2007 Cyprus MO/Lyceum/Problems
[hide]- 1 Problem 1
- 2 Problem 2
- 3 Problem 3
- 4 Problem 4
- 5 Problem 5
- 6 Problem 6
- 7 Problem 7
- 8 Problem 8
- 9 Problem 9
- 10 Problem 10
- 11 Problem 11
- 12 Problem 12
- 13 Problem 13
- 14 Problem 14
- 15 Problem 15
- 16 Problem 16
- 17 Problem 17
- 18 Problem 18
- 19 Problem 19
- 20 Problem 20
- 21 Problem 21
- 22 Problem 22
- 23 Problem 23
- 24 Problem 24
- 25 Problem 25
- 26 Problem 26
- 27 Problem 27
- 28 Problem 28
- 29 Problem 29
- 30 Problem 30
- 31 See also
Problem 1
If , then the value of the expression
Problem 2
Given the formula , then
equals to
Problem 3
A cyclist drives form town A to town B with velocity and comes back with velocity
. The mean velocity in
for the total distance is
Problem 4
We define the operation ,
The value of is
Problem 5
If the remainder of the division of with
, then the remainder of the division of
Problem 6
is a square of side length 2 and
is an arc of the circle with centre the midpoint
of the side
and radius 2. The length of the segments
Problem 7
If a diagonal of a rectangle forms a
angle with one of its sides, then the area of the rectangle is
Problem 8
If we subtract from 2 the inverse number of , we get the inverse of
. Then the number
equals to
Problem 9
We consider the sequence of real numbers such that
. The value of the term
Problem 10
The volume of an orthogonal parallelepiped is and its dimensions are integers. The minimum sum of the dimensions is
Problem 11
If and
, which of the following is correct?
Problem 12
The function has the properties
, where
is a constant. The value of
Problem 13
If are the roots of the equation
are the roots of the equation
, then the expression
equals to
Problem 14
In the square the segment
equals a side of the square. The ratio of areas
Problem 15
The reflex angles of the concave octagon measure
each. Diagonals
are perpendicular, bisect each other, and are both equal to
The area of the octagon is
Problem 16
The full time score of a football match was -
. How many possible half time results could there have been in this match?
Problem 17
The last digit of the number is
Problem 18
How many subsets are there for the set ?
Problem 19
120 five-digit numbers can be written with the digits . If we place these numbers in increasing order, then the position of the number
Problem 20
The mean value for 9 Math-tests that a student succeded was (in scale
). If we put the grades of these tests in incresing order, then the maximum grade of the
test is
Problem 21
In the following figure, three equal cycles of diameter represent pulleys, that are connected with a strap. If the distances between any two pulley center points are
, then the length of the strap is
Problem 22
In the following figure is an orthogonal trapezium with $\ang A= \ang D=90^\circ$ (Error compiling LaTeX. Unknown error_msg) and bases
. If
is the midpoint of the side
, then
equals to
Problem 23
In the figure above the right section of a parabolic tunnel is presented. Its maximum height is and its maximum width is
. If M is the midpoint of
, then the height
of the tunnel at the point
Problem 24
Costas sold two televisions for €198 each. From the sale of the first one he made a profit of 10% on its value and from the sale of the second one, he had a loss of 10% on its value. After the sale of the two televisions Costas had in total
profit €4
neither profit nor loss
loss €8
profit €8
loss €4
Problem 25
A jeweler makes crosses, according to the pattern shown above. The crosses are made from golden cyclical discs, with diameter of 1cm each. The height of a cross, which is made from 402 such discs is
Problem 26
The number of boys in a school is 3 times the number of girls and the number of girls is 9 times the number of teachers. Let us denote with ,
, the number of boys, girls and teachers respectively. Then the total number of boys, girls and teachers equals to
Problem 27
In the following diagram, the light beam is reflected on the
-axis and the beam
, being reflected on a mirror parallel to the
-axis at distance 6, intersects the
-axis at point
The equation of line is given by
Problem 28
The product of is an integer number whose last digits are zeros. How many zeros are there?
Problem 29
The minimum value of a positive integer , for which the sum
is a perfect square, is
Problem 30
A coin with a shape of a regular hexagon of side 1 is tangent to a square of side 6, as shown in the figure.
The coin rotates on the perimeter of the square, until it reaches its original position.
The length of the line which is being inscribed by the center of the hexagon is