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Site Support Tech support and questions about AoPS classes and materials
Tech support and questions about AoPS classes and materials
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Most Evil and Brutal Integral Ever Officially Proposed for an Integration Bee
Silver08   3
N 2 hours ago by Silver08
Source: UK University Integration Bee 2024-2025 Round 2 Relay (Singapore)
Compute: \[ \int_{1}^{2}e^{x( x+\sqrt{x^2-1} )}dx \]
3 replies
Mar 6, 2025
2 hours ago
IMC 2018 P4
ThE-dArK-lOrD   17
N 4 hours ago by sangsidhya
Source: IMC 2018 P4
Find all differentiable functions $f:(0,\infty) \to \mathbb{R}$ such that
$$f(b)-f(a)=(b-a)f’(\sqrt{ab}) \qquad \text{for all}\qquad a,b>0.$$
Proposed by Orif Ibrogimov, National University of Uzbekistan
17 replies
Jul 24, 2018
4 hours ago
Sayan   6
N 4 hours ago by kamatadu
Source: ISI (BS) 2006 #6
(a) Let $f(x)=x-xe^{-\frac1x}, \ \ x>0$. Show that $f(x)$ is an increasing function on $(0,\infty)$, and $\lim_{x\to\infty} f(x)=1$.

(b) Using part (a) or otherwise, draw graphs of $y=x-1, y=x, y=x+1$, and $y=xe^{-\frac{1}{|x|}}$ for $-\infty<x<\infty$ using the same $X$ and $Y$ axes.
6 replies
Jun 2, 2012
4 hours ago
Square of a rational matrix of dimension 2
loup blanc   7
N 6 hours ago by ysharifi
The following exercise was posted -two months ago- on the Website StackExchange; cf.
There was no solution on Stack.

-Statement of the exercise-
We consider the matrix function $f:X\in M_2(\mathbb{Q})\mapsto X^2\in M_2(\mathbb{Q})$.
Find the image of $f$.
In other words, give a method to decide whether a given matrix has or does not have at least a square root
in $M_2(\mathbb{Q})$; if the answer is yes, then give a method to calculate at least one of its roots.
7 replies
loup blanc
Feb 17, 2025
6 hours ago
find the isomorphism
nguyenalex   10
N 6 hours ago by Royrik123456
I have the following exercise:

Let $E$ be an algebraic extension of $K$, and let $F$ be an algebraic closure of $K$ containing $E$. Prove that if $\sigma : E \to F$ is an embedding such that $\sigma(c) = c$ for all $c \in K$, then $\sigma$ extends to an automorphism of $F$.

My attempt:

Theorem (*): Suppose that $E$ is an algebraic extension of the field $K$, $F$ is an algebraically closed field, and $\sigma: K \to F$ is an embedding. Then, there exists an embedding $\tau: E \to F$ that extends $\sigma$. Moreover, if $E$ is an algebraic closure of $K$ and $F$ is an algebraic extension of $\sigma(K)$, then $\tau$ is an isomorphism.

Back to our main problem:

Since $K \subset E$ and $F$ is an algebraic extension of $K$, it follows that $F$ is an algebraic extension of $E$. Assume that there exists an embedding $\sigma : E \to F$ such that $\sigma(c) = c$ for all $c \in K$. By Theorem (*), there exists an embedding $\tau : F \to F$ that extends $\sigma$. Since $F$ is algebraically closed, $\tau(F)$ is also an algebraically closed field.

Furthermore, because $\sigma(c) = c$ for all $c \in K$ and $\tau$ is an extension of $\sigma$, we have
$$K = \sigma(K) \subset K \subset \sigma(E) \subset \tau(F) \subset F.$$
This implies that $F$ is an algebraic extension of $\tau(F)$. We conclude that $F = \tau(F)$, meaning that $\tau$ is an automorphism. (Finished!!)

Let choose $F = A$ be the field of algebraic numbers, $K=\mathbb{Q}$. Consider the embedding $\sigma: \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}) \to \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}) \subset A$ defined by
a + b\sqrt{2} \mapsto a - b\sqrt{2}.
$$Then, according to the exercise above, $\sigma$ extends to an isomorphism
\bar{\sigma}: A \to A.
$$How should we interpret $\bar{\sigma}$?
10 replies
Yesterday at 3:58 PM
6 hours ago
Generating functions and recursions smelling from 1000 km
Assassino9931   12
N Today at 11:22 AM by sangsidhya
Source: IMC 2022 Day 1 Problem 3
Let $p$ be a prime number. A flea is staying at point $0$ of the real line. At each minute,
the flea has three possibilities: to stay at its position, or to move by $1$ to the left or to the right.
After $p-1$ minutes, it wants to be at $0$ again. Denote by $f(p)$ the number of its strategies to do this
(for example, $f(3) = 3$: it may either stay at $0$ for the entire time, or go to the left and then to the
right, or go to the right and then to the left). Find $f(p)$ modulo $p$.
12 replies
Aug 5, 2022
Today at 11:22 AM
ISI 2018 #3
integrated_JRC   34
N Today at 7:08 AM by anudeep
Source: ISI 2018 B.Stat / B.Math Entrance Exam
Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function such that for all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ and for all $t\geqslant 0$, $$f(x)=f(e^tx)$$Show that $f$ is a constant function.
34 replies
May 13, 2018
Today at 7:08 AM
Integration Bee Kaizo
Calcul8er   40
N Today at 7:07 AM by Figaro
Hey integration fans. I decided to collate some of my favourite and most evil integrals I've written into one big integration bee problem set. I've been entering integration bees since 2017 and I've been really getting hands on with the writing side of things over the last couple of years. I hope you'll enjoy!
40 replies
Mar 2, 2025
Today at 7:07 AM
A polynomial problem which originates from a combinatorical problem
BlueCloud12   0
Today at 12:58 AM
- Suppose $t > 1$ is irrational, and $\{ \alpha_n \}$ and $\{ \beta_n \}$ are increasing positive integer sequences such that $\operatorname{gcd}(\alpha_n , \beta_n ) = 1$ and $\beta_n = [t \alpha_n]$ . Prove that:
- (1) There are exactly $\beta_n - 1$ roots of $z^{\alpha_n + \beta_n} - 2z^{\beta_n} + 1 = 0$ in $\{ z : |z| < 1\}$ ;
- (2)Denote these roots as $\gamma_i(\alpha_n , \beta_n) (i = 1,2,\ldots , \beta_n - 1)$ . Then $\tfrac{1}{\alpha_n}\prod_{i=1}^{\beta_n - 1} (1 - \gamma_i (\alpha_n , \beta_n ))$ converges.
0 replies
Today at 12:58 AM
0 replies
Galois group
N Yesterday at 8:25 PM by ishan.panpaliya
Let $K$ be a field. Find the Galois groups

$a) \text{Gal}(K(x), K)$

$b) \text{Gal}(K(x,y), K)$
4 replies
Mar 11, 2025
Yesterday at 8:25 PM
Search function in private messages not working
WisteriaV   2
N Yesterday at 6:15 AM by mathlearner2357
For the past while, the search function in private messages hasn’t been working. Whenever I search for anything, it says, “No topics here!” after trying to load for a while. I’ve tried different devices (laptop and ipad) and browsers (chrome on both devices, safari on ipad, and microsoft edge on laptop), and the results are the same. I’ve also had friends say the same happens for them.
2 replies
Yesterday at 3:30 AM
Yesterday at 6:15 AM