Y by Pengu14, Alex-131
hey!! im a first time applicant for a lot of math camps (namely: usa-canada mathcamp, PROMYS, Ross, MathILY, HCSSiM), and I was just wondering:
1. how much of an effect would being a first-time applicant have on making these math camps individually?
2. I spent a huge amount of effort (like 50 or something hours) on the USA-Canada Mathcamp application quiz in particular, but I'm pretty worried because supposedly almost no first-time applicants get into the camp. Are there any first-time applicants that you know of, and what did their applications (as in, qualifying quiz solutions) look like?
3. Additionally, a lot of people give off the impression that not doing the full problem set will screw your application over, except in rare cases. How much do you think a fakesolve would impact my PROMYS application chances?
thanks in advance!
1. how much of an effect would being a first-time applicant have on making these math camps individually?
2. I spent a huge amount of effort (like 50 or something hours) on the USA-Canada Mathcamp application quiz in particular, but I'm pretty worried because supposedly almost no first-time applicants get into the camp. Are there any first-time applicants that you know of, and what did their applications (as in, qualifying quiz solutions) look like?
3. Additionally, a lot of people give off the impression that not doing the full problem set will screw your application over, except in rare cases. How much do you think a fakesolve would impact my PROMYS application chances?
thanks in advance!