Y by mathcounts85, Pleaseletmewin, TheMath_boy, winnertakeover, Grizzy, SnowPanda, OlympusHero, Mandakini, ancientwarrior, ab456, lc426, ATGY, technogeek2009, fidgetboss_4000, reniebeanbean, hdrcure, middletonkids, lakesiide, rikhilranjit, ilovemath04, megarnie, Mango247
Note: It has come to our attention that many people have been reporting this as a "Mock Contest" and should be posted in the Mock Contests forum, but please remember that this event will be held on a specified date and time. Please do not report this post.
Hello AoPS!
The contest has concluded. You can find the problems, solutions, and statistics at the bottom of this post.
After months of problem writing and testsolving, STEAM For All is proud to present its first ever
The virtual Orange Mathematics Competition (OMC) 8, is a MOCK American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 8 with questions written by STEAM for All volunteers! Our problem writers and testsolvers consist of a two-time MOPper, a two-time USAJMO qualifier, and plenty of AIME qualifiers.
This tournament is an entirely free online math tournament for students in grades 8 and below. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to engage in a practice test with Halloween themed questions for 40 minutes, participate in fun math activities and games, and finish it off with an awards ceremony! This is a 25 question, 40 minute AMC 8 level test that will take place on October 17th from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm PDT.
Please register at https://www.steamforall.org/omc-8. The deadline for registration is Friday, October 16, 2020 at 11:59 PM PDT.
The competition will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020. The schedule is as follows (in PDT):
2:00-2:20 PM: Introduction
2:20-3:00 PM: OMC 8 Competition
3:00-3:40 PM: Fun activities/problem review session
3:40-4:00 PM: Awards Ceremony
Sample Problems:
By request, we are including some sample problems below.
The sample problems are in increasing difficulty (Sample 1 would be 1-10, Sample 2 would be 11-20, Sample 3 would be 21-25). Note however, that this test is AMC 8 level, which means our problems may not be as interesting as those on a harder contest, say the AIME. That's why we recommend you take a look at the quality of the problems in the HMI thread. They might be more representative of STEAM for All problems in general.
Questions? Please contact: info@steamforall.org
For more information about the OMC 8 and STEAM for All's mission, please visit: https://www.steamforall.org/omc-8

Test URL: tinyurl.com/omcfinalproblems
Password: InsectSpaceFinishMine3
Solutions and statistics are attached.
Hello AoPS!
The contest has concluded. You can find the problems, solutions, and statistics at the bottom of this post.
After months of problem writing and testsolving, STEAM For All is proud to present its first ever

This tournament is an entirely free online math tournament for students in grades 8 and below. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to engage in a practice test with Halloween themed questions for 40 minutes, participate in fun math activities and games, and finish it off with an awards ceremony! This is a 25 question, 40 minute AMC 8 level test that will take place on October 17th from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm PDT.
Please register at https://www.steamforall.org/omc-8. The deadline for registration is Friday, October 16, 2020 at 11:59 PM PDT.
The competition will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020. The schedule is as follows (in PDT):
2:00-2:20 PM: Introduction
2:20-3:00 PM: OMC 8 Competition
3:00-3:40 PM: Fun activities/problem review session
3:40-4:00 PM: Awards Ceremony

Sample Problems:
By request, we are including some sample problems below.
The sample problems are in increasing difficulty (Sample 1 would be 1-10, Sample 2 would be 11-20, Sample 3 would be 21-25). Note however, that this test is AMC 8 level, which means our problems may not be as interesting as those on a harder contest, say the AIME. That's why we recommend you take a look at the quality of the problems in the HMI thread. They might be more representative of STEAM for All problems in general.
Questions? Please contact: info@steamforall.org
For more information about the OMC 8 and STEAM for All's mission, please visit: https://www.steamforall.org/omc-8

Test URL: tinyurl.com/omcfinalproblems
Password: InsectSpaceFinishMine3
Solutions and statistics are attached.
This post has been edited 6 times. Last edited by bfan0805, Oct 18, 2020, 8:54 PM