Y by csong, Taco12, ilovepizza2020, ostriches88, GCA, samrocksnature, ivyshine13, Critical, binyubin, Jc426, fuzimiao2013, JVAJVA, TsunamiStorm08, justJen, cryptographer, treganti, hdrcure, amar_04, Zorger74, HIA2020, Bachsonata3, Arabian_Math, hi.., rf20008, suvamkonar, Equinox8, Eat314, aops-g5-gethsemanea2, Gfitzmaurice5980, boing123, FaThEr-SqUiRrEl, rohan.sp, MeHateMemes, kavya.rajesh, VKU427, SciBoy2000, RedFlame2112, son7, Spakian, NamePending, varunkute, nikitadas, TryhardMathlete, Math_Geometry, kundusne000, Pi31, Blueclay, Pusheen25, Possible, pith0n, icematrix2, DramaticFlossKid, bsu1, Testking, HappySnowLeopard, Butterfly0707, Lamboreghini, CrazyMathMan, HWenslawski, lovefractions, mathking999, Goddess101, Apple321, Instance, amazingxin777, chessgocube, angrybird_r, zunaid_cnd, evanhliu2009, rachelshi, megarnie, Bildungsroman, OlympusHero, donotoven, RedFireTruck, jhu08, asimov, 618173, AoPS_0829, rg_ryse, Jndd, Bradygho, duo_duo, kaiDuck, andyloo666, rama1728, FIREDRAGONMATH16, exp-ipi-1, MathLion11, belindazhu13, Sehraskar, mahaler, ObjectZ, vsar0406, mathNart, AlienGirl05, shadow09, Gacac, MathNinja234, FizzNitro, dbnl, RunyangWang, the_mathmagician, CrystalFlower, AlphaBetaGammaOmega, llr, ImSh95, Cygnet, sehgalsh, Peregrine11, challengeitmath, Zhaom, ryanbear, megahertz13, russellk, amaops1123, ChromeRaptor777, rjiang16, rhydon516, fishgirl, elizhang101412, EthanHL, duskstream, jmiao, mathmax12, thumper12, TheHawk, ultimate_life_form, MathPerson12321, rayford, jf123456, tigeryong, Piano_Man123, Yrock, aidan0626, tennistiger29, DU4532, Spiritpalm, WalterMitchell, rty, Blue_banana4, Sedro, Exponent11, K124659, Jack_Miller, missionsqhc, MathFanChar
Many of our AoPS Community members share their knowledge with their peers in a variety of ways, ranging from creating mock contests to creating real contests to writing handouts to hosting sessions as part of our partnership with schoolhouse.world.
To facilitate students in these efforts, we have created a new Peer-to-Peer Programs forum. With the creation of this forum, we are starting a new process for those of you who want to advertise your efforts. These advertisements and ensuing discussions have been cluttering up some of the forums that were meant for other purposes, so we’re gathering these topics in one place. This also allows students to find new peer-to-peer learning opportunities without having to poke around all the other forums.
To announce your program, or to invite others to work with you on it, here’s what to do:
1) Post a new topic in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum. This will be the discussion thread for your program.
2) Post a single brief post in this thread that links the discussion thread of your program in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum.
Please note that we’ll move or delete any future advertisement posts that are outside the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum, as well as any posts in this topic that are not brief announcements of new opportunities. In particular, this topic should not be used to discuss specific programs; those discussions should occur in topics in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum.
Your post in this thread should have what you're sharing (class, session, tutoring, handout, math or coding game/other program) and a link to the thread in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum, which should have more information (like where to find what you're sharing).
To facilitate students in these efforts, we have created a new Peer-to-Peer Programs forum. With the creation of this forum, we are starting a new process for those of you who want to advertise your efforts. These advertisements and ensuing discussions have been cluttering up some of the forums that were meant for other purposes, so we’re gathering these topics in one place. This also allows students to find new peer-to-peer learning opportunities without having to poke around all the other forums.
To announce your program, or to invite others to work with you on it, here’s what to do:
1) Post a new topic in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum. This will be the discussion thread for your program.
2) Post a single brief post in this thread that links the discussion thread of your program in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum.
Please note that we’ll move or delete any future advertisement posts that are outside the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum, as well as any posts in this topic that are not brief announcements of new opportunities. In particular, this topic should not be used to discuss specific programs; those discussions should occur in topics in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum.
Your post in this thread should have what you're sharing (class, session, tutoring, handout, math or coding game/other program) and a link to the thread in the Peer-to-Peer Programs forum, which should have more information (like where to find what you're sharing).
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by jwelsh, Mar 15, 2021, 10:12 PM
Reason: more information
Reason: more information