Y by WorstIreliaNA, tastymath75025, DrMath, CaptainFlint, RadioActive, MathStudent2002, MSTang, LauraZed, mathisawesome2169, C-bass, PiDude314, bartle-doo, hotstuffFTW, Darn, zmyshatlp, ac_math, uwotm8, bluecarneal, ninjasrule34, boompenguinz, WOOT4444ForSnorlax2016, joey8189681, SHARKYBOY, El_Ectric, StopMakingMultis, r31415, hesa57, qwef, LadyKn1ght, ArrowHead, MathSlayer4444, Not_a_Username, swagchicken, WhaleVomit, aops777, rjiang16, TeeheeMarx, Mudkipswims42, mathguy623, song2sons, nine_plus_ten, VenusGuy, farmerboy, Anish_S, hzbest, irishfeet123, Benq, AwesomeToad, PhatSnorlax, Mathcounts829, can168, mathwizard888, stephy2003, DrMathIsMagikarp1, bostonkid, snorlaxPAWNchessm8, ohmcfifth, MathLearner01, Mrdavid445, abk2015, hwl0304, Pythag314, spartan168, picubed, slackroadia, TurtlePie, StarFrost7, blep, Dude156, phi_ftw1618, jonyj1005, banned5000, brainpopper, kvs, ythomashu, xuxin, zardum, mathguy24, AKAL3, rt03, yrnsmurf, math101010, violinist, Maths4J, somepeoplearebad, BassMaster, PersonPsychopath, Flash12, trumpeter, ThisIsASentence, axue, Linnyflower, hodori01, Cube1, Christopher03151, LLJ, Einsteinhead, monkeyl, Dot22, to_chicken, katmcphie, Kwow, ShineBunny, DeathLlama9, bigmath, AC2014, Cardinals2014, ingenio, oceanair, richy, tiger528, gamjawon, champion999, nihao4112, popsiclebirdiepotato, mingxu, WarriorSon, skonar, ah123, sw993, SuperRaeNXZ, eveningstarandlion, MathArt4, Carrots101, hy2015, dantx5, W.Sun, mathwhiz16, relay400, Temp456, ishankhare, soreu7, Altamira140, hiabc, EpicSkills32, pandabear10, NTA1907, kingwrecker, glory_of_math, rlybd5, I-_-I, claserken, love_emojis, Kid_025, Parametrics, popcorn1, fifty51, XanderJ, TheDarkPrince, mathcrazymj, skipiano, pi-3.14, Mathguy5837, uptownmath, WIStanford2004, geoman523, The_Herring, SPG2500, Sun13, MathDroid69, Henry12345, blacksheep2003, premchandj, reun, kndhan, jobob92, soojoong, IceParrot, firetiger84, GeneralCobra19, hockey10, TH.Attract, TropicalDog, akondepudi, AMC_Kid, Juno, TheMagician, Mathisfun04, birdinglulu, g1zq, ballislife21, moab33, MATHCOUNTS_Foundation, Zoombini, Woolly_Mammoth, mathchess5, sophie8, LadiesMan217, cosinechicken, azduncan, ar07jog, Blue_Whale, DuoQuinQuagintillion, shreyasb, thkim1011, AmazingMonkey, Samchooo, IvantheKingIII, wx_family, GoodApple8888, Marzi, PiAreSquared, KYang, gymnast19, gogiants, psa, Archimedes15, asp211, adihaya, thedoge, bensonduck, Gluncho, aaronliu, avn, pianoman24, TideBleach, jack74, AFK16, Iamawesome1, speulers_theorem, MIRB16, SpaceHead1AU, Groot, Th3Numb3rThr33, Ultroid999OCPN, mathathlete06, ilovenumbers, batta, Ashford, Sotowa, gimbob, FairyTailLover, eisirrational, luckylw, DaedalusMind, beastgert, tauros, Fourth_Dimension, ccx09, BBBBMMMMLLLLE, k2005, mgrimalo, Max0815, BibbityBop, cuphead_ftw, whatRthose, geekiness, green_dog_7983, GreenSilverHawk13, ElectroVortex, techguy2, dacammel, fibonacci11101, natiecswim, Math-Ninja, chocolatelover111, dogsareawesome123, coolak, Barry.B.Benson, ajmalla, Sherlock2018, creeperhissboom, Thothdragonfly2, potato36, TheEvaluator, foxtrot3, avaaops, Mathnerd1223334444, j3370, integrated_JRC, dragon78, Kbwuf, ironpanther29, alligator1234, harry1234, Amir Hossein, ShivaS, Carpemath, mathleticguyyy, Krypton36, Alex0721, IonelP, RYang2, blitzkrieg21, UnevenRocket, skywalker321, haha0201, nsd08, solver1104, lkarhat, nckim, fry8, Oo0f, MaThSzzzzzz, asdf334, Lcz, SlimTune, mathapple101, FIREDRAGONMATH16, asterix_1, Colball, milktae., riben, Bacon2387, jjmath123, steven2015, Toinfinity, Grizzy, usernameyourself, celtictiger, Mistyketchum28, jetpakturtle, genius21C, vedonidesimath, geolord1316, MistakeCorrectionBot, spiderman_f, aie8920, OlympusHero, BananaMan292749, rf20008, Hippoman, lakecomo224, 516260, Sebee, taranw, aa1024, MathJams, anc3, coolkid77, crazydog, mathNart, herobrine-india, Shark0wl, herbs_li, hdrcure, OronSH, Bluejay24, GrantStar, Flying_Bird, middletonkids, cubical, SciBoy2000, simonicorn, Mathematician3399, MDZELE5, awesomeming327., DSL13, SBose, fundamentals, asotahotmail.com, peace09, RohanQV, dolphinday, ATGY, NamePending, smartatmath, math_3210, JD12, zhanglulinca, WisePenguin, PM.MATHLEAGUE.VA.CHAMP, ksdicecream, MathWizard237, alexdillonchen, suvamkonar, Kmath1234, Pi-rate, ARay10, BakedPotato66, CoolCarsOnTheRun, happyhippos, Zhaom, mrmath0720, wamofan, hamburgerwhizz, super.shamik, ObjectZ, DuoDuoling0, poplintos, LightningGirl, Math626, aaja3427, justJen, justin6688, mathking999, nicarmt, HIA2020, vinnakota2010, captainnobody, csong, smarty101, Blueclay, amazingxin777, bsatvik, Jc426, blinketh, mobro, rushingriver, math_squared, lc426, gecko1234, SigmaPiE, DramaticFlossKid, mathisverynice, Forever-Math, Math_olympics, JD9, pog, Possible, rayfish, tenebrine, ilovepizza2020, riverblossom, QQMath, lordofeverything, kavya.rajesh, Jndd, beep123, Rose6767, hi.., etvat, ImSh95, bestzack66, Learner243, ostriches88, lovefractions, Eagle23, Eat314, samrocksnature, AoPS_0829, flutterpuppy, Lavendertail, ihatemath123, ivyshine13, MERC12345, cryptographer, aops-g5-gethsemanea2, colts1964, VKU427, MathLion11, brendan_cape, Geometry285, Bradygho, Spicysaurus, a.shyam.25, Brendangho, Boss97, I_guess_Tanmay_Natani, su4532, FaThEr-SqUiRrEl, Sedro, mich7math, exp-ipi-1, bsu1, SparklyFlowers, mathcounts7373, son7, HWenslawski, Pusheen25, IdkHowToAddNumbers, HamstPan38825, boing123, Testking, TryhardMathlete, Pi31, EmeraldNarwhal, SmartGroot, megarnie, pi271828, jhu08, violin21, Equinox8, thin21, tricky.math.spider.gold.1, andyloo666, dragonborn56, kante314, stevenschen, evanhliu2009, Robomania_534, dneary, BelieverofMaths, ehz2701, Technodoggo, G8L18M, adriancheung, FalconMaster, hh99754539, alex_ban, ANAIYER, Nickelslordm, akliu, DofL, JerryLau-40430, rainbow2011, emma_xie, zzethld, RedFlame2112, shadow09, MathNinja234, soggydollar, fluff_E, NTfish, megahertz13, dbnl, the_mathmagician, sehgalsh, J55406, Cygnet, TaskOverlap, loafofbread, asimov, Critical, TsunamiStorm08, Coco7, aidan0626, tangerine10, Peregrine11, challengeitmath, ryanbear, PatTheKing806, GeoWhiz4536, peelybonehead, Emily_Wang, mahaler, A_Crabby_Crab, MrThinker, Ansh2020, ap246, michaelwenquan, akpi2, elizhang101412, Dingdang2000, EthanHL, jmiao, Everestbaker, SpeedCuber7, Cokevending56, Ace9999, mathmax12, tigershark123, EpicBird08, nikola_tesla-roadster, alan9535, FourthRootOfX, zhenghua, ultimate_life_form, CrystalFlower, feliciaxu, thumper12, dr.3800, lpieleanu, tennistiger29, rg_ryse, ESAOPS, fortsferry, skronkmonster, ChuMath, jf123456, a_smart_alecks, meduh6849, Shadow_Sniper, HighWater, Lamboreghini, Adventure10, ujulee, WiseTigerJ1, Spiritpalm, tennisbeast14, stardog157, Solocraftsolo, gyaat, MathematicalGymnast573, rty, RhinocerosHornbill, inteligente, c_double_sharp, Blue_banana4, Exponent11, captainmath99, Kawhi2, sadas123, evt917, ahxun2006, 1218865, avyaank, giratina3, CXNJ.AoPS, mithu542, DreamineYT, Astonish, PhoenixDragon324
f (Reminder: Do not post Alcumus or class homework questions on this forum. Instructions below.) f
Welcome to the Middle School Math Forum! Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the rules.
Here are links to more detailed versions of the rules. These are from the older forums, so you can overlook "Classroom math/Competition math only" instructions.
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As always, if you have any questions, you can PM me or any of the other Middle School Moderators. Once again, if you see spam, it would help a lot if you filed a report instead of responding
Relays might be a better way to describe it, but these threads definitely go the distance! One person starts off by posting a problem, and the next person comes up with a solution and a new problem for another user to solve. Here's some of the frequently active marathons running in this forum: Some of these haven't received attention in a while, but these are the main ones for their respective subjects. Rather than starting a new marathon, please give the existing ones a shot first.
You can also view marathons via the Marathon tag.
Think this list is incomplete or needs changes? Let the mods know and we'll take a look.
Welcome to the Middle School Math Forum! Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the rules.
- When you're posting a new topic with a math problem, give the topic a detailed title that includes the subject of the problem (not just "easy problem" or "nice problem")
- Stay on topic and be courteous.
- Hide solutions!
- If you see an inappropriate post in this forum, simply report the post and a moderator will deal with it. Don't make your own post telling people they're not following the rules - that usually just makes the issue worse.
- When you post a question that you need help solving, post what you've attempted so far and not just the question. We are here to learn from each other, not to do your homework.
- Avoid making posts just to thank someone - you can use the upvote function instead
- Don't make a new reply just to repeat yourself or comment on the quality of others' posts; instead, post when you have a new insight or question. You can also edit your post if it's the most recent and you want to add more information.
- Avoid bumping old posts.
- Use GameBot to post alcumus questions.
- If you need general MATHCOUNTS/math competition advice, check out the threads below.
- Don't post other users' real names.
- Advertisements are not allowed. You can advertise your forum on your profile with a link, on your blog, and on user-created forums that permit forum advertisements.
Here are links to more detailed versions of the rules. These are from the older forums, so you can overlook "Classroom math/Competition math only" instructions.
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Update on Basic Forum Rules
What belongs on this forum?
How do I write a thorough solution?
How do I get a problem on the contest page?
How do I study for mathcounts?
Mathcounts FAQ and resources
Mathcounts and how to learn
As always, if you have any questions, you can PM me or any of the other Middle School Moderators. Once again, if you see spam, it would help a lot if you filed a report instead of responding

Relays might be a better way to describe it, but these threads definitely go the distance! One person starts off by posting a problem, and the next person comes up with a solution and a new problem for another user to solve. Here's some of the frequently active marathons running in this forum: Some of these haven't received attention in a while, but these are the main ones for their respective subjects. Rather than starting a new marathon, please give the existing ones a shot first.
You can also view marathons via the Marathon tag.
Think this list is incomplete or needs changes? Let the mods know and we'll take a look.
This post has been edited 19 times. Last edited by jwelsh, Mar 21, 2020, 5:28 PM
Reason: update
Reason: update