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Coins in a circle
JuanDelPan   15
N 2 hours ago by Ilikeminecraft
Source: Pan-American Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad 2021, P1
There are $n \geq 2$ coins numbered from $1$ to $n$. These coins are placed around a circle, not necesarily in order.

In each turn, if we are on the coin numbered $i$, we will jump to the one $i$ places from it, always in a clockwise order, beginning with coin number 1. For an example, see the figure below.

Find all values of $n$ for which there exists an arrangement of the coins in which every coin will be visited.
15 replies
Oct 6, 2021
2 hours ago
Exponential + factorial diophantine
62861   34
N 2 hours ago by ali123456
Source: USA TSTST 2017, Problem 4, proposed by Mark Sellke
Find all nonnegative integer solutions to $2^a + 3^b + 5^c = n!$.

Proposed by Mark Sellke
34 replies
Jun 29, 2017
2 hours ago
Everybody has 66 balls
YaoAOPS   3
N 3 hours ago by Blast_S1
Source: 2025 CTST P5
There are $2025$ people and $66$ colors, where each person has one ball of each color. For each person, their $66$ balls have positive mass summing to one. Find the smallest constant $C$ such that regardless of the mass distribution, each person can choose one ball such that the sum of the chosen balls of each color does not exceed $C$.
3 replies
Mar 6, 2025
3 hours ago
Inspired by IMO 1984
sqing   4
N 3 hours ago by SunnyEvan
Source: Own
Let $ a,b,c\geq 0 $ and $a+b+c=1$. Prove that
$$a^2+b^2+ ab +24abc\leq\frac{81}{64}$$Equality holds when $a=b=\frac{3}{8},c=\frac{1}{4}.$
$$a^2+b^2+ ab +18abc\leq\frac{343}{324}$$Equality holds when $a=b=\frac{7}{18},c=\frac{2}{9}.$
4 replies
Yesterday at 3:01 AM
3 hours ago
Partition set with equal sum and differnt cardinality
psi241   73
N 3 hours ago by mananaban
Source: IMO Shortlist 2018 C1
Let $n\geqslant 3$ be an integer. Prove that there exists a set $S$ of $2n$ positive integers satisfying the following property: For every $m=2,3,...,n$ the set $S$ can be partitioned into two subsets with equal sums of elements, with one of subsets of cardinality $m$.
73 replies
Jul 17, 2019
3 hours ago
IMO 2018 Problem 5
orthocentre   75
N 4 hours ago by VideoCake
Source: IMO 2018
Let $a_1$, $a_2$, $\ldots$ be an infinite sequence of positive integers. Suppose that there is an integer $N > 1$ such that, for each $n \geq N$, the number
$$\frac{a_1}{a_2} + \frac{a_2}{a_3} + \cdots + \frac{a_{n-1}}{a_n} + \frac{a_n}{a_1}$$is an integer. Prove that there is a positive integer $M$ such that $a_m = a_{m+1}$ for all $m \geq M$.

Proposed by Bayarmagnai Gombodorj, Mongolia
75 replies
Jul 10, 2018
4 hours ago
Ornaments and Christmas trees
Morskow   29
N 5 hours ago by gladIasked
Source: Slovenia IMO TST 2018, Day 1, Problem 1
Let $n$ be a positive integer. On the table, we have $n^2$ ornaments in $n$ different colours, not necessarily $n$ of each colour. Prove that we can hang the ornaments on $n$ Christmas trees in such a way that there are exactly $n$ ornaments on each tree and the ornaments on every tree are of at most $2$ different colours.
29 replies
Dec 17, 2017
5 hours ago
Another square grid :D
MathLuis   42
N 5 hours ago by gladIasked
Source: USEMO 2021 P1
Let $n$ be a fixed positive integer and consider an $n\times n$ grid of real numbers. Determine the greatest possible number of cells $c$ in the grid such that the entry in $c$ is both strictly greater than the average of $c$'s column and strictly less than the average of $c$'s row.

Proposed by Holden Mui
42 replies
Oct 30, 2021
5 hours ago
Cauchy-Schwarz 2
prtoi   2
N 5 hours ago by mpcnotnpc
Source: Handout by Samin Riasat
if $a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2=4$, prove that:
2 replies
Yesterday at 4:19 PM
5 hours ago
Maximum of Incenter-triangle
mpcnotnpc   2
N 5 hours ago by mpcnotnpc
Triangle $\Delta ABC$ has side lengths $a$, $b$, and $c$. Select a point $P$ inside $\Delta ABC$, and construct the incenters of $\Delta PAB$, $\Delta PBC$, and $\Delta PAC$ and denote them as $I_A$, $I_B$, $I_C$. What is the maximum area of the triangle $\Delta I_A I_B I_C$?
2 replies
Tuesday at 6:24 PM
5 hours ago