Y by adarshnet, ahaanomegas, mathway, yrushi, 171282, Adventure10, and 13 other users
PM AIME15/Binomial-Theorem to add your marathon/make any changes to this list
The following list will include Archived Tournaments, Inactive Problem a day Marathons, Active Tournaments, and "running" marathons.
Definition of Archived Tournaments-Tournaments that have a defined end, and have reached that ending spot are defined as archived tournaments.
Definition of Active Problem a day Marathons - The game moderator of the tournament has not set a defined deadline, however, the tournament is dead, and has the results (from the last post of the tournament creator’s scores)
Definition of Inactive Tournament- The game moderator is inactive or few users still compete in the tournament. “Problems of the day” marathons that ended will be included in this list.
Definition of Running Marathons- A marathon where a user asks a question and posts a new question. To be included in this list, the tournament must be mathematical (word marathon, long word marathon, you name it, etc. are not counted), and it must be active (last post in under a month ago and the thread must be on the first page of the forum it is in).
The following list will include Archived Tournaments, Inactive Problem a day Marathons, Active Tournaments, and "running" marathons.
Definition of Archived Tournaments-Tournaments that have a defined end, and have reached that ending spot are defined as archived tournaments.
Definition of Active Problem a day Marathons - The game moderator of the tournament has not set a defined deadline, however, the tournament is dead, and has the results (from the last post of the tournament creator’s scores)
Definition of Inactive Tournament- The game moderator is inactive or few users still compete in the tournament. “Problems of the day” marathons that ended will be included in this list.
Definition of Running Marathons- A marathon where a user asks a question and posts a new question. To be included in this list, the tournament must be mathematical (word marathon, long word marathon, you name it, etc. are not counted), and it must be active (last post in under a month ago and the thread must be on the first page of the forum it is in).
This post has been edited 40 times. Last edited by Binomial-theorem, Jul 27, 2011, 7:03 AM