Y by doulai1, Awesomeness_in_a_bun, eg4334, ST2009, HockeyMaster85, ethanzhang1001, Sedro, michaelwenquan, aidan0626, DylanPShen, meduh6849, DogeIsEpic, FliX0onbo, OronSH, bjump, duke_of_wedgewood, Kawhi2, ATGY, lpieleanu, Jack_w, Tinsel, Yrock, mathfan2020, pingpongmerrily, jocaleby1, alan9535, nmlikesmath
Well, AMC's are in 4 months. Would you like to prepare with a mock test written and tested by JMO and Mathcounts National Countdown Round Qualifiers? Well, take the VENAMC 10+2!
If you're wondering, VENAMC 10+2: Very Exciting New American Mathematics Competition written by the VEN comittee: and . We had the 10+2 because while the difficulty is probably harder than AMC 12, there is no precalculus.
The test has been released! You can still sign up if you want. If you would like to take it, please sign up:
To submit your answers, send a PM to ethan2011 with
1. Your answers
2. If you would like to stay anonymous on leaderboard, or if you'd like your name to be shown
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult the test was(1 being easiest and 10 being hardest)
4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high quality the test was(1 being terrible and 10 being great)
5. If you would recommend this to a friend(if you would, then please do!)
6. What your favorite problem was
7. What your least favorite problem was
8. Guess which problem Vincent wrote(if you do, you may get extra credit, but I doubt anyone will).
The test is below.
The private discussion forum has been created! It will only be given access to those that have submitted the test, or those who do not have the time to discuss the test and want to discuss some problems(if you are of the second type, then you must ask me for permission of course). You can discuss the problems there. The link to it is here: VENAMC Discussion Forum
The contest has concluded! You can still submit, and I may respond to it, but you just won't be shown on the leaderboard. If you want access to the private discussion forum, please PM me.
If you're wondering, VENAMC 10+2: Very Exciting New American Mathematics Competition written by the VEN comittee: and . We had the 10+2 because while the difficulty is probably harder than AMC 12, there is no precalculus.
The test has been released! You can still sign up if you want. If you would like to take it, please sign up:
To submit your answers, send a PM to ethan2011 with
1. Your answers
2. If you would like to stay anonymous on leaderboard, or if you'd like your name to be shown
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult the test was(1 being easiest and 10 being hardest)
4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high quality the test was(1 being terrible and 10 being great)
5. If you would recommend this to a friend(if you would, then please do!)
6. What your favorite problem was
7. What your least favorite problem was
8. Guess which problem Vincent wrote(if you do, you may get extra credit, but I doubt anyone will).
The test is below.
The private discussion forum has been created! It will only be given access to those that have submitted the test, or those who do not have the time to discuss the test and want to discuss some problems(if you are of the second type, then you must ask me for permission of course). You can discuss the problems there. The link to it is here: VENAMC Discussion Forum
The contest has concluded! You can still submit, and I may respond to it, but you just won't be shown on the leaderboard. If you want access to the private discussion forum, please PM me.
This post has been edited 105 times. Last edited by ethan2011, Nov 17, 2024, 4:18 PM