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(Video Solution by pi_is_3.14 (using Vandermonde's Identity))
(Solution 2 (Vandermonde's Identity))
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A choir direction must select a group of singers from among his <math>6</math> tenors and <math>8</math> basses. The only requirements are that the difference between the number of tenors and basses must be a multiple of <math>4</math>, and the group must have at least one singer. Let <math>N</math> be the number of different groups that could be selected. What is the remainder when <math>N</math> is divided by <math>100</math>?
A choir director must select a group of singers from among his <math>6</math> tenors and <math>8</math> basses. The only requirements are that the difference between the number of tenors and basses must be a multiple of <math>4</math>, and the group must have at least one singer. Let <math>N</math> be the number of different groups that could be selected. What is the remainder when <math>N</math> is divided by <math>100</math>?
<math>\textbf{(A) } 47\qquad\textbf{(B) } 48\qquad\textbf{(C) } 83\qquad\textbf{(D) } 95\qquad\textbf{(E) } 96\qquad</math>
<math>\textbf{(A) } 47\qquad\textbf{(B) } 48\qquad\textbf{(C) } 83\qquad\textbf{(D) } 95\qquad\textbf{(E) } 96\qquad</math>
==Solution 1 (Bijection)==
Suppose that <math>t</math> tenors and <math>b</math> basses are selected. The requirements are <math>t\equiv b\pmod{4}</math> and <math>(t,b)\neq(0,0).</math>
It follows that <math>b'=8-b</math> basses are not selected. Since the ordered pairs <math>(t,b)</math> and the ordered pairs <math>(t,b')</math> have one-to-one correspondence, we consider the ordered pairs <math>(t,b')</math> instead. The requirements become <math>t\equiv8-b'\pmod{4}</math> and <math>(t,8-b')\neq(0,0),</math> which simplify to <math>t+b'\equiv0\pmod{4}</math> and <math>(t,b')\neq(0,8),</math> respectively.
As <math>t+b'\in\{0,4,8,12\},</math> the total number of such groups is
N&=\binom{14}{0}+\binom{14}{4}+\left[\binom{14}{8}-1\right]+\binom{14}{12} \\
&=\binom{14}{0}+\binom{14}{4}+\left[\binom{14}{6}-1\right]+\binom{14}{2} \\
&=1+1001+[3003-1]+91 \\
from which <math>N\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}.</math>
==Solution 2 (Vandermonde's Identity)==
Suppose that <math>t</math> tenors and <math>b</math> basses are selected. The requirements are <math>t\equiv b\pmod{4}</math> and <math>(t,b)\neq(0,0).</math>
Note that <math>\binom{6}{t}\binom{8}{b}</math> different groups can be formed by selecting <math>t</math> tenors and <math>b</math> basses. Since <math>t-b\in\{-8,-4,0,4\},</math> we apply casework:
<ol style="margin-left: 1.5em;">
  <li>If <math>t-b=-8,</math> then <math>\binom{6}{0}\binom{8}{8}</math> different group can be formed.</li><p>
  <li>If <math>t-b=-4,</math> then <math>\sum_{k=0}^{4}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k+4}</math> different groups can be formed.</li><p>
  <li>If <math>t-b=0,</math> then <math>\left[\sum_{k=0}^{6}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k}\right]-1</math> different groups can be formed, recalling that <math>(t,b)\neq(0,0).</math></li><p>
  <li>If <math>t-b=4,</math> then <math>\sum_{k=0}^{2}\binom{6}{k+4}\binom{8}{k}</math> different groups can be formed.</li><p>
By the combinatorial identity <math>\binom{n}{k}=\binom{n}{n-k}</math> and Vandermonde's Identity <math>\sum_{k=0}^{r}\binom{m}{k}\binom{n}{r-k}=\binom{m+n}{r},</math> we find the total number of such groups:
N&=\binom{6}{0}\binom{8}{8}+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{4}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k+4}\right]+\left[\left[\sum_{k=0}^{6}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k}\right]-1\right]+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{2}\binom{6}{k+4}\binom{8}{k}\right] \\
&=\binom{6}{0}\binom{8}{0}+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{4}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{4-k}\right]+\left[\left[\sum_{k=0}^{6}\binom{6}{6-k}\binom{8}{k}\right]-1\right]+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{2}\binom{6}{2-k}\binom{8}{k}\right] \\
&=\binom{14}{0}+\binom{14}{4}+\left[\binom{14}{6}-1\right]+\binom{14}{2} \\
&=1+1001+[3003-1]+91 \\
from which <math>N\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}.</math>
==Solution 3 (Generating Functions)==
The problem can be done using a roots of unity filter. Let <math>f(x,y)=(1+x)^8(1+y)^6</math>. By expanding the binomials and distributing, <math>f(x,y)</math> is the generating function for different groups of basses and tenors. That is, <cmath>f(x,y)=\sum_{m=0}^8\sum_{n=0}^6 a_{mn}x^my^n,</cmath>
where <math>a_{mn}</math> is the number of groups of <math>m</math> basses and <math>n</math> tenors. What we want to do is sum up all values of <math>a_{mn}</math> for which <math>4\mid m-n</math> except for <math>a_{00}=1</math>. To do this, define a new function <cmath>g(x)=f(x,x^{-1})=\sum_{m=0}^8\sum_{n=0}^6 a_{mn}x^{m-n}=(1+x)^8(1+x^{-1})^6.</cmath>
Now we just need to sum all coefficients of <math>g(x)</math> for which <math>4\mid m-n</math>. Consider a monomial <math>h(x)=x^k</math>. If <math>4\mid k</math>, then <cmath>h(i)+h(-1)+h(-i)+h(1)=1+1+1+1=4.</cmath>
<math>g(x)</math> is a sum of these monomials so this gives us a method to determine the sum we're looking for:
(since <math>g(-1)=0</math> and it can be checked that <math>g(i)=-g(-i)</math>). Hence, the answer is <math>4096-1=4095\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}</math>.
==Solution 4 (Enumeration)==
Note that <math>\binom{6}{t}\binom{8}{b}</math> different groups can be formed by selecting <math>t</math> tenors and <math>b</math> basses. By casework, we construct the following table:
& & & \\ [-2ex]
\textbf{\# of Tenors} & \textbf{\# of Basses} & \textbf{\# of Groups} & \textbf{Evaluate \# of Groups} \\ [0.5ex]
& & & \\ [-2ex]
0 & 4 & \tbinom{6}{0}\tbinom{8}{4} & 70 \\ [1ex]
0 & 8 & \tbinom{6}{0}\tbinom{8}{8} & 1 \\ [1ex]
& & & \\ [-2ex]
1 & 1 & \tbinom{6}{1}\tbinom{8}{1} & 48 \\ [1ex]
1 & 5 & \tbinom{6}{1}\tbinom{8}{5} & 336 \\ [1ex]
& & & \\ [-2ex]
2 & 2 & \tbinom{6}{2}\tbinom{8}{2} & 420 \\ [1ex]
2 & 6 & \tbinom{6}{2}\tbinom{8}{6} & 420 \\ [1ex]
& & & \\ [-2ex]
3 & 3 & \tbinom{6}{3}\tbinom{8}{3} & 1120 \\ [1ex]
3 & 7 & \tbinom{6}{3}\tbinom{8}{7} & 160 \\ [1ex]
& & & \\ [-2ex]
4 & 0 & \tbinom{6}{4}\tbinom{8}{0} & 15 \\ [1ex]
4 & 4 & \tbinom{6}{4}\tbinom{8}{4} & 1050 \\ [1ex]
4 & 8 & \tbinom{6}{4}\tbinom{8}{8} & 15 \\ [1ex]
& & & \\ [-2ex]
5 & 1 & \tbinom{6}{5}\tbinom{8}{1} & 48 \\ [1ex]
5 & 5 & \tbinom{6}{5}\tbinom{8}{5} & 336 \\ [1ex]
& & & \\ [-2ex]
6 & 2 & \tbinom{6}{6}\tbinom{8}{2} & 28 \\ [1ex]
6 & 6 & \tbinom{6}{6}\tbinom{8}{6} & 28 \\ [1ex]
We find the total number of such groups: <cmath>N=70+1+48+336+420+420+1120+160+15+1050+15+48+336+28+28=4095,</cmath>
from which <math>N\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}.</math>
Alternatively, since the answer choices have different units digits, it suffices to find the units digit of <math>N</math> only.
~sugar_rush ~MRENTHUSIASM
==Solution 5 (Symmetry Applied Twice)==
Consider the set of all <math>2^{8+6}=2^{14}</math> possible choirs that can be formed. For a given choir let <math>D</math> be the difference in the number of tenors and bases modulo <math>4</math>, so <math>D = T - B \pmod{4}.</math> Exactly half of all choirs have either <math>D=0</math> or <math>D=2</math>. To see this, pick one of the tenors and note that including or removing him from a choir changes <math>D</math> by <math>\pm1</math>. Of those <math>2^{13}</math> choirs with <math>D=0</math> or <math>D=2</math>, we claim exactly half have <math>D=0</math>. To see this, for any choir having <math>D=0</math> or <math>D=2</math>, we can replace the <math>T</math> tenors with the <math>6 - T</math> tenors who were not in the choir, thereby sending <math>D \mapsto D + 2 \pmod{4}.</math> Excluding the empty choir, there are <math>2^{12}-1 = 4095</math> choirs that meet the conditions of the problem, and the answer is <math>\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}</math>.
~telluridetoaster and ~bigskystomper
==Video Solution by Punxsutawney Phil==
==Video Solution by Punxsutawney Phil==
==Solution 2==
We know the choose function and we know the pair multiplication <math>MN</math> so we do the multiplications and additions.
<math>\binom{6}{0}(\binom{8}{4}+\binom{8}{8})+\binom{6}{1}(\binom{8}{1}+\binom{8}{5})+\binom{6}{2}(\binom{8}{2}+\binom{8}{6})+\binom{6}{3}(\binom{8}{3}+\binom{8}{7})+\binom{6}{4}(\binom{8}{0}+\binom{8}{4}+\binom{8}{8})+\binom{6}{5}(\binom{8}{1}+\binom{8}{5})+\binom{6}{6}(\binom{8}{2}+\binom{8}{6}) = \boxed{(D) 4095}</math>
==Video Solution by Hawk Math==
==Video Solution by Hawk Math==
==Video Solution by OmegaLearn (using Vandermonde's Identity)==
==Video Solution by OmegaLearn (Using Vandermonde's Identity)==

Latest revision as of 05:40, 26 July 2024


A choir director must select a group of singers from among his $6$ tenors and $8$ basses. The only requirements are that the difference between the number of tenors and basses must be a multiple of $4$, and the group must have at least one singer. Let $N$ be the number of different groups that could be selected. What is the remainder when $N$ is divided by $100$?

$\textbf{(A) } 47\qquad\textbf{(B) } 48\qquad\textbf{(C) } 83\qquad\textbf{(D) } 95\qquad\textbf{(E) } 96\qquad$

Solution 1 (Bijection)

Suppose that $t$ tenors and $b$ basses are selected. The requirements are $t\equiv b\pmod{4}$ and $(t,b)\neq(0,0).$

It follows that $b'=8-b$ basses are not selected. Since the ordered pairs $(t,b)$ and the ordered pairs $(t,b')$ have one-to-one correspondence, we consider the ordered pairs $(t,b')$ instead. The requirements become $t\equiv8-b'\pmod{4}$ and $(t,8-b')\neq(0,0),$ which simplify to $t+b'\equiv0\pmod{4}$ and $(t,b')\neq(0,8),$ respectively.

As $t+b'\in\{0,4,8,12\},$ the total number of such groups is \begin{align*} N&=\binom{14}{0}+\binom{14}{4}+\left[\binom{14}{8}-1\right]+\binom{14}{12} \\ &=\binom{14}{0}+\binom{14}{4}+\left[\binom{14}{6}-1\right]+\binom{14}{2} \\ &=1+1001+[3003-1]+91 \\ &=4095, \end{align*} from which $N\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}.$


Solution 2 (Vandermonde's Identity)

Suppose that $t$ tenors and $b$ basses are selected. The requirements are $t\equiv b\pmod{4}$ and $(t,b)\neq(0,0).$

Note that $\binom{6}{t}\binom{8}{b}$ different groups can be formed by selecting $t$ tenors and $b$ basses. Since $t-b\in\{-8,-4,0,4\},$ we apply casework:

  1. If $t-b=-8,$ then $\binom{6}{0}\binom{8}{8}$ different group can be formed.
  2. If $t-b=-4,$ then $\sum_{k=0}^{4}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k+4}$ different groups can be formed.
  3. If $t-b=0,$ then $\left[\sum_{k=0}^{6}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k}\right]-1$ different groups can be formed, recalling that $(t,b)\neq(0,0).$
  4. If $t-b=4,$ then $\sum_{k=0}^{2}\binom{6}{k+4}\binom{8}{k}$ different groups can be formed.

By the combinatorial identity $\binom{n}{k}=\binom{n}{n-k}$ and Vandermonde's Identity $\sum_{k=0}^{r}\binom{m}{k}\binom{n}{r-k}=\binom{m+n}{r},$ we find the total number of such groups: \begin{align*} N&=\binom{6}{0}\binom{8}{8}+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{4}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k+4}\right]+\left[\left[\sum_{k=0}^{6}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{k}\right]-1\right]+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{2}\binom{6}{k+4}\binom{8}{k}\right] \\ &=\binom{6}{0}\binom{8}{0}+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{4}\binom{6}{k}\binom{8}{4-k}\right]+\left[\left[\sum_{k=0}^{6}\binom{6}{6-k}\binom{8}{k}\right]-1\right]+\left[\sum_{k=0}^{2}\binom{6}{2-k}\binom{8}{k}\right] \\ &=\binom{14}{0}+\binom{14}{4}+\left[\binom{14}{6}-1\right]+\binom{14}{2} \\ &=1+1001+[3003-1]+91 \\ &=4095, \end{align*} from which $N\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}.$


Solution 3 (Generating Functions)

The problem can be done using a roots of unity filter. Let $f(x,y)=(1+x)^8(1+y)^6$. By expanding the binomials and distributing, $f(x,y)$ is the generating function for different groups of basses and tenors. That is, \[f(x,y)=\sum_{m=0}^8\sum_{n=0}^6 a_{mn}x^my^n,\] where $a_{mn}$ is the number of groups of $m$ basses and $n$ tenors. What we want to do is sum up all values of $a_{mn}$ for which $4\mid m-n$ except for $a_{00}=1$. To do this, define a new function \[g(x)=f(x,x^{-1})=\sum_{m=0}^8\sum_{n=0}^6 a_{mn}x^{m-n}=(1+x)^8(1+x^{-1})^6.\] Now we just need to sum all coefficients of $g(x)$ for which $4\mid m-n$. Consider a monomial $h(x)=x^k$. If $4\mid k$, then \[h(i)+h(-1)+h(-i)+h(1)=1+1+1+1=4.\] Otherwise, \[h(i)+h(-1)+h(-i)+h(1)=0.\] $g(x)$ is a sum of these monomials so this gives us a method to determine the sum we're looking for: \[\frac{g(i)+g(-1)+g(-i)+g(1)}{4}=2^{12}=4096.\] (since $g(-1)=0$ and it can be checked that $g(i)=-g(-i)$). Hence, the answer is $4096-1=4095\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}$.


Solution 4 (Enumeration)

Note that $\binom{6}{t}\binom{8}{b}$ different groups can be formed by selecting $t$ tenors and $b$ basses. By casework, we construct the following table: \[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} & & & \\ [-2ex] \textbf{\# of Tenors} & \textbf{\# of Basses} & \textbf{\# of Groups} & \textbf{Evaluate \# of Groups} \\ [0.5ex] \hline\hline  & & & \\ [-2ex] 0 & 4 & \tbinom{6}{0}\tbinom{8}{4} & 70 \\ [1ex] 0 & 8 & \tbinom{6}{0}\tbinom{8}{8} & 1 \\ [1ex] \hline & & & \\ [-2ex] 1 & 1 & \tbinom{6}{1}\tbinom{8}{1} & 48 \\ [1ex] 1 & 5 & \tbinom{6}{1}\tbinom{8}{5} & 336 \\ [1ex] \hline & & & \\ [-2ex] 2 & 2 & \tbinom{6}{2}\tbinom{8}{2} & 420 \\ [1ex] 2 & 6 & \tbinom{6}{2}\tbinom{8}{6} & 420 \\ [1ex] \hline & & & \\ [-2ex] 3 & 3 & \tbinom{6}{3}\tbinom{8}{3} & 1120 \\ [1ex] 3 & 7 & \tbinom{6}{3}\tbinom{8}{7} & 160 \\ [1ex] \hline & & & \\ [-2ex] 4 & 0 & \tbinom{6}{4}\tbinom{8}{0} & 15 \\ [1ex] 4 & 4 & \tbinom{6}{4}\tbinom{8}{4} & 1050 \\ [1ex] 4 & 8 & \tbinom{6}{4}\tbinom{8}{8} & 15 \\ [1ex] \hline & & & \\ [-2ex] 5 & 1 & \tbinom{6}{5}\tbinom{8}{1} & 48 \\ [1ex] 5 & 5 & \tbinom{6}{5}\tbinom{8}{5} & 336 \\ [1ex] \hline & & & \\ [-2ex] 6 & 2 & \tbinom{6}{6}\tbinom{8}{2} & 28 \\ [1ex] 6 & 6 & \tbinom{6}{6}\tbinom{8}{6} & 28 \\ [1ex] \end{array}\] We find the total number of such groups: \[N=70+1+48+336+420+420+1120+160+15+1050+15+48+336+28+28=4095,\] from which $N\equiv\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}\pmod{100}.$

Alternatively, since the answer choices have different units digits, it suffices to find the units digit of $N$ only.

~sugar_rush ~MRENTHUSIASM

Solution 5 (Symmetry Applied Twice)

Consider the set of all $2^{8+6}=2^{14}$ possible choirs that can be formed. For a given choir let $D$ be the difference in the number of tenors and bases modulo $4$, so $D = T - B \pmod{4}.$ Exactly half of all choirs have either $D=0$ or $D=2$. To see this, pick one of the tenors and note that including or removing him from a choir changes $D$ by $\pm1$. Of those $2^{13}$ choirs with $D=0$ or $D=2$, we claim exactly half have $D=0$. To see this, for any choir having $D=0$ or $D=2$, we can replace the $T$ tenors with the $6 - T$ tenors who were not in the choir, thereby sending $D \mapsto D + 2 \pmod{4}.$ Excluding the empty choir, there are $2^{12}-1 = 4095$ choirs that meet the conditions of the problem, and the answer is $\boxed{\textbf{(D) } 95}$.

~telluridetoaster and ~bigskystomper

Video Solution by Punxsutawney Phil


Video Solution by Hawk Math


Video Solution by OmegaLearn (Using Vandermonde's Identity)



See also

2021 AMC 12A (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 14
Followed by
Problem 16
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