Y by
p1. Show that if
are odd integers then the equation
has no rational roots.
p2. If
is a positive integer, find the greatest power of
that divides
p3. The figure shows the triangle
, right at
, its circumscribed circle and semicircles built on the two legs.
Show that the sum of the areas of the two shaded regions is

p4. Each vertex of a cube is assigned the value
, and each face the product of the values assigned to its vertices. What values can the sum of the
numbers thus obtained, have?
p5. Consider the regular pentagon
in the figure. If
, how long is

p6. Let
be an integer. A circle is divided into
arcs by
points. Each arch measures one of three possible lengths, and no two adjacent arches are the same length. The
points are alternately colored red and blue. Show that the
-gon with blue vertices and the
-gon with red vertices have the same perimeter and the same area.
PS. Seniors P3,P4 were also posted as Juniors P1, P5.

p2. If

p3. The figure shows the triangle

Show that the sum of the areas of the two shaded regions is

p4. Each vertex of a cube is assigned the value

p5. Consider the regular pentagon

p6. Let

PS. Seniors P3,P4 were also posted as Juniors P1, P5.
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edited by parmenides51, Oct 14, 2021, 4:13 PM