
$$XE\cdot EI=AE\cdot EC=FE\cdot EG$$implies $I$, $X$, $F$ and $G$ are concyclic which finishes as the points $F$, $G$, $H$, $I$ and $X$ all lie on a common circle as desired. Tangency is easy to obtain.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by ehuseyinyigit, Dec 15, 2024, 8:34 PM
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14 posts
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Sol sketch: show that $HD, BC, IE$ concur at a point $X$ and angle chase gives $HAXB$ and $AICX$ cyclic. Conjecture $X$ is tangency point and from here it’s just details with power of a point and angle chase.
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Here is my solution
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277 posts
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construct parallelogram $ADRE.$
Clearly, $R\in BC.$
Furthermore, $\angle HIR = \angle HAB = \angle ACB = \angle HRB,$ so $(HRI)$ is tangent to $BC$ AND $HARB$ cyclic
Thus, $HD\cdot HR = AD\cdot AB = FD\cdot DG$
Thus, $F$ lies $(HRI).$
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