Y by bjump, EpicBird08, Awaycappybara, HamstPan38825, dolphinday, ihatemath123, Lionking212, Plasma_Vortex, megarnie, think4l, alan9535, r00tsOfUnity, peace09, Rounak_iitr, duo_duo, OronSH, resources, WalterMitchell, gladIasked, RetroTurtle, RaymondZhu, sargamsujit, YaoAOPS, Sedro, Leo.Euler, sky2025, pikapika007, awesomehuman, lethan3, Anchovy, llbaobao, Geometry285, AI216, anantmudgal09, AtharvNaphade, Math4Life7, MathLuis, UnknownMonkey, ryanbear, Amkan2022, peelybonehead, NTfish, juicetin.kim, Danielzh, Awesomeness_in_a_bun, justJen, zhoujef000, Significant, Turtwig113, Mogmog8, brianzjk, aops4ever1, songyanxin, arjken, mathmax12, ex-center, ChromeRaptor777, parmenides51, spiritshine1234, aidan0626, suvamkonar, chessboy_123, scannose, Alcumusgrinder07, cursed_tangent1434, NH14, NamelyOrange, hh99754539, roribaki, abeot, ESAOPS, YBSuburbanTea, pineapply, tigeryong, Puddles_Penguin, crazyeyemoody907, vrondoS, joemama_69_420, ultimatehero, fuzimiao2013, v4913, rg_ryse, Taco12, Silverblossom, Jndd, mal7896, AceCard, michaelwenquan, Bradygho, mathboy100, Ritwin, blueprimes, Aryan-23, zhenghua, NicoN9
Satisfactory. Keep cooking.

I'm happy to announce that after I think a 10-year hiatus or something, I've finally gotten back into the business of writing random mock exams like I did when I was a kid. Actually, just kidding, I didn't make any of the problems --- I just did a lot of editing.
The OTIS Mock AIME 2024 will be a 15-problem mock AIME showcasing some really nice problems set by current and past OTIS students. (It was actually pretty hard for me to choose the lineup because there weren't enough slots to use all the problems I liked; maybe next year.)
The details are written out at https://web.evanchen.cc/mockaime.html, but to highlight important info:

I'm happy to announce that after I think a 10-year hiatus or something, I've finally gotten back into the business of writing random mock exams like I did when I was a kid. Actually, just kidding, I didn't make any of the problems --- I just did a lot of editing.
The OTIS Mock AIME 2024 will be a 15-problem mock AIME showcasing some really nice problems set by current and past OTIS students. (It was actually pretty hard for me to choose the lineup because there weren't enough slots to use all the problems I liked; maybe next year.)
The details are written out at https://web.evanchen.cc/mockaime.html, but to highlight important info:
- The problems can be downloaded from the link above, or directly from https://web.evanchen.cc/exams/OTIS-Mock-AIME-2024.pdf.
- If you'd like to submit for scoring, you should do so by January 15 at 23:59. Please hold off on public spoilers before then.
- Solutions, statistics, and maybe some high scores will be published shortly after that.
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edited by v_Enhance, Dec 22, 2023, 8:13 PM