Y by poodle, LauraZed, sr_vrd, womow3.14, EpicBird08, Sedro, DhruvJha, rruiz, Aaronjudgeisgoat, iwastedmyusername, mathisawesome2169, forestcaller2010, peppermint_cat, OronSH, maromex, Amkan2022, marcelinoberthelinot, Summer_Ryan, Mathdreams, thongkoman02, charking, anantmudgal09, cheltstudent, ap246, dericjess, nj100, scannose, Equinox8, evt917, the_count_of_monte_cristo, RainbowCrow, Exponent11, poodle2, pythonmaster245, fig13, MathPerson12321, tigeryong, BS2012, ZaikaCarrot, Funcshun840, aayr, sillybeanie, AtlantisHSK2, At777, scrabbler94, awu53, PandaBear11, Owinner, A_Crabby_Crab, NoSignOfTheta, Math-Learner99, zhenghua, C4LEricWa, MathJams, vincentwant, captainmath99, AJZarem23, peace09, BR1F1SZ, bever209, pandafrog, AlienGirl05, Yiyj1, mqoi_KOLA, centslordm, Hanruz, Soupboy0, GraySpider52, techb, mo11, SharkSmart, EmeraldArmadillo16, greenAB08, tapir1729, ProblemSolvers7, mduong, dbnl, LUFC_kid, aok, Suo0619, wikjay, twang2015, Skoonnif4, duke_of_wedgewood, coder007, Liontiger, bpan2021, eduD_looC, Bummer12345, wise_owl_61, bluelinfish, Arcticturn, aidan0626, Alex-131, franklin2013, Loki11, Andyluo, Aopsauser9999, tyrantfire4, PrimeDeal, vsamc, yodaboss1110, markw3288, Unicode_Master03B8, mxlovania123, HoRI_DA_GRe8, SomeonecoolLovesMaths, Abby0618, elasticwealth, fruitmonster97, naonaoaz, oppylight25, Pengu14, COMJ, FuturePilot72, LeonidasTheConquerer, MermaidOMG, smbellanki, ChocolateEruption, CheckeredPenguin10, K124659, LostDreams, PikachuSmile, goldendog, FeistyAlpaca99, jcl-12, LostInBali, BlackCheetah46, ethanzhang1001, MC24, tikachaudhuri, Solocraftsolo, pomme_de_terre_, ReticulatedPython, Blossom_tree_17, Thunderingfalcon14, jocaleby1, justJen, drol_kcud, snow52, aliz, mathmax12, Bob_the_Bob, SmartGroot, MmathB, Staragon, luckyrabbit11, tara18, Andrew2019, GAMER100, leyele.lee, alphaone001, Violinmathcat, valenbb, MathDolphin95, dolphinia, lpieleanu, Mathandski, GoogleNebula, kamuii, ConfidentKoala4, patrick0915, ailiuda30, happyhippos, Filipjack, TrickyOtter60, Ilikeminecraft, Michael.K, HappyKaKaHeng, bachkieu, guineapig2013, CYW, FlyingUFO11, IvoryButterfly83, Awesomeness_in_a_bun, dragonborn56, yume_mita, clevermidnight, pingpongmerrily, piLover314159, WolfpupGenius, MathRook7817, Theophania, Moonfall, Gauss4Euler, AmethystC, Renoatlantis2, NearEclipse, Sir_Numbercrunch, dragon888, GeronimoStilton, AbhayAttarde01, Wesoar, pi_tau, study1126, FunnyKoala17, michaelwenquan, MC413551, SilverBlaze_SY, Skittlesftw, Chonkachu, IcyFire500, BirdNerd33, GallopingUnicorn45, HappyBobcat28, fake123, Demetri, DearPrince, DreamineYT, stjwyl, mathwizz052008, avinashp, cz1917, tricky.math.spider.gold.1, BananaBall00, superagh, Shan3t, PatTheKing806, juicetin.kim, c_double_sharp, LittleSnake____, jb2015007, RoyalPrince, k1glaucus, player01, Radio2, yambe2002, littlebigbull, adatta0517, mithu542, Mclaren36, v4913, iamhungry, jkim0656, PojoDotCom, niculapaul, NaturalSelection, bowenli2023, lord_of_the_rook, Yrock, golden_star_123, williamxiao, huajun78, Shadow6885, bjump, Bear12, HacheB2031, ChaitraliKA, G.G.Otto, derekwang2048, jgao2022, mathenrichmentaops, xcstar, sunnyyyy, jasperE3, EricZhou, InterLoop, Binomial-theorem, corgi61, yaxuan, CKracingcar, Celly6, DarintheBoy, ihategeo_1969, stillwater_25, star10, Maximilian113, AtlantisII, bluepenguin2, ostriches88, CoolBroCubby, TheCoinNinja, master_Eric_chill, ultimate_life_form, Moonlight11, Tem8, Iced_Coffee, Potato2017, ilvyu2, mathgod1001, grokr, TornadoA1, AMR12, sximoz, booking, GenerousAlligator24, ToughGazelle36, Beaniebo4, hippopo, Keefe, luke22, Reepicheep, mgg_wei, brainiac1, MercuryM, Oshawoot, the_math_prodigy, zhoujef000, Mango247, LogicalOwl7, abeot, plum28, jmr2010, ChickensEatGrass, Pink_Otter23, truce, AmberTiger79, SkyStone, GentlePanda24, minigrape1985, FluffyEnderdragon, MathGeek16, Mathletesv, bluecornbot, Mathdaniu13, PlayfulPanda51, mythology1, forteforte, MC_ADe, Dolphincurious79, cxrupptedpat, PeaceLilly22, aidensharp, mathbeast180, Speedy27, RollingPanda4616, BoldFalcon56, Iwowowl253, MK227, Jack_w, REP17, froyocat, ZelmanZhang, SlyOwl45, axsolers_24, TalentedElephant41, joeym2011, skronkmonster, AceCard, SirAppel, 5849206328x, CH328, CocoDoggie11, MathFun1000, liuhel, happyfish0922, Jianning, mahaler, clhehe, noahzhang, WannabeUSAMOkid, Chess.wizard, TeslaSpaceX, WaffiBoy, Spacepandamath13, awesomelion7, roundtablepizza, kayleendo, Yihangzh, factcheck315, BAM10, PartricklnZ, s12d34, R1OGR, Skillfulcotton, ThinkingGirl, WiseHawkCuteFriendly, shaayonsamanta, HarryZhao, smpanigrahi, vrondoS, ninjaforce, Embershed97, megahertz13, P_Groudon, giratina3, yoha_spihc_ekaf, Pikachu19, ILikeTrains703, mathwiz_1207, Spectator, Bumfuzzle, yekolo, RJ5303707, Marcus_Zhang, DCode10, Scilyse, LawofCosine, CC_chloe, Mycatisleo, blueberryfaygo_55, Craftybutterfly, cappucher, Nioronean, DuoDuoling0, MS_asdfgzxcvb, Speedysolver1, KF329, blackjackwithmoringglory, Novmath, Raine999, levi_ackerman_12, Pianoman4, BreathoftheWild, Ciobi_, byl2048, Aaron_Q, CeTa, golden_ducky, Shadar, Ljviolin11, PichuPichu, pad, ColorfulChameleon109, QueenArwen, DirtDigger, ExcitablePorcupine48, MathematicalGymnast573, blueprimes, cowbunga, hamzter10, tennisbeast14, tennistiger29, Chiyea2024, jcoons91, GreenBanana666, MathNinja9, RuinGuard, dragonwarrior20, Aminecraftbear, PrayingCowboy, ZuzabKoit, masterfulrat, Harimad, ethan2011, MathBeast77, iralavu, Potterfun, LivelyAntelope60, inventivecs, everyonespal, yrnsmurf, Maverick934, SophieElizabethFoster, pearlhaas, YellowHawk81, Luckydragon21, Snow_Fox12, pineconee, IceWing, ChessPanther, NaomiOwl, tonu, rg0237, sunnygarden7, MrMustache, OrigamiScorpion, AwesomeKittyCat, pcai, avyaank, TheLegoKing, PhoenixDragon324, FIREDRAGONMATH16, happymoose666, stayhomedomath, NicoN9, rajanramanujam, nmlikesmath, cppM, Pi-rate, bluecarneal, dragoon, mdk2013, mathleticguyyy
I write today to announce my retirement as CEO from Art of Problem Solving. When I founded AoPS 22 years ago, I never imagined that we would reach so many students and families, or that we would find so many channels through which we discover, inspire, and train the great problem solvers of the next generation. I am very proud of all we have accomplished and I’m thankful for the many supporters who provided inspiration and encouragement along the way. I'm particularly grateful to all of the wonderful members of the AoPS Community!
I’m delighted to introduce our new leaders - Ben Kornell and Andrew Sutherland. Ben has extensive experience in education and edtech prior to joining AoPS as my successor as CEO, including starting like I did as a classroom teacher. He has a deep understanding of the value of our work because he’s an AoPS parent! Meanwhile, Andrew and I have common roots as founders of education companies; he launched Quizlet at age 15! His journey from founder to MIT to technology and product leader as our Chief Product Officer traces a pathway many of our students will follow in the years to come.
Thank you again for your support for Art of Problem Solving and we look forward to working with millions more wonderful problem solvers in the years to come.
And special thanks to all of the amazing AoPS team members who have helped build AoPS. We’ve come a long way from here:
I’m delighted to introduce our new leaders - Ben Kornell and Andrew Sutherland. Ben has extensive experience in education and edtech prior to joining AoPS as my successor as CEO, including starting like I did as a classroom teacher. He has a deep understanding of the value of our work because he’s an AoPS parent! Meanwhile, Andrew and I have common roots as founders of education companies; he launched Quizlet at age 15! His journey from founder to MIT to technology and product leader as our Chief Product Officer traces a pathway many of our students will follow in the years to come.
Thank you again for your support for Art of Problem Solving and we look forward to working with millions more wonderful problem solvers in the years to come.
And special thanks to all of the amazing AoPS team members who have helped build AoPS. We’ve come a long way from here: