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Contests & Programs AMC and other contests, summer programs, etc.
AMC and other contests, summer programs, etc.
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Contests & Programs AMC and other contests, summer programs, etc.
AMC and other contests, summer programs, etc.
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FuturePanda   2
N an hour ago by Tem8
Hi everyone,

I think I got an 81 and 102 for 12A and 10B, sillying way too much on both. I read all of the AOPS books, and I know most of the theorems for the AMC’s I just don’t know which ones to apply to solve the problems. Additionally, I suck at trig, complex, and logarithms. What should I do to improve?

For example, should I be grinding past AIME’s?
I plan on reading most of the Awesomemath books for L3
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3 hours ago
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