Y by thinkcraze
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2025 Mini Math Olympiad
There are very few introductory/middle school level proof contests, and it makes it harder for people to learn about proofs. However, as my 123rd post, I will be hosting the Mini Math Olympiad!
Signing up is not required, but it would be nice if you did!

PM me with your proofs when you are done with the contest! You don't need latex, but it would be helpful if you add it!
You will have 2 hours to write proofs about 5 problems! Please don't cheat or use AI

You will be graded on a scale from 0-7 on each problem, so a 35 is a perfect score!
That's it hope you all enjoy!
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by Leeoz, Yesterday at 5:37 AM